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Chapter 2 Luo Yonghao: The Story of Qiu Junan

choir 韩寒 3641Words 2018-03-18
Fourteen years ago... This is a true story. Fourteen years ago, I learned Xu Guozhang's English in a foreign language training institution in Y City, my hometown in Northeast China.This is a private school opened by a Korean with a very earthy name called "Sanyu".The standard of the school is terrible - the domestic teachers are usually part-time teachers from local universities or middle schools, and most of the foreign teachers are Filipinos and Malaysians with strange accents.What can often be seen is that some students rushed to the front desk to express their anger after the "foreign teacher oral class" began, and the staff explained kindly that the official language of the Philippines and Malaysia is indeed English.Sometimes, they will clumsily take out a dirty travel brochure introducing the Philippines, "Why don't you believe it? See for yourself."

At that time, I just fell out of love and caught up with a cold winter. In order to relieve the pressure brought by negative emotions, I badly studied English for more than 20 days. one.According to the prior agreement, I went to the school to receive a bonus of several hundred yuan (I don't remember the exact number, it seems to be three hundred yuan).A middle-aged South Korean principal with a square face told me that we can’t give you money for this bonus, it can only be deducted from your tuition fees when you study intermediate classes. Bonus", what you promise is to give "bonus".What's more, I also voted and promised you that I will definitely continue to study your intermediate class.The South Korean principal said, we set up this scholarship just to let you study hard, not to get money for you, and if you use the money to drink and smoke, it violates our purpose of setting up this scholarship.I said that I am not interested in your purpose, I only know that if you say that you give bonuses, you can’t change them into discounts after the exam. As for whether I smoke, drink or eat fish after I get the money, it has nothing to do with you.The South Korean principal pulled his face into a square shape, and then said, young man, in Korea, if you are so rude to your elders, you would have been beaten long ago.

Like most of my incompetent first half of my life, I couldn't do anything about these hoodlums in suits and ties, and I couldn't help but swear again, "Damn, why are you such hoodlums?" Like all the stimulated "good citizens" of that era, I thought of finding a newspaper office. I walked into the newspaper office timidly for the first time in my life. When registering at the door, I followed what I saw on TV and said to the guard: , I am a "citizen" and I have come to "report the situation".Fortunately, the newspaper reporter who received me turned out to be my junior high school classmate. She listened carefully to my "reporting the situation" and was full of anger, presumably due to her enthusiasm for my old classmate. She told me that I would definitely expose They, I will go to their school to interview them in the afternoon, and after checking the situation, I will try to have it published in the newspaper within a few days.

After thinking about it after leaving the gate of the newspaper office, I thought I could do something more, so I went to the Municipal Education Commission to "report the situation".A middle-aged horse-faced man from the education committee held a cigarette sideways, frowned, and drank tea from time to time. After listening for a long time, he said, "Okay, I know the door, please leave a contact information and wait for us to notify you." As I expected from his expression, this person has never been in touch with me.And when I tried to find him again later, I was blocked by the guards.The bad news a week later was that a classmate from "Y City Evening News" told me that this "Three Education" school is an institution cooperating with the Municipal Education Commission, and "Y City Evening News" is a newspaper run by the Municipal Party Committee, so the manuscript she wrote Killed by the editor-in-chief.

I made a lot of determination before I dared to enter the Y City Court.In the week before that, I said to myself every day: "You idiot, you have to have a first time." In China in 1995, I don't know how many people like me were ashamed of trying to protect themselves with the law for the first time. I feel excited, nervous and curious about my rights and interests, but I think many of these people who are eager to try are influenced by "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit" (no matter from which angle you look at it, this 1993 movie that was popular all over the country is a A marvelous work.

At the front desk of the court hall, a fat middle-aged receptionist slammed me outside the door after hearing the purpose of my visit, "Go, go, go! What place do you think the court is?! This kind of trivial The ass is here to make trouble!" My mind was blank, and I was stunned for a long time at the gate of the court, and then I found that the opposite side of the court were all law firms with shabby signs: I hesitated for a while, but I still had the courage to knock on one of the doors. , very embarrassed to say to the people inside that I have no money to pay him, but I really hope he can give me some advice: a smiling lawyer surnamed Li explained to me patiently for a long time, and expressed encouragement and admiration to me: In China in 1995, in a small city Y with a population of less than 300,000, a young man who decided to use legal means to solve such problems seemed to him a "remarkable young man" with "very advanced ideas". Said: Of course, I also sincerely express that he is willing to spend his time in such a way to help a stranger enthusiastically and free of charge, "he is really an amazing lawyer."

After the two great Chinese men bid farewell, the young man entered the court again.According to the lawyer's instructions, he aggressively asked the young man in the book, "Stop talking nonsense, and bring me a form (I forgot it's called a civil lawsuit filing form or something)!" Seeing that he has become an upstart in litigation common sense, he obediently took out a form; after filling out the form, on the second floor of the court, a polite but obviously indifferent female judge received him, or It’s hard to say, she sent me. She asked me to go to the civil case filing court (civil mediation office?) in Henan (that is, across the river that splits City Y in half) to “try”. Please save me a few more words, "You can go over there and ask," she said, and then she said a civil servant's phrase that the Chinese people in the factory are familiar with, "This matter is not in our hands."

Unlike the big city courts, the civil litigation court in Henan is located in a small two-story building with a gray head and a face.I queued for more than three hours behind a group of sad-looking rural people, and what I heard from the people in front of me were real grievances, such as my land being taken over by me, or my daughter-in-law being taken over by me. For example, my house and my wife were taken by force... This made me feel less and less confident in the process of queuing. Unless they can clear the place for me when I appeal, I really don't have the courage to stand in such a group of unfortunate people. Among the people, I said my little "trivial fart" frankly, not to mention, after every fellow villager finished speaking, the middle-aged woman who filed the case would repeat the same sentence in a tone of complete despair, "Oh, ask Zhi, this matter is very difficult for you." Finally, when it was my turn with only two people left, I escaped from the factory.

Finally, I thought of going to the street to shout, almost certainly this choice was influenced by some literary and artistic works, it should be mixed with the self-dramatic needs of a young man who gave birth at a certain stage of his life (at that time I haven't been exposed to such bluffing terms, I'm only vaguely aware of something impure) The tentative plan is roughly like this: I am wearing a T-shirt with the details of "reflecting the situation", and I am carrying a human-power tape recorder (slogan is recorded in advance). I try to tie two bamboo poles obliquely on my back and use They hold up a larger slogan banner.For example, "It's not too much to say that nature is too difficult to tolerate", and a drum used by the guard of honor is hung on the chest, and you can go on the road.I can also mobilize all my lonely friends to watch from far and near, lest there will be a real silence (if they dare not).In fact, they all excitedly expressed that they would definitely go, at least to watch.In addition to being very supportive of my approach, this kind of thing is also a rare adjustment in ordinary life, which explains why when they said they were going on the phone, there were a lot of excited and distorted "Fuck! "

The planned route is to start from the gate of the city hospital, play recorded slogans, beat drums, pass by the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Committee (I will stay at the gate of the Municipal Committee for a while, maybe I should call the horse-faced man to come out and talk or something, of course , this is relatively uncreative) The state committee, the state government, and finally arrived at the gate of the "Sanyu" school located in Tienan (that is, the south of the railway). For me, I walked to the door (at this time, the tape recorder can temporarily switch to play Roxette's look sharp for a while), as long as I punch there, it will attract enough onlookers.I think if I can hold on for a week, all the citizens of this palm-sized city will know what happened.

I briefly studied the relevant laws and regulations, and then wrote a written application to the Public Security Bureau.The little comrade at the window and door had obviously never seen this kind of application, and he didn't even know how to deal with it, so he kept making phone calls to inquire. After thinking about it, I called my old classmate Li Shentan who worked in the Municipal Public Security Bureau , Detective Li came out solemnly and dragged me to his office, "Damn it, you don't want to live anymore?" Like all people who make a living in the system, he would directly regard doing such things as suicide. Because he was worried that dissuasion would be ineffective, Li Shen exploratoryly told my parents about this matter, and the result can be imagined. I mean, my parents were not fundamentally different from the vast majority of Chinese parents at that time (in fact, I could Understand them, you can when you are young, I just don't agree with them) At the beginning of spring, some friends and I including my cousin went to a tennis court in the suburbs to play tennis. Suddenly, we saw the Korean principal and a few people walk into the field. Everyone became excited and chatted out ideas. , and finally we decided to take the initiative to provoke him, forcing him to attack first, and then everyone gathered around to fight in groups. At that time, I was very young and naive, and I didn't realize the weak nature of this approach. Excitedly followed everyone to form a half circle outside the field, and then everyone looked at the South Korean principal viciously; Basically, there is at least a pair of beastly eyes staring at him. Everyone couldn't hold back anymore, so they started making insulting gestures at him. Since we were not sure whether a Korean could understand it, we thoughtfully made two non-local traditional gestures, one was learned from an American movie. (Of course, it is the middle finger, which was not very popular in China at that time), and a recently spread from Russia. At this time, the South Korean principal glanced at the bench on the sidelines, and I followed He glanced over and saw a flustered Korean woman standing up with two children in her hands. The younger child looked at the factory in our direction for a while, then looked up at his mother. After receiving no response, he pulled Take Mommy's sleeve: Even in the relatively dim youth of my moral sense, I could feel that humiliating a man in front of his wife and children was deeply disturbing.So I suddenly lost interest, greeted everyone and left. On the road home, in my cousin’s car, amidst the shoving and bragging, I felt a huge grievance, just like I used to feel when I was a child, overwhelming. down.
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