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Chapter 38 sequence

ten deadly sins 蜘蛛 456Words 2018-03-03
Others are hell - Sartre On March 20, 2008, during the vernal equinox, some bones appeared on the ground in front of the four public security units in Daze County. In front of the Daze County Criminal Police Brigade, Traffic Police Brigade, Patrol Detachment, and Explosion-proof Team, there were groups made of bones. numbers. There is a skull in front of each group of numbers made of human bones. Because of the heavy rain in the past few days, the Electric Power Bureau was checking the power grid that night, and there was a power outage in the county. As a result, the electronic eyes in front of the four public security units have lost their function. It is not known who made the bones on the ground, let alone human or animal bones.

The forensic doctors at the county and city levels jointly set up an appraisal team. After the bone powder sedimentation test and the bone tissue morphology test, the appraisal team agreed that the white bones on the ground were all human bones, and the skull was also a human skull! The white bones on the ground are mixed together with the bones of many people, including men and women, old people and children, and the time of death is different. According to an analysis by a criminal investigation expert, these four sets of numbers may be a coordinate.The captain of the criminal police team studied the four sets of numbers made of bones. After various combinations and analysis of the orientation of the human bone puzzle, the coordinates point to the county's detention center!

On March 24, 2008, the head of the Daze County Detention Center disappeared. In the early morning of the next day, people found the body of the head in a bamboo forest near the detention center. His hands were handcuffed behind his back, his mouth was gagged, and his butt was sitting on a bamboo shoot. , the body has been sprung into the air, and dozens of people have witnessed this horrible scene.
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