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Chapter 6 Rabbit: give you some but not some

choir 韩寒 1615Words 2018-03-18
When I turned on the computer, I was still struggling with the point of this article, whether the prodigal son should turn back, at this embarrassing age, I don't know whether I should continue to persist or compromise with the world. When we were young, we all loved prodigal sons, loved them indifferently, loved their ups and downs, loved their simplicity, even roughness, loved them who appeared in front of you without warning, and never turned back without saying goodbye.Maybe that's not enough, you still love them as poor boys, love them to go to roadside stalls without sanitation permits, even if it's just a bowl of car noodles, it's so romantic.The first thing that reminds me of this image is Ah Hua played by Andy Lau, the prodigal son who is riding a motorcycle with a cigarette in his mouth.The prodigal son who was affectionate and righteous but could never turn back.

In our childhood memories, there seems to be such a love in a midsummer in a certain midsummer, just like the seventeen-year-old JOJO played by Wu Qianlian in the movie, innocent and persistent, without hesitation, with a clear expression between his eyebrows and eyes. With a bit of stubbornness.Their meeting was a firestorm. She was the hostage when he fled the scene of the robbery, and she risked her life in front of the gangsters to save the hero. This is probably the most heart-pounding encounter I can imagine.And JOJO also suffered from Stockholm Syndrome as quickly as possible, not only did not identify Ahua, but also quickly fell in love with him.Lying for him and fleeing at night, making soup and cleaning, even climbing on the roof of the car and racing with others regardless of the danger, all these things are things that this young lady has never done in her life. This is probably the power of love.Everything is willing, no matter whether he is a policeman or a criminal, and no matter what kind of person he is with, everything about him and everything related to him is good, even the air around him is sweet.However, the ending was unsatisfactory. A Hua died on his own rivers and lakes in the end, and JOJO dragged his wedding dress and ran wildly in the streets at midnight. Her prodigal son could never turn back.

But thinking about it now, maybe this is the best ending.When the prodigal son turns his head, year after year, he gradually has a middle-aged belly, complains endlessly, and has the common mistresses of this era... no longer proud, no longer domineering, replaced by parents who are short-tempered and mundane, They will eventually part ways in class conflicts.This ending is not only sad, but also sad.Love has always been just that all of a sudden, all of a sudden, it's over.In the movie, they used a tragedy to keep this love that stayed at the top forever. Looking back at another prodigal son classic in Hong Kong movies at the same time, it is probably "A Lang's Story".However, when the prodigal son turned around, the beautiful woman was not there.He alone endured the boss's harshness and worked hard on the construction site just to support his son's education. Although the movie portrayed the messy life of the two with ease and fun, it still couldn't hide the bitterness.Especially after meeting his beautiful woman who came back from abroad, in contrast, it is one person, one world.He was no longer the proud prodigal son she adored and admired, he was still pissed off, but he had an extra vino, and the most important thing was that he was still a poor boy, but she couldn't eat roadside stalls all her life.The reality is embarrassing. When he wanted to regain the pride of the year and ride a motorcycle again, he paid an eternal price.

However, movies are movies after all, and we have to return to real life after all.What kind of man is what a woman pursues all her life.Is it a prodigal son?The memory of that deep love is enough for midsummer, and the fireworks in the world after the enthusiasm is the real life.The prodigal son may only be suitable for dating, as for life, let's leave it to a stable and family-friendly man. But I think, even if one day, I am sitting in the family station wagon, with my husband who has never been more than seventy yards by my side, when Luo Dayou sings "Dream Chaser" again, I will still miss those sitting on the back of the motorcycle. On the days of Sagittarius, I miss you who left me the only helmet.But it's just nostalgia, and it's an occasional nostalgia.

Suddenly I remembered that in the preface of Milk Tea Liu Ruoying's new writing to Chen Sheng, there is such a detail: Most people only see you as bohemian and self-centered.I can clarify this for you.If you are really just what they think, you won't work tirelessly for more than ten years to write songs.If you are like that, it is impossible to maintain a peaceful and sweet family life for a long time.I remembered that one day you were drunk and I was driving you and Xiao Yanzhong home. On the way, you suddenly woke up and yelled, asking Yanzhong to go to the convenience store to buy two tea eggs and a sandwich.He asked you in the words: "A Sheng, can you still eat?" You replied in a daze: "Madam, tell me to buy breakfast for my son." It is Chen Sheng that you should be most proud of!

This paragraph of description suddenly made me understand that the best man should be a combination of a prodigal son, a talented man, and an ordinary man, but there are too few such men, and if you still want to love each other, the chances of this are even slimmer.So my doubts at the beginning of the article are no longer there, throw away the last youth, throw away the last prodigal son, my dear seventy yards, let's live a peaceful life together.
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