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Chapter 27 youth is a journey

life as i understand it 韩寒 1607Words 2018-03-18
Your youth is a long journey, a journey farther and farther away from your childhood and your youth. When I was the same age as you, at the age of 18, I was on a train from Shanghai to Beijing, and my journey began like this. When I first got on the train, I was very excited, because I could finally leave my parents, my hometown, and the environment I was familiar with. I could finally leave them and go to Beijing. As for why I went to Beijing, I don’t know. .Because it is said that people who engage in culture must go to Beijing, but I will tell you now that this is not the case, and you must not be confused by this sentence in the future.Engaging in culture can be done anywhere, as long as you have a heart to do things yourself, it will be the same everywhere.

Then, on the train, I started remembering. The trains from Shanghai to Beijing all depart in the evening, and it didn't take long before it got dark, and then.I saw out the window, a lot of dim lights, and then, there were a lot of bicycles, and I remembered when I was young. When I was young.I especially like to ride a bicycle. In our town, I am famous as the fastest man in Tinglin Town. My car is very fast. Many people just because they look at me in the crowd, they will be scared and hide away. Far. However, I have a low self-esteem, and I have to tell everyone about it. This shows that economic independence is indeed very important.Because I've been riding a women's bike.

Then, I talked to my dad for a long time, and my dad finally agreed and bought me a mountain bike.After I got this mountain bike, I started to ride farther and more. I rode almost all the nooks and corners in the whole town. Like all mountain bikes, this bike was stolen within a year. Lost. Then, let’s talk about going back to the train. I hardly slept during this journey, because I used to be next to my home no matter what, and I rode for more than ten kilometers. At night, I would return to my home.No matter how rebellious I was at that time and how tired I was of my parents, I will eventually return to my home.

But I was on the train. After I arrived in Beijing, my home was more than 1,200 kilometers away from me. I didn’t know what I was going to do in Beijing. The experiences in school that I have written are exhausted, but I don’t want to write those campus novels anymore. I hope to write something related to society. It didn't know anything, but then I found what I was passionate about, which was racing. I spend all my royalties on races.I went to buy a racing car and modify it, and then I went to participate in the national championship.But because the royalties are very limited, my car is very broken. At that time, when I saw the drivers of those big teams driving past me, when I stepped on the accelerator, there was the sound of crackling exhaust pipes. Especially loud, then I stepped on the gas pedal.Like them, it was a crackling sound, but it was the exhaust pipe falling to the ground.

Although the grades in the first two years were very poor, I was always very happy because I found a goal. Although I almost ran out of money at that time and was about to rent in the mountains of Beijing, I still very happy. Yes, what I want to say actually has nothing to do with travel, our choice, travel or travel. What I want to say is, your own interests and your partner, where you go is not important at all, any scenery on the journey, any destination you are going to, is really not important, but your partner is very important, but If you travel with a pig, you will feel like you are in a pigsty wherever you go, and if you are bitten by a mad dog on the road, you will have to go to the hospital, so I think traveling is not important, what you love The most important thing is that your youth is a long journey, a journey farther and farther away from your childhood, from your youth, and you will find that the world is not at all what you imagined. Same, you will even feel very lonely, you will be excluded a lot.Vacations and travel, in fact, can not solve these problems.

The way I solve these problems is to keep looking for everything I love. Then I like cycling, traveling, writing, and later racing cars. When I was young, I liked reading, lobster fishing, and kicking. Football, this is my interest, it gives me a purpose in life, and it also gives me a skill, so that it will not cause a burden to the society. So, students, it’s not important to travel far, it’s not important where you go, find what you love, don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t be afraid of being laughed at by others, because no matter what you do, there will always be some People laugh at you behind you, whether you do well or badly, people will laugh at you, don't be afraid of being laughed at, even if you like to study earthworms, or you like to do various things, even if you are determined to To be the first Chinese American president, it doesn't matter, Just do it.

Thank you all, thank you.
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