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Chapter 21 Chapter 20 Eight Years of Tongzhi: The Extremes of Wisdom

Zeng Guofan's Diary 曾国藩 9357Words 2018-03-18
On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, it is the banquet for court officials Clean up files after breakfast.At the second moment of Chenzheng, he set off towards the court.It's a banquet for Japanese courtiers. At noon, enter the gate of Qianqing, from the corridor to the platform, and the south of the curtained platform is the entrance and exit of the stage.First, they lined up east and west under the steps, and Xiangguo of Wogen Peak performed a ceremony in the hall. At two quarters of the noon, the emperor came out, played music, and ascended the throne.The eunuch leads the minister into the left and right gates.There are four seats on the east side, facing west.The first seat of Japanese Prime Minister, the second seat of Wenxiang, the third seat of Baoyun, the fourth seat of Quanqing, the fifth seat of Zailing, the sixth seat of Cuncheng, and the seventh seat of Chonglun, all of them are full of Shangshu.There are four seats on the west side, facing east.Yu Lie is the first, followed by Zhu Xiang, the third is Shan Maoqian, the fourth is Luo Jingyan, the fifth is Wanqingli, the sixth is Dong Xun, and the seventh is Tan Yanxiang, all Han Shangshu.

The table is as high as possible, the cushion is raised to kowtow, and then sit cross-legged.There are four tall bowls in front of each table, like the five offerings.The last eight bowls also include chicken, duck, fish, meat, jelly, sea cucumber, pasta, hawthorn cake and the like.Each person has a bowl of rice and a bowl of miscellaneous noodles, which contain poached eggs and vermicelli. There were three operas, and the emperor and ministers had their meals.Xuan removed the front seat.Eight eunuchs took turns to withdraw the dishes and high-loaded bowls before the emperor, and two people carried out the dishes before the ministers, one table was carried out, and the other table was brought in.There are countless discs before the emperor.In front of the ministers, each table has five fruit dishes and ten vegetable dishes.Ensemble music, Japanese Prime Minister rises, and everyone stands up.The Prime Minister took off his outer coat, brought the wine to the emperor, and retreated to the hall to kowtow, and all the people kowtowed.Yi Jue, the eunuch, had another glass of wine, and the Prime Minister had a small drink, and kowtowed, and all the ministers kowtowed.

Give each a glass of wine.He also sang operas three times, each with a bowl of milk tea, each with a bowl of soup yuan, and each with a bowl of camellia drink. Each time they were given, they kowtowed on the mat, carried the rewards outside the hall, and took them out to thank them outside the hall. Banquet, thank you, kneel down and kowtow three times.Still standing in a row, east and west steps down.The emperor retreats and plays music.A wishful handle, a porcelain vase, a boa robe, a bottle of snuff, and two packages of river silk gown and gown are rewarded.The rewards of each Shangshu are the same.Guiyu has been engraved.

After lunch, see the guests for the second time.Write couplet ten pay.Shave once.Sit and see the guest twice.Zhu Xiubo came to sit for a long time.Go to bed at two or three. This is a precious historical material, a record of the state banquet attended by Zeng Guofan himself. Was the recipe at that time, so-so.But Zeng Guofan, with his peerless wisdom and merit, only sat face-to-face with the teacher Woren he was seeking advice from back then, allowing us to touch the essence of power again. Power is not a concrete existence, but a complete and utter fiction.Power is not like the water glass and table beside you, which can be clearly touched with your hands.Therefore, power must be carried by some specific objects, such as a majestic palace, a strict hierarchy, cumbersome etiquette, and grand ceremonies.Beyond that, power is a negation of existence through fiction.For example, use the emptiness of Japanese benevolence to suppress Zeng Guofan's reality, use the emptiness of Japanese benevolence to suppress Zeng Guofan's existence, and use the false name of Japanese benevolence to denigrate Zeng Guofan's achievements.

If there was no Japanese benevolence to check and balance Zeng Guofan, the empress dowagers of the two palaces would be exposed to Zeng Guofan alone and let Zeng Guofan fiddle with them.A huge group with Woren as the main body attached to the Queen Mother of the Two Palaces, and their contempt for Zeng Guofan constituted the existence of power itself. The achievements in life start from down-to-earth work.But the formation of power is purely a fictitious idea, such as Hong Xiuquan's uninterrupted claim that he is the younger brother of Jesus, which is completely false, and it is precisely because of the emptiness of power that it forms a physical support.Once the virtual is supported by the entity, it constitutes power out of thin air.

Therefore, any power system in human history must build a grand theoretical support framework.The emperors in ancient times called themselves the son of heaven, the son of heaven. Hong Xiuquan followed suit and reached the pinnacle of power.But this kind of pursuit is just a gamble in life. The fate of the emperor is at the expense of the well-being of the world in the future. Even in a big casino, Zeng Guofan refused to bet. The emperor's road is to bet on the well-being of the whole family and future generations, and satisfy one's pride of spending a lot of money.But the path of wisdom and sages is to create a long-term well-being for future generations with one's own hard work and asceticism.The former gambled heavily on reality with fiction, while the latter gained a false reputation for pragmatism.These are two completely different ways of thinking. Logically speaking, it is difficult to meet these two poles of thinking, but in Zeng Guofan's case, the two converge and intersect.

On the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, the day is to ask for training, answering the Empress Dowager After breakfast, I went to court on the second quarter of the first day of the Chen Dynasty.Please train on that day, and hand over a seal.Sitting in the court room for a long time.Called at the beginning of the afternoon. The empress dowager asked: when will you get up and leave Beijing? Right: I will get up and leave Beijing on the 20th. Question: What is the urgent matter for you to go to Zhili? Right: The minister obeys the order, puts military training first, and then rectifies the administration of officials.

Question: Do you plan to train 20,000 soldiers? Right: I plan to train 20,000 people. Q: Or more soldiers?More courage? Right: Not yet determined.Probably more brave than soldiers. Question: Where is Liu Ming's bravery now? Right: It is located in Zhangqiu's place in Shandong.His army has more than 11,000 men, and another 10,000 people need to be trained, or the sixth army in Zhili must be trained, or another Beiyong will be recruited to train them.Once the minister arrives in office, he will inspect it and then make a statement to handle it. Question: The place in Zhili is not clean, and it is said that it is a bit reckless.

Right: At the junction of Zhili and Shandong, there were bandits and bandits, and bandits were added. Question: Things about foreigners must also be guarded against. Right: Tianjin and Haikou must be fortified. In addition, the ports of Shanghai and Guangdong are very important and must be guarded against. Question: Have the governors of other provinces also mentioned the issue of sea defense recently? Right: Recently, because of long hairs and twigs, they have been making trouble for many years, so they have taken things more lightly about foreigners. Q: This is a big event, which has always been put on hold.

Right: This is the first major event, maybe he will turn it over on that day.Soldiers must be trained, even if there is no war for a hundred years, they must be trained to guard against him. Question: How many countries have he joined together, is a tight one. Right: If I start a quarrel with him, he will unite dozens of countries.Although the soldiers are well trained, they must never start a quarrel first.Peace talks must also be serious, and military training must also be serious.Reconciliation is a must with him.You can't neglect the two things, and you must handle them carefully.

Q: I also rely on you to do it for me. Right: The minister will try his best to do it.If you know anything, please ask for instructions at any time. Question: Zhili officials have also been tired of playing for a long time.Of course you know it too. Right: I asked all the way to Beijing, and asked people, so I knew something.The subordinates are all fearless. After the minister takes office, he has to join a few more people. Question: The common people are also suffering a lot. Right: The people are also very miserable, and the age is not good. Q: How many people you want to bring have been with you for a long time? Right: I have also followed Chen for many years. The Empress Dowager Gu Dai saw what the county king said: "If you ask him, he will kneel down."Yu got up and walked a few steps, then knelt again and said: "Chen Zeng knelt down to ask Sheng An."The questions asked by the Empress Dowager that day and the performances made by Yu are all about the seventh day of the first lunar month and today's compromise.Retiring from the court, visiting several houses, Shen Jingsheng and Huang Shu have been talking for a long time, and the application for returning to the residence has already begun.After dinner, meet guests several times.Write two couplets.Ye and Xianping checked the farewell list.After the second watch, Zhang Zhuting waited for a talk.Go to bed at three. This is before Zeng Guofan left Beijing to serve as the governor of Zhili, he visited the queen mothers of the two palaces and listened to the instructions of the leaders.It is also the record of Zeng Guofan's fourth dialogue with the Queen Mother. Different from the previous three times, this time the conversation was meticulous and appropriate. Every sentence of the Queen Mother was on the point, and it was very different from the previous three times when it was scribbled and sloppy. As the saying goes, scholars should look at each other with admiration every three days.It's only been a few days, and the Empress Dowager is known for her level of governance. Why? In the diary, Zeng Guofan revealed proudly: Well, that’s what happened. I wrote the theme of this meeting in the notebook in advance. After the little girl, the Queen Mother, read it, she followed my instructions To ask questions in the memorial, of course, every word and every sentence is in place, so that there is no such thing as a galloping horse on the top of the city. It turned out to be like this. Therefore, we have also realized the basic points of boss management: if you want to manage your boss successfully, you must be more sensible than your boss. You must have wider knowledge than your boss, deeper thinking than your boss, deeper knowledge than your boss, and greater career than your boss.Without one of these conditions, it is impossible to talk about the management of the boss.The first three conditions are fine, but the fourth one is: your career is bigger than your boss, so you will become your boss's boss?This is still a fart. The first three conditions are the basis, and the fourth condition is the result.As long as you meet the first three conditions, the fourth result will inevitably appear.If not, you've obviously got it wrong. Therefore, when the first three conditions are not met, try not to cause trouble, and set your mind to fully meet the three conditions.Only by doing so can we avoid mistakes in life. On the twenty-fourth day of the first lunar month, inspectors of the Bannermen embezzled and seized the river silt After breakfast, we arrived at Nanliugong No. 17. There was no work to be investigated there, but the banner people took over the fertile land of the silted river and reported to the household department for promotion.Turn to Nanqigong No. 4, which was the place where the breach occurred last year.The inner and outer pits are very deep, and there is a big continent rising in the river body, which is higher than the South Dike.The soil is rubbery and firm, and the south embankment of the island is only ten feet to the north, not big enough to hold the body of the river.Go down two or three miles and look at the newly opened Yinhe River on the 6th and 7th.There is a river in the solid soil of the river body, the bottom width is only four feet five feet, the face width is only twelve feet, and the depth is only one foot four feet.I heard that there is no shadow of the river in the next sixteen miles, and a new river is born purely.Although there is a shadow of the river below the sixteenth li, it is raised up steadily.There is no other way to dig the river body in Ji Yongding.What a worry.So far.Turn back to Xiaohuijiazhuang to make tea.Travel twenty-five miles to the outside of Yongqing County.Thirty miles behind the tip, I went to Niulong to stay, and secured an environment.It was a total of seventy-five miles a day.After reading "Zuo Zhuan·Xi Gong" in the car, there are eighty-five leaves in total.Received a letter from brother Cheng on December 21, knowing that he arrived home safely, brother Yuan's diet has improved greatly, and nephew Ye Ting has also arrived home, great comfort, great comfort!Long nap.I met the guest twice and talked for a long time.I wrote a letter to Cheng and Yuan's second brothers at night, which was not finished.Go to bed at two or three. When Zeng Guofan served as the governor of Zhili, the first thing he saw when he left Beijing was the embezzlement of the Yuhe River by banner people.He wasn't the first to discover this problem, nor was he able to fix it.As a matter of fact, it was a great scene from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China that the bannermen ran horses and occupied land on the river beach. In "Memories of Cao Rulin's Life", there is also a chapter dedicated to this matter. From Zeng Guofan in the late Qing Dynasty to Cao Rulin in the Republic of China, everyone is talking about the bannermen. Why? Because of these banner people, with their greed and selfishness, they have made the people of Beijing miserable.Of course, Zeng Guofan was greatly embarrassed: On May 26th, Wen Yongding River burst, worried, angry and ashamed Clean up files after breakfast.Spin to see the guest, sit to see the guest twice, and stand to see the guest once.nap for a while.From the beginning, I copied the "Salt Fa Zhi" and heard that Yongding Hebei went to Simankou. On the 21st, the scriptures were reported to close the dragon, and on the 22nd, I broke my mouth. I was worried, angry and ashamed, and could not explain myself.The emperor around the room, unable to manage affairs.Spin over Zhang Wenduan's "Cong Xun Zhaiyu" and warm it up.Read today's documents after lunch.nap for a while.Applying for approval of each manuscript volume.Write five pairs of couplets in unitary, and meet guests once.Take an evening nap.Changed Chen Youming's draft letter at night.After the second watch, Ke'er endorsed the book.Go to bed at four.Because it has not rained for a long time, the grandchildren are sick and in a bad mood.I recently heard that locust swarms broke out and the Yongding River burst, which made me very anxious.Those who are border officials rely entirely on the prosperity of the year and the happiness of the people. This heart can be self-satisfactory. If everything is difficult, it will be like being in shackles all day long. did you see that?When Zeng Guofan served as the governor of Zhili, his primary job was to control the river and dredge the Yongding River to prevent it from flooding and harming the people of Beijing.But the dredging of this river is not easy, and the banner people occupy the fertile silt land in the river, build buildings to fry the land and manage crops. These buildings are the biggest hidden danger to the safety of Beijing, but no one dares to provoke these banner people.These bannermen are descendants of famous generals who were the founders of the Qing Empire, and even royal family members, golden branches and jade leaves.As long as you don't want to live anymore, just mess with them. Although Zeng Guofan is in his fifties, he is still full of love and optimism about life.So he tried not to provoke the banner people, but just tried to build the embankment higher. But as soon as the flood season came, the illegal buildings built by the Bannermen in the river immediately played an effective role. The waterway was not smooth, and the flood could only rush to the two sides of the river due to the impact of gravity.As a result of the shock, Yongdinghe broke his mouth easily, and Zeng Guofan could only plead guilty with a mournful face. Of course, no one will pursue him. Everyone knows where the crux of the problem lies, but no one can solve it.Even the empress dowagers of the two palaces depended on the support of these banner people for their ability to sit on the phoenix chariot and eat fruits in a stable manner.Even they only dared to rectify individual bannermen, but did not dare to provoke the bannermen as a whole. Therefore, Zeng Guofan's work is not effective, and this comment has not escaped. On April 20, wife became blind after illness Clean up files after breakfast.Three times for those who sit and see, and once for those who see immediately.After Chenzheng, those who sent their family members entered the office one after another, and all the family members have arrived.My wife lost her eyesight after being ill, and grandson Yuanqi and granddaughter Baoxiu all suffered from minor illnesses, and since they wanted to reunite with their family, they also became depressed and hurt because of this.Wait for a long talk with your wife.At the beginning of the afternoon, read the seventeenth page of "Qigumen".Read today's documents after lunch.Sit at the Xing and Qian places of the shogunate, and sit at Zhifu's place.nap for a while.At the third moment of Shenzheng, Wang Xiaxuan arrived, sat for a long time, and left in the evening.Review and approve the manuscript book at night.After the second watch, on the 13th, He submitted a pleading and approved six cases.Go to bed at three o'clock, and fall asleep after three o'clock. This is the diary before the Yongding River burst, only one month before and after.According to the diary, Mrs. Ouyang was seriously ill and lost her eyesight. Hey, this time Zeng Guofan went north to Beijing to meet the saint. Normally, he should not bring his family with him. Mrs. Ouyang and the children have always stayed in Nanjing.Why did Mrs. Ouyang come so soon, and she was so sick? What happened? The answer is in a letter Zeng Guofan wrote to his eldest son Zeng Jize on the third day of March.Let's copy the letter from beginning to end to see what happened: Words to Ji Zeer: After receiving Er's report on the 16th, I knew that the letter from Shi Zhanqi had arrived on February 1, but Shi Zhanqi's letter had not yet been received. My mother recovered from her old illness and decided not to return to Hunan for the time being, but to come to the north to serve as an official.If the trip starts in mid-March, it will arrive in Jining in April, and people will be sent to inspect along the way within a few days.For more than 300 miles from Jining to Linqing (more than 100 miles of water from Jining to Zhangqiu, and more than 200 miles of dry road from Zhangqiu to Linqing), you can ask Liu Ziwu, the commander of the Ming Army, to take care of it.From Linqiu onwards, bulky things can be carried by boat to Tianjin (launched), and then sent to Baoding by boat hired by Tianjin (30 miles away from the province to land on the shore, and if the remaining river is excavated now, you can go to the south gate). Ports and essentials will be landed in Jining.The air here is high and dry, and the upper room is spacious, which may cure illness.But traveling by car is much more difficult than traveling by boat. Most of the things that Yu has dealt with recently are criminal names.I read official documents all day long, and I have no time to read again. On the first and second day of March, I began to read "Tongkao of Wuli".In the past, every time I thought about military affairs, I should disband the group and return to the mountain. I wrote a little ancient prose to express my original ambition in Beijing.Today, I cannot move forward or retreat freely, and my energy is declining day by day, and I will never be able to fulfill Lan's wish by living this life.Amidst the day-to-day deprivation of books, Xiao Ran is unhappy.I want to buy a concubine here to take care of my daily life, but I heard that most of the women in Beijing and Tianjin are surly, so you can prepare three hundred taels of silver and hand it over to Huang Junmen, and ask him to buy a concubine for me.You can buy it in Jinling, Yangzhou or Suzhou.If things happen quickly, the family members can bring them northward.If it is bought slowly, please send a Wubian from Changqi to send it to Tianjin with a boat attached by a reliable mother.It is said that an old man in his sixties buys a concubine, and he will be remarried as soon as he dies.In the preface to Dongpo Chaoyun's poems, there are several concubines in Yan's family, and they resigned one after another in four or five years. It is also a common practice for the elderly in ancient times to send concubines before they die.Er said to Chang Qi, but he has no choice but to choose someone with a gentle temperament and a not very stupid mind. Zhili raised 15,000 taels of silver, and the Salt Court received nearly 20,000 taels of silver, which is not as grand as Liangjiang's anti-smuggling funds.And Liu Yinqu's name is Qingzheng, which was also used.Yu Ji needs to spend 22,300 gold every year. In addition to raising money, he only needs to use the salt institute to enter 78,000 gold, and there is still more than 10,000 gold left. There is no need to bring one.You can tell me that you are the two monarchs of Mei and Yuting, and I should also tell you by letter.Ask this. Disheng hand gesture. That's how it happened. After Zeng Guofan took office, he received a letter from his family and found out that Mrs. Ouyang's condition had recovered.So I wrote a letter to Dabao Jize, asking Zeng Jize to take three hundred taels of silver and hand it over to Huang Yisheng, the admiral of the Yangtze River Navy, and entrust Lao Huang to buy a gentle and not too stupid little girl in Nanjing or Suzhou, as a concubine To take care of old man Zeng's old age. Old man Zeng was alone and worked hard all his life, and when he was old, that was all he wanted. But guess what that kid Zeng Jize did? After receiving the letter, the child didn't say hurry up and take money to buy a concubine for his father, but immediately packed up the family belongings in Nanjing and led his mother, Mrs. Ouyang, younger sister Ji Fen, his wife and two young daughters, younger brother Ji Hong's wife and The two sons, a total of nine people, embarked on a mighty journey to the north to find their father.At that time, Zeng Jihong's youngest son was suffering from chickenpox and could not be carried out to see the wind, but this group of people ignored them all and carried the child on the road like this, but the child died on the way.Even disregarding the life of the child, we can see how angry this family is at Zeng Guofan's actions. We can’t blame the Zeng family for being so sad. In order to achieve Zeng Guofan’s career, the whole family worked hard. Mrs. Ouyang took the lead in spinning. Her career fell into the hands of the playboy Yuan Bingzhen, and she died in depression.In this way, the women in the family have to be female celebrities every year, so that Zeng Guofan can test the effect of managing the family.Seeing that the whole family is about to practice hard to become a saint, Zeng Guofan suddenly had a whim at this time, wanting to enjoy the happiness of his old age.What are you kidding about you?For you alone, Zeng's whole family is equivalent to sacrificing themselves, but you suddenly do this?This is simply unreasonable! Enraged, the Zeng family marched all over the country, and went to the old man Xingshi to question the crime. Zeng Guofan's wish to buy a concubine this time caused great trouble for the whole family.A child took his life, so that Zeng Guofan reflected: It's not uncommon for Yu Jiu to be a high-ranking official. Zeng Guofan's introspection is obviously not in place.From the diary, we know that Mrs. Ouyang was so angry that her illness relapsed and she lost her eyesight. For this man, for this family, she completely sacrificed herself. And in the end Zeng Guofan treated her like this and wanted to buy another concubine, how resentful she must be. On the ninth day of May, it was a day when family members were sick and the room was full of groans Clean up files after breakfast.I heard that my grandson sweated profusely last night and was extremely anxious.Divination once.Chen Xinquan came out of Beijing and had a long talk.take a nap.Has written "no slow room diary".At the beginning of the afternoon, read "Five Rites", "Wind Master and Rain Master Gate", "Fang Ze Jidi Gate".Read today's documents after lunch.Take a short nap.Shen Zheng, sit and see the guest once.Review and approve manuscript books.I shave my head once on the second quarter of the unitary day.The grandchildren's illness has not recovered, and the people in Japan are ill again, and Jize is also ill. The room is full of groans, feeling depressed.On the third day of the first day of Yehehe, the speeches were submitted in various batches.After the second watch, read "Jiangbei Daying Chronicle".Wen "The Benji of Xiang Yu".Go to bed at three. The Zeng family is full of scholars, and they are all people who are knowledgeable and respectful.Facing old man Zeng's behavior of buying a concubine, they would not quarrel or quarrel, they could only be depressed and make themselves sick.Look, Mrs. Ouyang was sick with anger, Zeng Jize was also sick with anger when fighting for his mother, the grandchildren were tired from the journey, and for some reason, the atmosphere at home was gloomy and terrifying, and they all fell ill with fright.At this time, the room was full of patients, moaning in pain, and old man Zeng turned around in a hurry: "Look, look, I just want to find a pretty girl... Sigh. Mrs. Ouyang's condition worsened: On the sixth day of October, my wife was seriously ill, with a large swelling on her head Clean up files after breakfast.I sat and saw the guests five times, and it was already early noon when the guests dispersed.There are only one or two lines of inscriptions.Read today's documents after lunch.The letter written by the two younger brothers, Cheng and Yuan, is due to the difference in travel.Meet a guest once.Applying for approval of each manuscript volume.In the evening, write two or three lines of inscriptions.A few lines of inscriptions were made at night.A total of more than 300 characters were written that day.Ye Tiancheng and Yuan's younger brothers Xin Yiye.After the second watch, Ke'er endorsed the book.Go to bed at four.The wife is seriously ill, and today there is a big swelling on her head, and the doctor said that it is also wind and fire. The blow Mrs. Ouyang received this time was really too great. Not to mention her blindness, she also had a big swelling on her head. The doctor said it was Fenghuo Syndrome, which means that it was caused by the rush of fire. In short, it's all old man Zeng's whim.You said that you have survived the sixty years of hard life, why can't you suddenly not be able to bear the loneliness at this time?What concubine do I have to buy?Wouldn’t it be nice to have the whole family to accompany you to practice penance and become saints together? Alas, Zeng Guofan was only depressed and couldn't explain clearly. In fact, what Zeng Guofan meant was to invite a gentler and more thoughtful female nurse to serve and take care of him.He is an old man in his sixties, what else can he do? But other old people can have this wish, but he, Zeng Guofan, cannot. Because he is Zeng Guofan, he must pay more than he expected. On July 18th, be happy to know your fate in the future Clean up files after breakfast.Spin around to see the guest three times.nap for a while."Hongzhi" and "Fangtu" have been paired at the beginning.I have been reading the thirty-fourth leaf of "Hanshu Yan Zhuwuqiu Yanxu etc. Biography".Read today's documents after lunch.Chen Zuomei came to talk for a long time.The Shen Zhenghe Department has completed the approval of the manuscript book.Wu Zhifu came to talk.Write a flat side and five couplets.In the evening, I went to the shogunate to talk.The fourteen leaves of Ye Wen's "Ancient Prose Inscriptions".Go to bed at two or three.Recently, seeing Ji Ze suffering from a toothache and his grandson having a minor illness, he always worries about the size of the family.He also missed the families of the brothers in Nanzhong, and harassed them all day long.I even think about the Geji Mountain Fushi in April of the eighth year of Xianfeng, and it has been predicted that there will be the defeat of Sanhe and the change of Wenfu in October of the following year.Everything in the world is pre-determined, and it cannot be forced by manpower.Thinking one after another, what's the point?From now on, you should learn from the four characters of Loving Heaven and Knowing Your Destiny every day. If you manage affairs, you will have constant lessons every day, and if you treat your heart, you will be purely resigned to destiny.The two are both plans, and it is only my body. In this diary, Zeng Guofan once again mentioned Ge Yushan Fushi, and the ghost god predicted the defeat of Sanhe.The specific details have been mentioned before, so I won't repeat them here. Seeing that because of his desire to buy a concubine, the whole family fell ill. His wife went blind, Zeng Jize got angry and had a toothache, and all his grandchildren also fell ill.Zeng Guofan looked up to the sky and sighed: "Come on, let's go, can't I accept my fate?"I'll be optimistic about my fate in the future, can't I? But he is really old, and he really needs someone who is considerate and considerate to take care of him: On August 20th, making an inscription is unsatisfactory Clean up files after breakfast.Sit and see the guest three times.Briefly read "Confucianism".nap for a while.At the beginning of the afternoon, I made a few lines of epitaph.After lunch, I read the documents of the day, wrote a few lines of epitaphs, and approved the manuscripts in the nuclear department.Take an evening nap.I made the inscription at night, and finished it at two o'clock and three o'clock. I saw that there was nothing wrong with it, but I knew that in the past, I knew that I knew the text and I didn't write it, so I can't rely on it.Knowing everything in the world is worse than knowing seven points in action. It is not clear what is not experienced.Go to bed at four.It was sent to "Luo Luoshan Collection" at home in Japan, and I read it briefly. Look at what Zeng Guofan wrote that day. When I read it later, I found that it was completely out of standard, not at all my usual level. Zeng Guofan reflected on it and said: Knowing everything in the world is worse than knowing seven points. Alas, I blame myself for walking too high, so high that even my own family no longer regards me as a human being, and no longer admits that I have normal human needs and desires. Human society is so cruel. If you want to succeed and accomplish your career in life, you have to follow the cognitive laws of human society, and follow other people's expectations and requirements for you.If you don't twist your energy according to the expectations of the group, you will inevitably not be recognized in your life and career, and you will achieve nothing.But when you go to the end according to the public's expectations, you find that you have lost yourself. Even a saint can't escape this disaster. well!In desperation, the sage Zeng Guofan proclaimed himself in rhyme: On November 13th, make rhymes to prove yourself Clean up files after breakfast.Sit and see the guest twice.Shi Menglan, a Juren from Laoting County, is very knowledgeable and has been talking for a long time.Spin to test a member of the martial arts archer.Write "No Slow Room Diary".At the beginning of the afternoon, after reading "Hanshu·Criminal Law", read "Shihuo Zhi" for a few leaves.Read today's documents after lunch.Sit and see the guest once.Very tired, blindfolded, take a nap.Shave once.The weather is extremely short and it is getting dark.Take an evening nap.Yehe approved each volume of manuscripts today, made a folded manuscript, about 300 characters, and a revised letter manuscript.After the second watch, I read Du and Han's five-character ancient poems.Go to bed at five.Occasionally rhyme to self-proverb, cloud: The crime of mental tricks is the best way to go to heaven. There is no remedy, and the road is poor at sunset. Save the pain and change, and follow orders bravely. Cheng Tang's prayer, Shen Sheng's respect. The lack of qualifications is regarded by everyone. Hu has no shame in being different. Remember, usurp and forget, sing and cry for literature and history. And angry and happy, after death. On December 22, we will devote ourselves to cultivating our nature and preserving our talents Clean up files after breakfast.Spin to see the guest twice.I occasionally read Sun Tuigu's "Gengzi Selling Xia Ji".The books of manuscripts approved by the department have been reviewed and completed at the third quarter of the afternoon.Huang Jingxuan asked Yu to sit for a long time.After lunch, Shi Sheng came to sit down and see the guests again.Read today's documents, read "Kangzi's Sales of Xia Ji" and "Concise Catalog of Siku".In the evening, I went to the shogunate to talk.At night, my eyes are very blind.Read "Siku Bibliography", read the ancient prose, the one with the most momentum, is not more prosperous than Li Du, Han Su's Qigu, because it has been a long time to recite the Qigu.Go to bed at two or five (point).In the past few days, I think that the reason why the sages, philosophers and Confucians shine in the universe in ancient times is nothing more than literature and meritorious deeds.However, in literature, qualifications account for seven points, and manpower is no more than three points; for achievement, luck is the seventh, and manpower is no more than three points.The only thing is to cultivate one's nature with one's heart and preserve the reason why God bestowed on me.If the five things are complete in the amount of solemnity, righteousness, philosophy, intrigue, and sage, the five ethics will be in the sense of kinship, righteousness, order, separation, and trust; If you have a heart and a sense of righteousness, this will be presided over by manpower, and you can account for seven points.The focus of life should be on those who account for one-seventh of their own, and strider to pursue it, but when it comes to literature and work, which only account for one-third, let it be ignored.Can the desire to win a good name and win less rest, can the selfishness of playing outsiders disappear day by day?Old age is old and fashionable, nothing is perfect, this book is a self-warning. Finally, Zeng Guofan's wish to buy a concubine was stubbornly attacked by his family members. After the final beating, Old Master Zeng sat depressed in his study and revealed to us the ultimate wisdom of his life. This wisdom of life is real and practical. It comes from Zeng Guofan's grand and profound Confucianism. It is of inestimable value to each of us at any time: Here, Zeng Guofan divides people's careers into two types, and uses a ratio of 30 to 70 to measure the functional relationship between your effort and success.This classification is exactly the classification of modern management science, which embodies the old saying that wisdom meets at the end. There are two kinds of human careers, one is individual and the other is group. In management, an individual's career is also called independent, and a group's career is also called interactive. An independent and individual business refers to something that you can accomplish alone without partnering with others.Such as literature, such as painting, such as calligraphy, such as singing and dancing, such activities are completely up to you. If you have a high level, you will naturally achieve high achievements. If your level is low, it is difficult to achieve high achievements. Zeng Guofan pointed out: Whether independent and individual social activities can achieve adult success, seven points depend on your talent, and another three points depend on your hard work.For example, a novelist without talent can write a lifetime without being able to understand it, so he can only manage poorly.And a talented person, if he writes casually, the effect will be better than that of an untalented person who has worked hard for many years.So if you want to engage in this type of career, you must first check whether you have talent. If you don’t have talent, you can only rely on hard work. What should I change? There are also group, interactive careers for you to choose from. A group and interactive career refers to a career that does not require you to have any special talents, but can only be completed by cooperating with a team and being able to flexibly and skillfully use the team's wisdom and ideas.This type of business mainly refers to social organizations, such as establishing a company, establishing a business group, and so on. 70% of group and interactive careers are entirely due to luck, and only 30% depend on your own efforts.This is because in group social activities, your success depends entirely on the wishes of others.There is also a proper term in this kind of activities, called noble people to help, which means that when you meet someone who appreciates you, he is willing to give up enough resources for your success.But in this world, there are very few nobles and many sluts. If you place all your hopes on others, failure in life is inevitable. Look at the old man Zeng Guofan, he has been doing this all his life.He talked about culture among the warriors, military training among the literati, he told jokes to his disciples, he explained the rules of officialdom to his colleagues, he delved into Western technical thinking to get rid of Hong Xiuquan, and then used Confucian classics to calm down stupid people who did not study. Every now and then, he has all the treasures out there, because he has firmly focused his personal efforts on reading, which he is best at. Therefore, leaving aside the concubine who was not bought, he became the last Ying family. Chronicle of Zeng Guofan involved in this chapter: In the eighth year of Tongzhi, 1869 AD, Zeng Guofan was 59 years old. On the first day of the first lunar month (February 11), participate in the New Year's Day celebration. On the fifth day of the first lunar month (February 15), I visited Woren's house. On the 15th day of the first lunar month (February 25th), he accompanied the feudal kings in Baohe Hall to have a banquet. On the 16th day of the first lunar month (February 26th), he went to the banquet of the courtiers of the Qing army. Zeng Guofan, the head of the ranks of Han officials, sat in front of the Emperor Tongzhi with the Manchu University scholar Woren Dongxi, which was the highest honor he enjoyed during his lifetime. On the 17th day of the first lunar month (February 27th), visit the residence of Prince Gong. On the 22nd day of the first lunar month (March 4th), I left the capital and went to Baoding. Arrived in Baoding on the 27th of the first lunar month (March 9). On the second day of February (March 14), he received a letter from the Zhili Governor's Ministry of Defense and Changlu Yanzheng. On February 16th (March 28th), review the military training in the six towns of Zhili. On May 21st (June 30th), please use the Hunan army system to reform Zhili army training. On the seventh day of July (August 14th), he wrote "Encouraging Learning to Show Zhili Scholars", and proposed that Confucianism has four subjects: righteousness, textual research, economics, and rhetoric, and righteousness is the foundation of scholarship. August: Zuo asked the generals of the Hunan and Huai armies to train recruits from the six towns of Zhili. September: Approved the Zhili military training regulations, and replaced the Green Camp military system with the Hunan Army military system. October: Depart from Baoding, survey the river engineering along the way, and return to Baoding after reviewing the foreign gun team in Tianjin.
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