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Chapter 10 Ai Weiwei: Everyone Asks Everyone

choir 韩寒 11276Words 2018-03-18
No matter who you are, whether you are an ordinary person or an ordinary person or even an ordinary person, you can ask anyone any question. skip to my lou ask Huang Jianxiang When we describe a player's feint as good, should we say that the feint is too fake, or so real that it deceives the opponent? Huang Jianxiang answered skip to my lou I usually say: this fake action is too "realistic"!Therefore, the word "forced" is not a bad word, it all depends on how it is used and how it is understood.hehe! Zhang Xiaomo asked Liang Wendao 1. What do you think is the most important thing in writing reviews or essays?

2. How did you change from being young and frivolous to being gentle and refined now?Thinking of the previous years, what emotion do you have, have you ever regretted it?Have you ever wondered how you became like this? 3. You claim to be a Buddhist, and your current lifestyle is a bit inconsistent with Buddhists. How do you achieve unity of contradictions? Liang Wendao answered Zhang Xiaomo 1. Comments and essays are different.Essays are the author's management of his own words, and he doesn't care too much about the group reaction he will receive when writing.Comments need to pay attention to the relationship with public affairs, pay attention to feedback and interaction with the public.The point of writing a comment is that the author must be clear that he is engaged in a cause greater than himself, and he needs to downplay himself and write in a low-key manner.

2. Never consider yourself to be suave.When I was young, I was not very frivolous, at most it was the impulse brought about by the hormonal outbreak.At this age, I don’t use fierce words to compete with people like I did when I was young, because at this stage, I know that I am not the most important person in the world, and my self-awareness is getting clearer and clearer, and the self-identity is gradually shrinking and retreat. 3. I can't achieve unity of contradictions.In fact, the life of Buddhists is not like the ancient Buddha with blue lanterns, living in seclusion in deep mountains and old forests, as everyone imagines.Anyone, be it a politician, a farmer, a businessman, can be a Buddhist in real life.Sometimes because I am busy, sometimes because of distracting thoughts, I can't achieve the unity of contradictions.I insist on one principle: "Always be mindful", so that you can clearly understand what you are doing.

Yu Xuan asked Shi Kang 1. There are several girls in "Struggle": Charlene, Mi Lai, Yang Xiaoyun, Lulu, Lingshan, Yaoyao.Who is your favorite person in the whole story and why?Which one is the girl who makes your heart beat in real life, and why?If the girl you like in real life is not listed here, what kind of girlfriend do you like? 2. You have formed your own company, does it mean that all your writing activities in the future will be commercial activities?Or can this move be seen as an example for you to increase income for Chinese screenwriters? Shi Kang answered Yuxuan 1. I personally like them all, because each of them represents a characteristic of a woman.In real life, the girls who fascinate me vary with age. The reasons should be well known. For example, I like beautiful girls when I am young, and I like capable and understanding girls when I am middle-aged.In reality, I prefer people with higher IQs, clear minds, and quick handling of things.

2. Not all of them.It's not an example, it's just a little harder than before.I didn't care much about money before, but now I also hope to work hard to increase my income, because people are middle-aged, and if they have a little money, they don't bother others. Dongfanghong asked Yu Qiuyu and Cai Kangyong There is no English class in our primary school, but I learned the first sentence in English, which is "Fuck you", and also the first sentence in Japanese "ばかやろう" (Bageya Road), and the friends around me enjoy it every day Swearing around in the above-mentioned language is beyond joy.May I ask Teacher Yu and Teacher Cai, why are swear words easier to spread in various languages?

Cai Kangyong's answer to Dongfanghong 1. Dressing and reasoning are all tricks created by human beings themselves.If the situation allows, humans should be happy to be like dogs, naked and barking every day.Dirty words, that's pretty mindless barking. 2. The first English sentence you learn starts with the letter "F", which is correct, because this word is the origin of life. Yu Qiuyu's agent answered Dongfanghong Yu Qiuyu himself is not in China right now, and he is also very busy, so he has no way to answer this question. Aki asks Jinbo for directions Why do so many Cinderella stories take the trouble to let girls indulge in beautiful but useless fantasies, shouldn't they tell readers what youth should do?In the private publishing industry, when economic benefits and social benefits are in conflict, how to choose?

Lu Jinbo answered Aki The slogan of the Expo is: City makes life better. REALLY?I do believe that fantasy makes that part of life better.As for how to do other secular life and how to improve it, it is your parents or the government.As for economic benefits and social benefits, to be honest, economic benefits are the biggest social benefits when the economy is in such a crisis and GDP is so severe. Shuzhijane asked the Minister of Education Everyone's physical fitness is different, why every college student must pass the running (800 for girls, 1,000 for boys), and if you fail, you can't graduate and you can only complete the course?I am from a university in Zhejiang.

The following is the email exchange record with shuzhijane : Because the specific regulations of each college are beyond words.For example, the school I attended didn't seem to have such weird rules.So, or if you tell us the contact information of your school's Political and Education Office, let's ask the school directly. Shuzhijane: Thank you for your attention to my question!At the beginning, the information conveyed to us by the physical education teacher is that we must pass and the tone is tough. It started last year or this year.Even if there were still many failures in the make-up exam, we were really worried at that time.But the problem no longer exists.I chose a better weather to run and pass, of course this is not the point.Later, at the end of the term, the school used one minute of climbing the ladder as a substitute for running in the physical fitness test. In short, everyone passed it and everyone was happy.Man-made disasters are ultimately resolved by people, and there is always too much room for change for things made by people.It's a funny thing, a farce.

Ask Han Han's father May I ask if you didn't know about the fact that Han Han had a girlfriend to accompany him since he was in middle school, or did you just leave it alone?Do you also agree with your son's statement that "love is a natural human right, and there is no age limit"? Han Renjun replied: Haha, if you want to make an analogy that may not be appropriate, making friends with boys and girls in middle school is like engaging in underground party activities at that time.If Han Han had a girlfriend at school, it must be an underground activity, and underground activities are usually very secretive.Imagine if the authorities knew about it, would the underground activities still be possible?If underground activities become surface activities or the files of underground activities are declassified, then the underground party must rule the world and be liberated.

I'm a handsome guy from Shanghai Is the "best resignation letter security guard in history" finding a job now? Xi Yuming, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily who once interviewed the security guard, replied that I am a handsome guy from Shanghai. This security guard named Li Yunzhou has been working as a "building director" at Wuxing High School in Zhejiang Huzhou since August 2009, managing the student dormitory, but resigned and returned to his hometown in Sichuan after more than two months.The original phone number has not been answered by himself. Chunping asked the boss

I am an electrical technician in an Italian company, and I have worked for about half a year.Since I am a newcomer, I also work hard in all aspects. I often bring drawings home to study, and I have also mastered some new technologies.Usually, I was the last one to leave in the company. I worked overtime every day during the National Day holiday, and the boss didn’t mention overtime pay (but last month, I spent more than 4,000 yuan for a week and a half in the hospital due to physical reasons, which is equivalent to three months for me. salary).I thought that my hard work could be seen by the leaders, but the probationary period has passed for a long time, and I don’t see any intention of the leaders to increase my salary. You know, my salary level of 1,500 yuan is still far from the tax. It is still difficult to survive in Shanghai.Basically, I work for a year, do not eat or drink, and can only buy a house of 1 square meter in the suburbs. Of course, the premise is that I do not have any illnesses.I am 23 years old, and I have a girlfriend who has been with me for a year. According to the minimum standard of a mother-in-law in Shanghai, I need at least a house of about 150 square meters, plus a car of about 100,000 yuan, as well as a license plate, purchase tax and insurance. , about 150,000 yuan, and about 300,000 yuan for house decoration, and about 300,000 yuan for wedding plus dowry. If I follow my current salary standard, I can probably marry my girlfriend in 400 years. "Hundred Years" is not a very good movie, but I don't want to stage a live-action version yet, so I want to ask my boss when can I raise my salary? Mr. Tang, the boss, answered Chunping The salary increase will come gradually with the improvement of his work skills and the development of the company. Quit fly asks aviation pros I often have the opportunity to fly, and would like to ask professionals, whether the safety of the aircraft is higher than other means of transportation?Is first class safer than economy class in an emergency?In addition, everyone is required to turn off mobile phones, radios and other digital products when the plane takes off and lands. Can digital cameras be used?What is the approximate time of "takeoff" and "landing" mentioned here?How many minutes or after the prompt that the seat belt can be unbuckled?Also, why are passengers required to open the curtains of the small window next to the plane during takeoff and landing?Does it have any special meaning?Can you recommend some books (novels or magazines are fine) and movies about airplanes?thanks. Qi Xiaoyu asked Liu Li When on earth will you marry me? Liu Li prays for Xiaoyu Wait for the money to pay the down payment!It is certain to marry you, you are already mine.How about me, you know, in the future, the two of you will settle things by yourself, and don't engage in some magazines to ask questions on your behalf. smart screw asked Zhao Zhongxiang 1. Does Mr. Zhao need to buy tickets to go to the zoo? 2. Is Teacher Zhao still recording "Animal World"? 3. You have hosted, guest starred in film and television programs, published four books and edited several series of books.Among the jobs you have done, which job do you like the most?Or, which aspect of yourself do you like to show the audience the most? 4. In the recent "Qiang Qiang Threesome" program, you once said that the program you want to do most is "Qiang Qiang Threesome". Of the two things, do you prefer to tell the story? 5. For a young man who dreams of being a host, what suggestions do you have to raise your heart, please summarize it in one sentence, thank you! Zhao Zhongxiang answered smart screw 1. I seldom go to the zoo, because keeping animals close to human residences and raising them artificially for people to watch goes against the scientific concept of protecting wild animals. The scientific concept should be to protect wild animals in their original habitats. ecosystem.But I have no objection to the zoo established long ago, it's just that I don't want to go.However, I am opposed to re-establishing a for-profit wildlife park, and I have put forward my suggestions and opinions in the form of CPPCC proposals.That's why I rarely go to the zoo. 2. Yes. 3. From the beginning of 1960 to my retirement last year, I have worked in the front line of the workplace for forty-eight years, which is unprecedented in China.During my forty-eight-year career, I have had the opportunity to do a variety of TV shows, because I didn't have a TV when I was a child, so from the beginning I didn't have the expectation of doing TV in my arms to the TV screen at the end, I didn't have my own The choice of the program is only ordered by the designated column, but I still completed these programs satisfactorily.Like a mother of many children, it's hard to say who's the favorite. 4. I am not talking about polite words. I really like programs like "Qiang Qiang Threesome". It has a wide space and is even a little casual. There is a proposition in advance, and then everyone discusses with each other and expresses their views.It can be very leisurely or very humorous, everyone said that it would be nice to come back after a long distance.There is no need to do a lot of desk work, and there is no need to rehearse over and over again, and it is almost formed at one time.For people of my age, who have a certain amount of cultural accomplishment and accumulation, and have come into contact with a lot of people and things, it is still very easy to do such a program. This process includes both "listening" and "telling". More precisely, it should It is "narrative". The programs I have done before have not had such a form, and they are basically controlled by the director and editor, so I still like this type of program very much. 5. Recently, I heard that a program in Taiwan wanted to choose a female host, and there were countless people who signed up. Later, a program in Taiwan wanted to choose a female host, and there were countless people who signed up. Later, a senior media person in Taiwan said something like this, which roughly means that we Don't just be glamorous and eye-catching, you should treat it with a normal heart, and do each part well in a serious and down-to-earth manner. Sun Cheng asked Sun You Brother, you have just been admitted to China University of Geosciences (Beijing) as a graduate student in the first half of the year. Our brother and sister have always had a good relationship (although we often fought when we were young). Now you are in Beijing and I am in my hometown in Hubei.I haven't seen you for more than half a year, and my mother and I miss you very much.Because I have been with you day and night since I was a child, I didn't know what deep question to ask, so I asked this ordinary question. 1. What kind of existence does my mother and I have in your heart?What did you say to me and my mother from the bottom of my heart? 2. Do you have a general or specific plan for your own future?What career do you expect to be able to engage in? 3. What kind of person do you think you are?Have you been having a good time recently? Sun You answered Sun Cheng 1. You and my mother are my dearest people in this world and cannot be replaced.What I want to say most is that I hope you will always be healthy and happy, and I will do my best for this! 2. For the future, my general plan is to try my best to learn more knowledge and languages ​​now, and then try my best to go to the United States to study for a doctorate, and then travel around the world alone.As for careers, I tend to prefer challenging ones and don't like too comfortable ones. The specifics have not yet been determined. 3. I feel that I am a very happy person, who loves life very much, is full of passion, likes profound things, and advocates reason and independent spirit.Conscious courage is not enough, we are working hard!I have been very happy recently, and the challenging postgraduate life is about to start, so I am very excited! Alan Lan asked columnist Yang Yingying I am in Shanghai, and I buy newspapers every week. I would like to ask Yang Yingying of the music column of "Shanghai Weekly", who are your favorite music singers from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan?Why?Can you recommend a few more albums of theirs?And do you watch Japanese dramas?What impresses you?Why? Yang Yingying answered Alan Lan Favorite mainland singers: Zhou Xuan in the 1930s, Cui Jian in the 1980s, Tang Dynasty Band and Dou Wei in the 1990s, Zhou Yunpeng after 2000.Favorite album corresponds to the previous era.Favorite Hong Kong and Taiwan singers: Teresa Teng, Liu Wenzheng, Luo Dayou, Tat Ming School.Occasionally watch Japanese dramas.In my memory, I like "Flame of Youth" very much.Among the Japanese dramas in the past ten years, I prefer "The White Tower", which is considered an exquisite work.In addition, Takenouchi Yutaka's "Psychiatrist" impressed me deeply, because it is related to my concurrent major. next ex-husband asks wife Carbon, do you remember my marriage proposal? ! carbon answer next ex-husband One morning you woke up earlier than me, and with an almost heavy expression on your face, you said to me who you remember hanging on the edge of the bed: "Shall we go to register today?" "Okay." I replied readily .After all, according to the experience and lessons of the predecessors, if you don't get married after 6 years of love history, you should break up.The marriage registration office in Xuanwu District, Beijing is not far away. You can take a taxi and walk through a few alleys. The entrance is very small.The registration office is on the second floor, with a large photo studio advertisement hanging outside, and it seems that foot massage services are also available on the third floor.I was in a dream filled with joy rather than joy.I don’t remember what you said at that time, until——at the door of the marriage registration on the second floor, you suddenly twisted your body and stood in front of me, tremblingly took out a small box from behind, trembling again It opened and there was a ring inside.I watched you open your mouth: "Would you like..." The sound was still in the initial consonant of "YI", a sweeping lady in blue came slowly and calmly from behind you, and passed me slowly and calmly , and finally went down the stairs slowly and calmly.In my unrestrained laughter, your face looks like a dead man who gave up everything for his mission, but his voice is like a full-fledged mosquito: "Would you—marry—would you—marry me? "I just wanted to categorically agree to make up for the badness of my laughter, "Even——I am a pornographic website..." You said that again. Look at Mai Mai asked I'd love to know what people generally confess to Look at Mai Mai We interviewed 5 people whose confessions are on the left. (left page): Dawei, male, technical director of the bearing factory I had a girlfriend in high school but didn't like her after college.In my freshman year, she came all the way to visit me at school and brought me a lot of delicious food, so I took her around the school.Wandering into the woods, she tried to hold my hand.I shook her hand away, and explained the reason very seriously: "I am a party member, and party members cannot hold hands." Miao Er, male, accountant When I was a child, my childhood sweetheart wrote the word "DOG" on the ping pong table at my house. I was hit by her, and then began a 9-year crush and a final 1-year confession.She turned me down.Then I got married.My wife doesn't like her, and I can't like her either.So I issued a statement in QQzone: In fact, things are not as people know, she was secretly in love with me for 9 years and pursued me for 1 year, and finally cheated my feelings.My wife is very satisfied.When I was about to believe it, I received a message from her: I, look, no, sorry, you.Why didn't I set QQzone to be visible only to friends! YOYO, female, freelance I have to confess to my cat, Mr.Bean: "You are a sexual desire. One day when your dad and I came home from get off work, I saw you sitting alone on our sofa, with your legs spread apart, using your paws. The pink meat pad keeps jerking off. At this moment, your girlfriend, a highland fold cat, is blowing out on the terrace. Although her name is bitch, she is not bitch at all. She will never refuse to have sex with you, No one knows why. Obviously I have to make a confession, I can't keep you watching bitch masturbate from a distance. But there's really nothing I can do about it." Fatty He, male, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu coach When I first graduated, I rented a house. The toilet flushing device in the bathroom (the old-fashioned rotary handle) is actually the handle of the shower.I myself accidentally got drenched several times.Later, every time someone came to visit the toilet, I tried not to tell them. As a result, they all pressed the flush button, and when the water stopped, they were soaked all over. Xia Yu, female, luxury brand PR Once upon a time, an honest man chased me and gave me a pink iPod with my name engraved on it.I resolutely refused, and said to him: "I don't want to accept such an expensive gift." As a result, he felt that I was pure and unmoved by material things, and loved me even more.In fact, it's not that I don't like IPOD, I just don't like the words engraved on IPOD.Good soil. 626881732 Ask Beijing Traffic Management Bureau Why in such an ancient, great, fashionable and international city as Beijing, cars can whistle at will?How beautiful Beijing would be if they hadn't been honking their horns at will!Every time I am reminded and frightened by the harsh whistle (the whistle of a large truck can scare people), my mood will become extremely bad.Ask the car manufacturer, does the car horn need to be so loud?Can't it be more humane and gentle?Or make two gears, one gear is loud for special situations, and the other gear is soft for general use. Order Division, Public Security Traffic Management Bureau, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau The e-mail you sent at 2009-8-20 16:38:06 has been transferred to the order department for processing, and the reply is as follows: First of all, for the situation of vehicles honking indiscriminately, our bureau has always taken measures to intensify rectification efforts, and requires duty The police strengthened patrol control on the main roads in the urban area, especially the roads within the Fifth Ring Road, and corrected and dealt with them in a timely manner if they found any irregular horns.However, the illegal behavior of honking the whistle is an instantaneous behavior, and the police believe that there is a certain degree of difficulty in correcting it.According to our information from the Environmental Protection Bureau, they have formulated the "Beijing Municipal Measures for the Implementation of the Environmental Noise Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China", and we will cooperate with the environmental protection department to jointly control vehicle (traffic) noise.Thank you for your support and understanding of the capital traffic management cause.Order Division, Public Security Traffic Management Bureau, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, September 4, 2009. Sha Xiaoruo asked the DJ of the Internet radio station I hear more and more programs from Internet radio stations. Although they are self-produced at a small cost, they are all well done.Want to ask Internet radio DJs, do they have any income?If there is no income, what support do you rely on? Is it purely an interest?What is their psychology or purpose of participating in Internet radio?What kind of vision do you have for the future of Internet radio? Internet Radio DJ Clear Sky Answers Sand and Weakness Many people think that Internet radio DJs have the same financial income as physical radio DJs. In fact, this is a beautiful idea (it cannot be ruled out that it will come true in the future).For an Internet radio station with members all over the place, what binds a team closely is the common hobbies, the same persistent enthusiasm for the broadcasting career, and the gradually accumulated feelings in the process of working together. Since I became an Internet DJ, my friends and I have no income. However, it is not just interest that has supported us to persevere. People who first come into contact with Internet radio stations may be just because of liking and novelty, or I want to exercise my ability in practice, but the fact is that the work of the radio station is cumbersome. From the topic selection and planning of the program to the repeated recording, soundtrack, and various situations that may be encountered when the program is broadcast, it is easy to be interested. It seems not as glamorous as before, we will be tired, and even think of giving up.But a person must have a sense of teamwork in order to really do a good job. Once you decide to join a team, you have the obligation and responsibility to do it well and do it for a long time. The affirmation is not only a kind of praise, but also an emotional exchange and penetration.And the Qiguang Internet Radio Station I am in is mainly based on youth audio literature. Its special feature is that it wants to bring positive strength and warm light to growing children. This is what I persist and strive for. maximum power. I think that in the future when the Internet is increasingly developed, Internet radio stations will continue to mature and become more professional. Similarly, some more professional teams that have been working hard will gradually stand out and win cooperation opportunities with traditional media or other channels.I always believe that there is no way to stop the charm of voice, it can enter your heart, no matter how it exists, as long as it has touched you, then our persistence and efforts are worthwhile Ah Chao asked the Transportation Bureau What is the current price of a traffic light in Shanghai? Answer from the wiring lady of Shanghai Urban Transport Administration This kind of problem is not under the management of the Traffic Bureau. You can call the Traffic Police Headquarters of the Public Security Bureau (021-56317000). Answer from the wiring lady of the Traffic Police Corps of Shanghai Public Security Bureau Such problems belong to the management of the Facilities Section of the Traffic Police Corps (021-28953653). Facility Section Officer Wang Answers This is an interview for you, so you should call our publicity center, and they will arrange an interview time for you.And I can't tell you clearly about the signal. Every intersection is different. Some are imported and some are domestic. Different signals have different prices. Jin Gongquan asked China Food and Drug Administration According to a survey conducted by relevant agencies, among every 3,000 male citizens aged 16 to 60, only 18% chose a suitable condom, while the remaining 48% used a condom that was too large, and 34% used a condom that was too large. Condoms used by people are too small.According to expert analysis, this situation is caused by the fact that men are still ashamed to choose condoms in public; but because Chinese men know nothing about their sexual organs.Men buy condoms just by looking at the brand, and choose better products such as Jissbon, Manis, etc. They don’t ask about the size of the goods, and because they are ashamed, they never stay in front of the shelf for a second.Please analyze the embarrassment of condom buyers. Faced with the lack of large, medium and small condom sizes on the market, how does the Food and Drug Administration plan to change the basic problems in condom production and supply? State Food and Drug Administration answer Analyze the embarrassment of condom buyers. Facing the fact that there are no large, medium, and small condoms on the market, the Food and Drug Administration intends to change the basic problems existing in the production and supply of condoms. Please consult the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration (2009 August 21). A staff member of the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration with a job number of 177 answered This is a nationwide problem, these condom manufacturers are not registered in Shanghai, we have no way to answer your question (August 24, 2009). I love polar bears ask any prison guard Please describe your day-to-day work without divulging the confidentiality of the agreement. Mr. Zhou, a prison guard in a prison in Shanghai, replied that I love polar bears Our relationship with prisoners is like teacher and student, parent and child.They undergo reform through labor, and we manage and maintain order.We get up at 5:30, and the prisoners have to get up at 6:00. They have to work, eight hours a day.Most of the labor is actually joining the labor processing factory. Maybe what you wear and use comes from here.At noon, we take turns to eat, and we always ensure that there are people in the workshop. If it is not good, everyone goes to eat, and the prisoners do not rest.But get off work very early.There is no money for eating, and there is remuneration for labor, although it is not much.What is implemented now is 5+1+1 every week, five days of labor, one day of rest, and one day of study and education.At four or five in the afternoon, I finished work and went back to the cell.In the prison, they can move around, play cards, chat, and watch TV. (Did they gamble when playing cards?) Actually, it’s not much to say, but according to the information I have, there must be haha. There are many things to learn, and there are many interest groups, such as skills training classes, literacy classes, and college diplomas.It's all for the purpose of having skills certificates, which can be used to find jobs when you go out.In addition to studying education, you also need to train the queue.Prisoners chat with us about everything, and we take care of everything, ranging from the law to trivial matters. We also regularly teach the supervision team we lead to educate them and understand their thoughts.If something is not happy at home, their emotions will be turbulent.In addition, if the prisoner has been locked up for a long time, some of them will develop custodial mental illness and psychological problems. Therefore, the police must constantly enlighten and adjust, otherwise their minds will be "fixed" (can't think about it), and they must prevent them from committing suicide or being unable to think about it. A prison is like a school, and some prisoners are group leaders.Some prisoners are like class committees or something.The so-called undercover prisoners are secret, but they are all in the same group. At most, they will report you who has cigarettes or something.Prisons are not like detention centers, where nothing can happen. The relationship between the police and prisoners is not as rigid as in the public security detention center.Corporal punishment needs to be reported and approved by the leader. Prisoners who have served a long sentence have to earn points in order to reduce their sentence. If the score is high, the sentence can be reduced.It doesn't matter if the sentence is short, as long as the time is up.Therefore, prisoners with long sentences can use points to lock him up, and those with short sentences can control his phone calls, interviews, or monthly shopping expenses, so as to control them.Prisoners make a phone call once a month, ranging from five to ten minutes depending on the level of treatment, buy things once a month, ranging from 100 to 200, and interview once a month, half an hour or an hour. Liu Fangfang asked Many prison-themed movies and dramas, such as "Prison Break", will appear in the role of prison bullies. Are there prison bullies in Chinese prisons?Curious about what they were like in prison. Mr. Yang answered Liu Fangfang I served two years in a prison in Hebei, and I can be said to be the boss in the prison.Everyone calls me the deputy director, but I'm the biggest besides the warden.I actually don't beat the other prisoners very much, it's not very creative.When I have nothing to do, I will let some prisoners play the toilet live game.He had to kneel in front of the toilet, looking at the water in the toilet, and I gave instructions beside him, "What is the news network showing now?" He had to imitate Luo Jing vividly; "What movie is showing on Central 6?" He had to say Play Chow Yun Fat or whoever.Damn, I love Chow Yun Fat so much. But no matter what, I'm still a small character, what a bullshit boss.The real bosses are the ones in uniform.In order to eat more pieces of braised pork in prison, you have to let them eat better, and you have to lose to them in mahjong. (During the interview, Yang XX said to the reporter: "Your leather shoes are so bad, I can do much better than yours! I practiced in prison for two fucking years, and I just made this. The shoes on the market now Will not work.") Dongfanghong asked the National Population and Family Planning Commission Many media said that the ratio of men to women in China is unbalanced. By 2020, there will be 30 to 40 million more men of marriageable age in China than women. Tens of millions of men have no wives to marry and become "bachelors" in the traditional sense.Then I would like to ask Director Zhang, what does our country think about this issue?How to solve the various social problems caused by this, such as what about the tens of millions of men who have no wives to marry? National Population and Family Planning Commission Your email has been received.The National Population and Family Planning Commission and the provincial Population and Family Planning Commission have introduced measures to control the sex ratio at birth. For details, you can check the relevant website links (National Population and Family Planning Commission, August 21, 2009). Little Zhuge asked any science student I recently saw a great man on the Internet, Nikola Tesla, who is a great scientist. It seems that he was also responsible for the famous Tunguska explosion.But I asked a lot of people, but no one knew him.Was he in our textbooks when we were in school? (Left page: This is a 265-page FBI file about Nikola Tesla circulated on the Internet. Nikola Tesla’s alternative inventions caused many profitable companies to close down instantly, so that many people Suppression. After his death, the U.S. government secretly deleted historical records and reports about it. The FBI confiscated all his design drawings and experimental works, and most of his research results were confiscated and listed as high-level secrets. The following is Jiufen English data map) Give me two answers to Xiao Zhuge You are right, Nikola Tesla was indeed a genius.When you return to your nest at 10:30 in the evening and turn on the small light switch next to the bed to read a book, please remember his name.Remember his name when you're in the hospital x-raying your darling's lungs for shadows.Remember his name when you're discussing the latest price of beef with American cowboys 10,000 kilometers away over the airwaves on your latest iPhone.When you visit the Shanghai World Expo at night and visit those pavilions that are as bright as day, please remember: In 1893, he provided the basis for high-tech life for the World Expo held in Chicago.He is the spiritual idol of our high-tech control. If you were also born around the 1980s, you should have seen Tesla coils, which can be used to generate electricity, in high school physics textbooks.What you mentioned about the Tunguska explosion in Russia on June 30, 1908 is said to be a test run of his alternating current.Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856. Do you know what his mother does - the inventor of the eggbeater.Don't want to fight? !The best of his inventions is of course alternating current (AC). Most of the electricity we use in our lives today is alternating current.He also invented the radio, which is the basis of modern communication and which makes it possible to make cell phones.He also invented multi-phase current and multi-phase transmission technology, Tesla coil, the world's first radio-controlled ship, X-ray (X-Ray) photography technology, and it also designed and built the world's first 100,000-horsepower boat. Horse power station.In addition, his inventions also include: radio, radar, fax machine, vacuum tube, neon tube, missile navigation, planetary defense system, etc. He also has a lot of weird superpowers, which I'm most envious of (if it's true).He said that whenever he faced danger or misfortune, or when he was in high spirits, inexplicable flashes of light often appeared before his eyes.When you were young, in order to get away from the tormenting scene and seek a moment of peace, he had to indulge in the imaginary world, and set out every night on an imaginary journey to visit some new places, new cities, new countries, and meet new friends . He also has uncanny predictive abilities.He had a premonition of his mother's death, his sister's serious illness, and even a disaster of a train overturning.He said that whenever someone else hurt his own friend or relative in a particular way, he himself felt what he called "cosmic" pain.I know toothaches, headaches, stomachaches, but this guy has "cosmic" pain.cool! There is a book called Tesla: Man out of Time, you can read it.There is also a museum dedicated to him in Belgrade, which houses his personal belongings, with around 160,000 original documents and around 5,700 other objects, where the ashes of the genius are also interred.The museum's website is http://www.tesla-museum.org/.Someday I'm going to visit the museum. Mosaic of Time Asks the Judiciary My question is, does China still have the crime of "illegal cohabitation"?If yes, what is its specific content?If not, I wonder when it was repealed? (我记得以前读书的时候好像有这罪名。)这个问题一直困扰着我,让我睡得十分不踏实,请你们一定在百忙之中抽空回答我们老百姓的民生问题,谢谢! 北京市海淀区检察院检察官李灵答 据我了解,中国从来没有“非法同居”这个罪。“文革”之前可能有“通奸罪”,但自1979年《刑法》颁布之后(我是在那时进检察院的),取消了这个罪名。所以,正确回答就是,中国没有“非法同居罪”。对于以夫妻名义非法同居共同生活者,可以按“重婚罪”定性,但这属于自述案件,告诉才处理。在离婚诉讼中,如果一方与配偶之外的第三者有通奸关系(含非法同居)的,属于过错方,在离婚裁决重要承担更多的民事责任。 问上海监狱管理方 我们采访了1名狱警和1名曾今的服刑人员,他们对监狱生活的描述如下(编辑将“所有人问所有人”问答24和问答25原文发至上海市监狱管理局网站局长信箱),请问他们所述是否属实? 上海市监狱网答 Hi!首先感谢你对上海监狱的关心。你所描述的情况与实际改造有区别,我们是根据监狱法的要求,对罪犯实行惩罚和改造相结合、教育和劳动相结合的原则,将罪犯改造成为守法公民。根据改造罪犯的需要,组织罪犯从事生产劳动,对罪犯进行思想教育、文化教育、技术教育。罪犯的人格不受侮辱,其人身安全、合法财产和辩护、申述、控告、检举以及其他未被依法剥夺或者限制的权利不受侵犯。 弦月叶问指尖奶茶应援会 最喜欢的作品和最讨厌的作品是什么?分别喜欢和讨厌觉哪类人?7月新番里最看好哪部? 指尖奶茶步兵团团长凯先生回答弦月叶 1.没有最喜欢,也没有最讨厌。真要说固定的话,就是我讨厌港漫。 2.最喜欢能减轻我负担的人,最讨厌不长记性的人。 3.你问那么多干啥?想求交往就免了。
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