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Chapter 5 Tony Leung: Motorcycle Diary

choir 韩寒 2793Words 2018-03-18
In recent years, I have also played the retro trend and fell in love with the motorcycles I used to like when I was a child. When I was young, my hobbies were relatively simple. I loved everything about speed. I rode motorcycles and all pets that could ride at home, including dogs.I didn’t go to school until I was 9 years old. I’ve been wandering around before. I haven’t been to kindergarten, and I haven’t worked hard since then. When I was in junior high school, I liked sleeping the most. Of course, I also had motorcycles. I am glad that the inconspicuous and precious happy time of my fucking youth was not exhausted by struggling for future success, I am always enjoying life instead of using it, Even if it is a small life, until now I am still brooding about the high-quality sleep that I did not enjoy when I was a child.

The best car I saw with my own eyes when I was a child was the Honda VT250. Its design style belonged to the most avant-garde streamlined car at that time. It had a 40-horsepower twin-cylinder water-cooled four-stroke engine. When I was riding a bicycle, my immediate reaction was to twist the right handlebar and pedal wildly, so naturally I couldn't catch up.Later, I received more and more two-stroke scooters, and they ran bleating, which was not cool, and Hong Kong people called them sheep. The motorcycle in my mind is not a sheep, not only because a sheep is not bitter, but also because it runs fast. "Cool" is not something inherent in the product, but exists in people's attitudes towards it. When I was young, what I wanted to be cool was not a single-cylinder, two-cylinder or four-cylinder, but the crowd's perception of motorcycles. The design and the fastest speed must be envied by peers and incredible by parents.

Because motorcycles represent danger and speed, they are listed as the number one forbidden item by my parents, and there are accidents around me, so I don't have any rebellious power.Are motorcycles dangerous?I read a report recently, according to statistics from the US social security department: In 2008, the number of motorcycle accident deaths in the United States was 3,237, which was lower than that of other ground transportation vehicles. In this year, more than 2,000 people were kicked to death in the United States by donkeys. The motorcycle in my memory was not fast. It was a small 50CC motorcycle owned by a neighbor, and it was parked downstairs at noon every day.This car does not have a power key, and you can start the engine with two kicks. This function is called "keyless start" in today's parlance. It seems to be designed for me, because I can often use the key when the neighbors are taking a nap. You can ride a small motorcycle that can’t run fast for more than ten kilometers, always alone, go to loneliness like a thief, and then return safely before the owner wakes up.That year, I was 12 years old.

My adolescence was spent with the mature period of this Hong Kong-produced film. There were two motorcycle movies back then, which were the collective brand of the little rebels. One was directed by Chen Musheng, and the other was "A Lang's Life" directed by Johnnie To story". These are two films similar to "Cruel Story of Youth", in a true form closest to the essence of growth, full of gestures of violence, tears, faults, regrets, hope and despair, because of the imperfection of adolescent growth itself, All kinds of sharp contradictions in Hong Kong society are tolerated under the humble social expression, creating too many invisible and depraved atmosphere and conditions for Hong Kong teenagers, and the most important props for these are motorcycles.

In the movie, Andy Lau was at that age, with a youth that didn’t need to be embellished. He kidnapped the rich girl Wu Qianlian, and then a life-and-death love affair occurred in a very routine way. Among the blood and the sharp exhaust sound of the two-stroke motorcycle. Andy Lau is riding a SUZUKI RG500, which is a chariot weighing only 154 kilograms, with 95 horsepower and a separate exhaust pipe for each cylinder. On the right side of the car and under the seat, after ignition, different rhythms and timbres will be sung together, with the style of a "solo group". The Japanese have made this car very abnormal, and the acceleration is terrifying. Such a car, as long as the machine can still move, can almost kill any 1000CC four-stroke car at the start.

RG500 is a high-performance two-stroke four-cylinder car produced by Suzuki in 1987. It is limited to 532 units. It seems that the crew still has experts. What I can’t figure out is that there is a big NINJA letter on the SUZUKI body. This is the competition of RG500 Kawasaki probably wouldn't use this kind of sponsorship for the opponent - Kawasaki's logo. "A Lang's Story" is also a motorcycle movie, but unfortunately the original performance of the motorcycle was wiped out by the attractive storyline of the movie. Shaking and falling to the ground, when Zhang Aijia's face turned from joy to tears in an instant, and when Luo Dayou's "Your Look" came quietly in the flames of the car explosion, the director had already earned enough tears from the audience. Including punks.The last thing Chow Yun-fat left to people is his fiery enthusiasm and the most sincere and simple smile in the world.

The motorcycles in the two movies are based on Suzuki’s sports car series. The models were considered high-performance at the time. It can be seen that Suzuki’s Hong Kong agent was very successful. You must know that the sports car manufacturing standards of Honda and Kawasaki were far behind. higher than Suzuki. The motorcycle in the movie is my favorite type, especially the two-stroke violence, fast and simple, it contains violence, change, escape from the old system, manic reaction and keen and conscious confrontational psychology, and this is the attraction of cool posture Where it is, it is full of wit and mobility, as is characteristic of the moment.

This kind of hint confirmed my establishment of the taste for performance motorcycles. Nowadays, every new generation of car manufacturers is playing violent games on the level of public upgrades. The output of a one-liter car has 200 horsepower. I believe that human beings will never squeeze technology. end.Violence prevented by failure is weak violence, which reveals the limits of violence; violence successfully prevented is shallow violence, which reveals the limits of purpose. In recent years, I have bought several cars one after another, including Ducati and BMW, and a few Japanese cars, but no Harley. It’s not that I don’t like it, but when I get older, I can’t drive European cars and Japanese cars. , Then buy a Harley to bask in the sun.

Another reason why I didn’t buy a Harley is that I don’t like crowds. I think motorcycles should lead people to loneliness. Otherwise, a motorcycle can have up to two seats. This kind of loneliness and multi-purpose vehicles The "sharing" of the company is just the opposite. I believe that riding a bicycle is a very personal experience, a small moment hidden in speed, skill and reason. And the biggest fun of some Harley groups is gangs. I call these Harley enthusiasts who are not interested in each other as hahas. Just like I have always disliked a life that is too lively, I think there is always a role for gangs and bikers. There are two dangers, one is the danger of rushing between convoys in order not to fall behind, the other is that freedom is taken over by the excitement, and in the end there is only excitement, without freedom!

As for the Harley brand, I can’t say whether I like it or not. I like the “free spirit” they advocate. I don’t like their old and primitive technology. I like the pure natural Harley group around 1950. I don’t like the HOG in 1983. I like Harley with its distinctive personality. Customers, I don’t like the current Haha people. Haha people come in groups but advocate the spirit of freedom. Haha people regard themselves as culture. Haha people never bring other cars to play. The most classic Harley culture of Haha people is: " Sir, we don't ride motorcycles, we ride Harley-Davidsons."

The standards for judging motorcycles are actually very simple. They have their own standards and no one is much higher than the other. They admire everything related to perfection and individuality. They may welcome American V-twin cars, violent Italian cars and rigorous German cars. cars, and probably hate old-fashioned German cars, rough Italian cars and complicated Japanese cars, regardless of whether they are really high-performance or fun! The car I like now is a pure performance car. A car that is weak in one step can often know its shallowness after only a few tens of kilometers of riding, while a car that is violent in one step can often be ridden until it is scrapped. , I set off with this 1098S and found a straight road. For me and him, the most important thing is the road itself -- how rare is it to find our own road?Therefore, because of this road, I had the opportunity to run to the speed limit of this car at 290 km/h today, and continued to run, breaking the watch.one person.This is me, I am not even the shadow of Che Guevara, this car is not suitable for traveling on this road, I just like to run wildly on my own road without turning back, neither romantic nor revolutionary, lonely like an orphan. In fact, human beings will never be lonely, as if, one day, people suddenly find themselves orphans on the earth, and they give birth to a father for themselves, and his name is God.
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