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Chapter 51 Chapter 51 Official Opportunity VII: Be Good at Using Contradictions

The workplace and the officialdom are places where profit is sought, where contradictions and conflicts in human society focus, and where interpersonal disputes frequently occur. Compared with the officialdom and workplace, the shopping mall is a place where peace and wealth are generated.In the market, it is important to work together, you buy and sell, so that a deal can be made, and only when both parties cooperate can they make money.In fact, this rule is unimpeded in the officialdom. Many officials believe in sedan chairs. You give me a hand, and I help you. Everyone who has money will get rich... However, in the officialdom, there are not officials and everyone. Do it, and those who have this thought will inevitably encounter nails.

During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, there were two scholars, Han and Li, who entered the court at the same time. These two people were originally family friends. They had been friends for several lifetimes, and they were together again when they were studying. Li Sheng got the 47th place in the second class, so the friendship between the two became more profound.Before being selected as a candidate for the Ministry of Officials, the two agreed that they would treat each other with utter sympathy for the rest of their lives, and would never leave. However, rules are stronger than people, even though these two are more loyal to their friends than to themselves, but the promotion rules in the officialdom are too cruel.It was less than a year since the two of them entered the court, and they finally got an opportunity to release an official. Although it was only a seventh-rank county magistrate in a remote area, it was better than being in a poor capital and sitting on nothing.So the two suddenly became excited, and ran more frequently to the official department.

But the problem is that there is only one official to be dispatched, but there are quite a few candidates. Apart from Han Li Ersheng, there are at least dozens of candidates on the list of the Ministry of Officials.Among them was a man surnamed Qiao, who was second only to Ersheng Han and Li in terms of reputation, talent and ability.So Qiao Sheng nervously peeped aside, looking for his own opportunity. What the officials considered was only Han and Li, because they were the best.But which of the two is better?This question stumped the officials.At this time, Qiao Sheng asked about his relationship. Since he wanted to choose between Han and Li, why not let these two people come to the Ministry of Officials to compete on the spot?

You must know that the officials in the Ministry of Civil Affairs have been playing tricks on people all their lives. It is hard to imagine that they could not guess the secret of Qiao Sheng's suggestion.But maybe they believed in Han Li Ersheng's character more, or they wanted to see Han Li Ersheng's jokes, but they accepted this suggestion and asked Han Li Ersheng to go to the official department to talk about Confucianism in person, so that everyone can see who smarter. After Ersheng Han and Li arrived, they sat on both sides and began to talk freely. At first, the two of them were polite and polite. When you walk in, you will feel dizzy and lose your way. You can't even figure out the north, south, east, west, and north for yourself, let alone debate with others.As a result, the opinions of the two soon diverged, but neither of them would admit defeat. Once they admit defeat, it is no different from declaring their failure completely. Therefore, the two insisted on their opinions, refused to give up an inch, and won the battle. Blushing and thick neck.

The two argued all night, but they didn't come to any conclusions. After leaving the official department, the two were still arguing endlessly until the next day. The next day, Qiao Sheng came to meet Han Sheng for a drink. While chatting, he expressed his support for Han Sheng's claim and provided a lot of evidence and materials.Han Sheng got Qiao Sheng's support, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought he was right, so he argued with Li Sheng again.Unexpectedly, Qiao Sheng had actually met Li Sheng secretly, and also provided many evidences and examples to prove that Li Sheng was right.So Li Sheng also held back his anger. As soon as the two met, they quarreled.

The thinnest part of a person is a face, which cannot be torn off at any time, once it is torn off, it will bring endless troubles.Rao Han and Li Ersheng are very smart, and they are close friends, but once they quarrel and refuse to give in, the words will become more and more fierce, and the anger towards each other will also increase.The two quarreled until the end, and finally completely tore their skins apart, from arguing about Confucianism to attacking each other's character.Han Sheng exposed Li Sheng's prostitution to the officials, but Li Sheng retaliated, simply revealing all the insulting things Han Sheng had said to the emperor in private.When things got to this point, the two of them had completely lost their prospects in the officialdom.

As a result, both Han and Li Ersheng were arrested by Jin Yiwei and imprisoned, tortured and forced to confess their wrong words and deeds.However, Qiao Sheng, who was hiding behind the scenes, became the best candidate for the official dispatched by the Ministry of Officials. He happily packed his luggage and took up his post in a sedan chair. Han and Li Ersheng’s mistake was that they shouldn’t touch the most fragile and sensitive point of human nature. People have self-esteem, and most of the time, self-esteem needs to be given by others. Once they are ridiculed or opposed by others, human self-esteem will be destroyed When you are hurt invisible, you will instinctively resist.And your resistance will hurt the self-esteem of others, so others will attack further, and this is an endless cycle, thus breeding deep-seated resentment and hatred.Hatred is like poisonous fire, once born, it is difficult to extinguish.

Han and Li Ersheng ignited the fire of resentment in their hearts, exposed more and more darkness in their hearts, and finally destroyed themselves.And Qiao Sheng's treachery is not because Han and Li Ersheng are too young to be vigilant against the evil of human nature, but because this poisonous trick is targeting the most vulnerable part of human nature, no matter how powerful you are and how high you are, No matter how calm and self-cultivated, it is difficult to defend against this poisonous plan. As the old saying goes, if you talk about right and wrong, you must be right and wrong.Precisely because this strategy is too vicious and harmful, people in the officialdom are extremely wary of it. Those who use this strategy rashly will most likely end up betraying their relatives and ruining their reputation.Houheixue tells us: instead of risking failure to stir up the dark forces in human nature, it is better to sit back and watch success or failure. After all, conflict and struggle are inevitable laws in officialdom. As long as you have enough patience, you can see those Those who stand in front of you will fall down one by one.What is left to you will be an infinitely broad promotion space.

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