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Chapter 7 pick up old

little rival 艾米 3774Words 2018-03-18
"Picking up old" is a dialect of K City, which means that younger siblings wear old clothes worn by older brothers and sisters, or play with old toys played by older brothers and sisters, etc., so "picking up old" has become synonymous with younger siblings. The reason for "picking up the old" is mostly due to economic considerations. In the past, there were many children, and parents did not have so much money to buy new clothes and new toys for each child, so they had to "picking up the old".In the past, people were also proud of their diligence and thrift, so they bought new clothes instead of old clothes for their children, so they were criticized as "not able to manage the house", saying that you are "profligate", "burning bags", or even " bourgeois way of life".

There are many rules and regulations for "picking up old clothes". In terms of clothes, shoes and socks, generally younger sisters pick up old sisters' old ones, and younger brothers pick up old ones from older brothers.If the younger sister wears the older brother's old clothes, or the younger brother wears the older sister's old clothes, it will make people laugh.If it is trousers, it is even more serious, because in the past, men and women were different in trousers. Men's trousers had openings on the front, while women's trousers had openings on the side. Unlike now, both men's and women's trousers can have front openings.

There is a more detailed description of "picking up the old". Jingqiu went to high school and still wore her brother's old clothes. She usually passed by with her head held high. start.There is also a description in the story that Jingqiu wears her brother's old trousers and needs to be remodeled by changing the front opening to the side opening.These all truly recorded the customs and customs of K City in that era. In the old saying of City K, giving birth to a child, as long as it is not the first child, is called "giving birth to an old child".If there is no "picking up old ones" at home, parents will buy loose clothes, long trousers, and shoes that are a few sizes larger for their children. They would rather let their children wear their trousers rolled up and drag their shoes when walking than buy clothes that fit well. Yes, because children grow up fast, and the clothes, shoes and socks bought fit too well, and they will grow old in a few days, and no one "picks up the old ones", so they have to throw them away, which is a loss of capital.

When Lao Huang was young, he never picked up old clothes, shoes and socks, because the age difference between him and his elder brother was too far, and his parents never thought about having another child, so the clothes that his elder brother wore when he was a child had already been given away to others, and Lao Huang picked up a new one. It's cheap and the clothes you wear are all new.But I still picked up some old toys. When I was a child, Lao Huang envied and admired my brother the most. All the things my brother played with were good things.The iron hoops rolled by the elder brother, the kites that were let go, the spinning tops that were drawn, and the "foreign paintings" that were photographed were all invaluable in the eyes of the younger brother, and they were all taken over and kept like a broken glove signed by a baseball star.

I never picked up old ones when I was a child. My only daughter, my family’s economic conditions are not bad, and my parents dote on their children. I would rather buy them for my daughter than buy new clothes myself. It was still relatively "luxury". Considering our current economic conditions, there is absolutely no need for children to "pick up the old", but grandma and grandma both say that it is good for children to "pick up the old" and they can be raised as "Pola".This "Pola" is a dialect of City K, and there is no corresponding word in standard Chinese. It roughly means "less refined, less particular, more casual, more solid, and able to withstand wind and waves".

Huangmi is the first child, so there is nothing old to pick up. Originally, there was an old bed given by someone else, but Uncle Xiaokun objected to it and bought a new bed to replace it. So Huangmi Food and clothing are basically new. The clothes worn by brother Huangmi are all handled by grandma and the others.Mom and Dad are fools, they usually only buy new things in, and never ask how old things get out.We often have charitable organizations here to call to ask if there is any old clothes to donate. If there are any, please put them in bags and put them at the door. They will have a car to collect them tomorrow.

When the two lazy people, father and mother, received such a call, they apportioned it to several elderly people in the family: "Grandma, grandma, do we have any old clothes to donate? If we have any, we will collect them and put them at the door." Once the apportionment is complete, the task is complete.Whether they donated, what they donated, we don't ask. After I was pregnant with my little sister, Grandma suddenly brought out a lot of old clothes, all of which were worn by Huang Mi when she was a child. They had been washed clean and neatly folded.Grandma boasted: "Look, I keep them all, knowing that these things will be needed immediately. This one was worn when the baby was born, and this one can't be worn until the full moon."

When I saw this huge pile of clothes that seemed to have fallen from the sky, I was shocked: "Oh my god, grandma, what year are these clothes, and you haven't lost them yet?" "Why did you lose it? They are all good and not broken. I keep them for my baby's younger siblings to 'pick up old'. This is an 'introduction', do you understand?" "What primer?" "The introduction of 'picking up the old', won't this attract a 'picking up the old'?" I have become superstitious since I was pregnant. Seeing those unimaginably small clothes that I used to wear on Huang Mi, I had to admire my grandma's talent and generosity. I said privately to Lao Huang: "Maybe the old clothes of the stupid bag Can it really be an 'introduction', otherwise how could we have a second one?"

But I don't want my daughter to "pick up the old ones", saying that they should be treated equally. My elder brother wears new ones, so how can I let my younger sister wear old ones? Lao Huang tactfully protested to his grandma: "Amy is pregnant with a girl, how can my sister pick up my brother's?" The grandma had her own reason: "These are the clothes that the baby wears from the confinement to the old age. What kind of men and women are they? Do you think that your son can leave you with old clothes when he grows up? People wear them on the stairs every day. Climb up and down, roll around on the ground, you can wear clothes made of iron, and you will have no nose and eyes if you don't wear them!"

Huangmi really takes a lot of clothes, one is that he crawls here and rolls there all day long as his grandma said; the other reason is that he likes to "stare" at one piece of clothing to wear.We still haven’t figured out what the principles are for him to wear clothes, but he definitely has his own likes and dislikes. For a certain period of time, there is always a piece of clothing that he particularly likes, and he wears that piece of clothing every day. If you don’t let him wear it, he would rather not wear it. Wear it; he'll be very upset if you put him in something else.

We don't want to talk to him about clothes, so we just let him do what he wants, wear whatever he says, and throw it in the washing machine overnight to dry it if it gets dirty, and wear it tomorrow.There was a pair of trousers that he wore until he had a hole in his knee, but he still refused to change them. Every day, he was asked to wear that pair of trousers, so Grandma had to help him mend the hole by herself. Seeing that my grandma's hands and feet are not smooth, the needle can't be put on, the thread is always knotted, and it's too hard to mend, so I persuaded: "Grandma, don't mend it for him. He likes to wear torn trousers, so let him wear them." Broken pants." The grandma insisted on mending: "How can that be done? As the saying goes, laugh at the broken ones and don't laugh at them. If the baby wears a pair of ripped trousers, if people see it, they won't say that the parent is abusing the child?" "Americans like to wear torn pants. If the pants are not torn, they have to be worn out before wearing them." Grandma can't understand why Americans love to wear ripped pants, and she doesn't want to understand: "I don't care if Americans wear ripped pants, my baby can't wear ripped pants, he climbs up and down all day, wear ripped pants, don't put your knees worn out." When Grandma Tai said this, I stopped persuading him, and I was afraid that Huang Mi's calf would be scratched by wearing ripped trousers. Grandma's eyes are not good, and her hands are not good too. It is patched with a lot of needles and threads, and it is uneven. But Huangmi especially likes the pants that Grandma has patched for him. He still wears them every day, which makes Grandma very uncomfortable Proud: "Look, my baby just likes these pants. If I don't mend him, he won't have any pants to wear. Doesn't that mean his butt is spanked?" Huang Mi's old clothes, he himself may have forgotten a long time ago, or he has no memory at all.Now as soon as I dug it out and explained that it was for my younger sister to "get old", Huang Mi's interest immediately came up: "I want to 'get old'." Grandma Tai laughed: "You wore these all yourself, whose old ones did you pick up?" Upon hearing that those clothes were all her own, Huang Mi was even more reluctant, grabbed a few and hugged them in her arms: "Mine!" The grandma said angrily: "I think you can be an archaeologist when you grow up. These clothes have been kept here for so long, and you never said you would wear them. Once you said you would give them to your sister, you would be reluctant to part with them as cultural relics." Huang Mi picked up the clothes and smelled them, probably thinking that Grandma Tai meant "smelling things", which made everyone laugh.He didn't laugh at himself, he just chose a small dress to wear, it was a one-piece baby dress, he put his head in through the opening, and he could only put it on his head, like wearing a mask, his mother shouted: " Run, the robbers are coming!" The mother and son chased and played around the house for a long time, and the son wanted to wear the small shoes worn by the "little snub-nosed monkey". The mother compared the shoes with his feet, which were only half the length of his feet. The mother and son rolled away laughing: "Haha, how do you wear such small shoes?" Huangmi's feet couldn't get into the small shoes at all, so she had to put them on her hands, put her hands on the ground, and crawled on the ground for a while. The maternity clothes I wore when I was pregnant with yellow rice, my grandma kept them there and didn't throw them away, and didn't give them away.I just picked up my old ones and wore those maternity clothes as meritorious officials.Sometimes I feel sorry for little sister Ai Yan by just "picking up old ones", so I went to buy some new ones.But every time I wear a new one, I feel uncomfortable here and there, so I quickly take off the new one and replace it with the old one. Even the old superstitious grandma couldn't help laughing at me: "You all say that grandma is superstitious, but I think my mother is even more superstitious than grandma!" After little sister Ai Yan was born, although she also bought a lot of new clothes, she often wore her brother's old clothes.Most of my elder brother's clothes when he was a child were light red, light green and light yellow, but they were still full of flowers on my younger sister. She didn't feel old at all, and she didn't look like a boy. Those old clothes are all well-known good brands, all made of cotton, none of them have been washed in a washing machine, they are all hand-washed.Grandma is afraid that the washing powder or detergent on the clothes will not be cleaned by the washing machine, which will irritate the baby's tender skin, so no matter whether it is cold or hot, she insists on washing by hand. She does not use detergent, but only uses laundry soap, which needs to be cleaned countless times. Keep clear until there are no bubbles in the water. The crib used by my brother was useless at the time, because he had been sleeping with his parents on the big bed.Now that my sister picked up the old one, this bed came in handy.My sister is so lively, we moved the crib downstairs to the family room. During the day, my sister sleeps in the crib, and she listens to the movement of the family members in the room, the sound of talking, cooking, and even the sound of TV. , she slept peacefully, even more peacefully than sending someone upstairs to sleep with her. When the elder brother saw his younger sister sleeping in the small bed, he became envious again, and pestered his mother, saying, "Mom, I want to sleep there." Mom felt that this was an opportunity, maybe he could develop the habit of sleeping alone, and immediately expressed her support: "Okay, you can sleep in your small bed tonight, okay?" "it is good!" Mom and Dad were overjoyed, haha, a windfall!Unexpectedly, the son's habit of sleeping alone was cultivated so smoothly!The two worked tirelessly to move the small bed upstairs and put it in the bedroom, preparing to gradually transition from "different beds in the same room" to "different beds in different rooms". At night, the son really fell asleep in the crib. Dad read a story to him, and the son announced: "I'm going to fall asleep." This is his daily homework. He knows that he is going to fall asleep. Let me tell you first, so there is no need to read the story at this time. He closed his eyes and fell asleep after a while. The parents were very proud, bragging in a low voice: "It seems that the child will naturally sleep alone when the time comes, and there is no need for training or training." I didn't know that the cowhide blowing was a little early, and after a short sleep, I heard the sound of crickets chirping. I quickly turned on the light and inspected it. I saw our son climbing over thousands of mountains and rivers, climbing from the small bed to the big bed, terrified. Dad has to hurry to help and take him over safely. Mom asked: "Silly Baobao, didn't you agree to sleep in the small bed? Why did you climb into the big bed again?" The son replied in old-fashioned manner in K city dialect: "I (really) miss my mother!" The mother was very excited, happy and proud, and ordered: "Father, sleep over there and give up the seat to Han Baobao!"
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