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Chapter 6 Chapter Five Twenty-Three Years of Daoguang: Candidates who made cheat sheets

Zeng Guofan's Diary 曾国藩 3814Words 2018-03-18
February 12: Huixi has come, and she began to wake up, discussing the night sky.There is a pale air in the southwest, as wide as a piece of cloth, tens of feet long, obliquely pointing to Sirius.I don't know the Lord He Xiangye.Because stay Huixi breakfast.Hui Ximian reprimanded me for a few things: one is slowness, which means being respectful after making friends for a long time;Naozai, my friend!I commit great evil every day without knowing it!On that day, more than a thousand characters were written in lowercase.In the second half of the day, Huixi came, recruited colleagues to Chen Yishu's place, and returned after the light.Wang Hancheng came to talk for a long time.

This year, Zeng Guofan tried to restore himself to normal. He played chess with his wife and started reading novels.But the friends of the capital are still immersed in the happiness of criticizing him, and they will never give up this kind of fun lightly. There is a Jiangxi native named Shao Yichen, whose name is Huixi. It is said in the book that he is "innocuous and straightforward by nature, and often confronts others' shortcomings." That is to say, he is best at catching your shortcomings and then criticizing you in public. If you become angry from embarrassment, OK, then your frantic performance may ruin your future.If you accept it humbly, that's even better. Since you have admitted your mistake, you have defined the relationship between him as your critic and you as the criticized one.

Here he accused Zeng Guofan of three major mistakes: not being able to respect friends for a long time, sticking to one's own point of view when talking about poetry and prose, and being able to make several faces to people. To be honest, any one of these three is the purest nitpicking. Let me talk about the first one first, you can't respect for a long time when you make friends.When it comes to making friends, there will always be some friends who are getting closer and closer, and the distance of respect is relatively far away, and the most appropriate attitude after getting close is to be honest, not to respect and stay away.If this is also wrong, how can this interpersonal relationship be balanced?

Shao Huixi accused Zeng Guofan of sticking to his point of view when talking about poetry and prose. This can be said to be unreasonable. His allegations are hard to accept. The last one is to say that Zeng Guofan has several faces in life, which is right, this should be Zeng Guofan himself.His speculation about the world's sophistication is too sophisticated.It may not be easy for Shao Huixi to let Zeng Guofan slip down from the height of the old traitor. It was night when Zeng Guofan watched the stars at night and found that there were UFOs. February 20: Yan Qi.After dinner, I read novels. It was early days, and I went to Longzhao Huaigong to invite Mr. Ji Xianjiu, the room master, to speak lies, and I returned to you at the beginning of the year.The daughter is not well yet.Master Ji intends to devote himself to the exam, but he uses his weak body as an excuse, isn't it deceitful?Just deceive yourself!Abandoned so far, is there still a cure?

This is the most difficult entry in Zeng Guofan's diary.In all his diaries, he will record the titles of the books he read that day, and the books he reads consecutively will be described in a simpler way.For example, when he read a novel two years ago, he recorded the title of the book on the first day, and then replaced it with the novel.But this diary is different. This diary said that he was reading a novel today, but what kind of book he was reading, the previous diary did not mention it, and the subsequent diary did not add anything.This was the only time he concealed the title of the book. What book was he reading?Why not let us know?

And the content of this book should be very attractive.Look at the following description, Fang Shi Ji Xianjiu had a sudden nerve attack, and today he wanted to test him, but he flatly refused because he was too weak.Although afterwards he reflected on himself again and again, angrily accusing himself of deceiving himself and others, knowing that he was deceiving others and still refusing to say the title of the book? What kind of book is it? On the second day of March: Get up early and write more than a thousand characters in lowercase after dinner.During the day and in the boudoir, it is disrespectful.I vowed to refrain from this evil last year, and now I commit it again. It is shameful and hateful!Bamboo Tathagata, long talk.If you can't cure it for a long time, you are a good friend, but you feel impudent.Pang Zuoren came.Yan Qu has recently been diary what he has learned every day, there are dozens of entries, at least one or two, because he asked about the rest of the class book, but there is a diary, but no class, smelling it, I don't feel sweaty.At the beginning of the unitary year, when I made an appointment to go to Daiyun for a light meal, I made a slip of the tongue.

As I have said, since the Japanese master stopped torturing Zeng Guofan, the atmosphere of criticism and self-criticism among the concubines in the capital has been greatly reduced.But around Zeng Guofan, there is still a small whirlwind from time to time, probably because Zeng Guofan is the best, and he is good at being a teacher when he is in trouble. If he catches an excellent person, he wants to guide him.Therefore, Zeng Guofan's diary still maintains a helpless self-criticism style. This diary is the most typical hypocritical Taoism, written for people to read.And the diary also clearly stated that it was because of a weirdo named Pang Zuoren that the good-natured Zeng Guofan was forced into hypocrisy.

At any rate, this Pang Zuoren is an elite among the elite, a concubine chosen from thousands of people.But things in this world are really strange. After a group of the best people get together, they quickly divide into several levels. The worst level is actually worse than the non-elite. I really don’t know how these elites get mixed up. Speaking of which, Pang Zuoren doesn't have too many shortcomings. He just likes to guide others, such as checking Zeng Guofan's homework and guiding Zeng Guofan's life path.In order to show his humility and humility, Zeng Guofan could only retreat step by step, but Pang Zuoren pressed on every step of the way. He forced Zeng Guofan back into the ranks of hypocritical Taoism. Internal disrespect.

According to the records, on this day, Zeng Guofan was making out with his wife in the bedroom. Pang Zuoren rushed over excitedly to check Zeng Guofan's homework, accusing Zeng Guofan of not criticizing himself recently, and he should continue to criticize.Zeng Guofan was forced to confess his intimate private affairs with his wife, satisfying Pang Zuoren's desire to guide. It is conceivable that Zeng Guofan hated this Pang Zuoren to death. Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.But Zeng Guofan's revenge took a full twenty years before he took revenge. Twenty years later, Zeng Guofan will have an entry in his diary dedicated to scolding this wicked Pang Zuoren, which we will read later.

On the fourth day of March: Get up early and go to the Huguang Pavilion to write a test poem.Go to Hancheng's house for breakfast.Already upright, he went to Zhang Yu's farm with Dai Yun.When Zhang and Huang Fuqing got engaged, it was the day of Nazheng, and they were matchmakers.Sitting in Zhang Yu for a long time, because of a game of Go with Zhang Nanjie.During the banquet, because of too much joking, he was humiliated by others, and he took it upon himself.Human beings can fill the reality of nothing to accept you, go anywhere without doing righteousness, yet they don't know the precepts!Night, to Haiqiu, a little talk.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. After becoming famous, Zeng Guofan was surrounded by the most outstanding disciples in Chinese history, such as Li Hongzhang and his like.At that time, he was sitting upright and telling jokes. Li Hongzhang and others all admired the teacher's wisdom and admired the story that cannot be added. But the same story, when Zeng Guofan was just an ordinary concubine in the capital, he told others, in exchange for nothing but humiliation. Throughout his life, a person cannot change his habits.Zeng Guofan will always be the mischievous and funny Zeng Guofan who loves to tell jokes.But he did the same thing under a different environment, but the result was completely opposite. Therefore, when you are alive, you don’t care what you do or how you do it. What matters is whether the environment suits your personality development.When you are just a small person and the surrounding environment is not good for you, no matter what you do, it is wrong, because your existence is a mistake, at least you hinder the future of others, or affect the mood of others . Zeng Guofan knows this better than anyone.He knew that he couldn't change the environment of the capital, he had to leave the capital to be able to... Receive bribes to make money, and tell jokes as he pleases. This opportunity finally came. On the 10th day of March, enter the Zhengda Guangming Hall to take the exam Yin Chuqi.At the beginning of Mao, listen to the point outside Xianliang's gate.Screw into Zhengda Guangming Hall to take the exam.Maozheng, got the title "Ode Like a Stone Throwing Water", with the rhyme of Chen Shanguan Xie's respect, "Feng Afeng Jimo Lun"; , the three arts have not been engraved at the beginning and the end, and they have not been written until they have been written.Appearing on the stage, posting a manuscript to share with colleagues, Shiwu made a big mistake, and regretted it too much.If you are so careless, why are you so embarrassed!On that day, one hundred and twenty-four people entered the arena. The supervisor was Zaiquan, the king of Dingjun. Zeng Guofan's opportunity finally came.The terrible exam he took was called the big exam Zhan Han. After three years of hard training, the Shuji scholars of the Hanlin Academy were now going to be led out for a walk, whether they were mules or horses. What was the result of slipping? What Zeng Guofan saw with his own eyes was that the people who found Huai Xie were praised like a mountain.That is to say, a large number of people wanted to smuggle reference books into the venue, and had to cheat, but were seized on the spot and handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for punishment.Clearly knowing that being caught would be a ruin, but these elites who have chosen thousands of elites still chose plagiarism without hesitation.And only one hundred and twenty-four people took the exam, and the cheat sheets found were "like a mountain of praise", which made us want to ask: Come on, brothers, how many are there that have not been copied? How did that happen?They are all the elite of the elite, even if they are the worst in the exam, there must be a Qipin county magistrate who can do it.They would rather go all out to avoid the county magistrate, but also risk their lives to cheat. What are the brains of these elites thinking? Because if you pass this exam, you can go on a foreign job, you can go out of Beijing, and go to make money in a legitimate way. How could this opportunity be missed?Copy it, grandma's, at worst, you will be caught and beaten.What if you don't get caught?Didn't we make a lot of money? Horses have no night, grass is not fat, people don't copy and don't test, whoever you love, look at Zeng Guofan, everyone copied him, and he didn't copy, what happened?Something went wrong?Off topic?Hahaha, so what if you don't copy?At most, I copied and got caught with the same ending. Hahaha, the candidates are laughing wildly. Clang clang clang, Zeng Guofan smashed his head against the wall in grief and indignation.You said how did this happen, how could it go wrong?This is really... In desperation, the list was finally released. Zeng Guofan supported the wall with both hands, turned his head to look, and then fell to the ground with a plop. On that day, he made up his diary: On March 13th, Yu was ranked high because of a big mistake, and he was extremely ashamed. Hey, that's not right, Zeng Guofan obviously made a mistake, so why did he still pass the exam, and rank high? Is there even a question?How many students are there in total?One hundred and twenty-four (another theory says it was one hundred and twenty-seven), but how many cheat sheets were found?Praise is like a mountain.The elites who made cheat sheets were all dragged into the Ministry of Criminal Justice for questioning, so how many candidates are left in the end? What's more, Zeng Guofan only took the sixth place in the exam, ranked first in the second class, and five people in the first class, so he ranked sixth.If everyone doesn't copy, maybe a few people will perform abnormally and push Zeng Guofan to the back. In short, people are not as good as heaven. Zeng Guofan looked up to the sky and laughed, hahaha, continue to cultivate his morals, write a diary for serious self-criticism.Well, by the way, you can collect as much as you can from disciples, and the more you can collect, the better. In that year, Zeng Guofan was released to Sichuan and received a thousand taels of silver. On October 26th, standing in the pavilion and looking at the red sunset, Zhongtiao Mountain is as picturesque as a painting. Travel seventy miles and live in Fanqiaoyi.There is a small pavilion at the back of the museum, looking at Zhongtiao Mountain, it is as picturesque as a painting, on the independent pavilion, watching the sunset, the red glow for a long time, it is very fast. Since then, the style of Zeng Guofan's diary has changed abruptly and evolved into a standard journal style.After escaping from the strange place of crazy criticism in the capital, Zeng Guofan regained his freedom. He simply didn't write a single word in the diary in May, especially the matter of collecting money from candidates under his school. How can this matter be written?He is not short of mind. With the money and repaying the old debts, Zeng Guofan was debt-free. Since July, he changed his career and became a donkey friend, visiting the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.His diary has also begun to change into a travelogue style, and several of them are very well written, and it is no problem to include them in textbooks for middle school students.For example, after he traveled to Shaanxi, crossed the Yellow River, looked at Zhongtiao Mountain, and arrived at Fanqiaoyi after traveling 70 miles, this diary he wrote has a very strong sense of imagery. Since then, Zeng Guofan's temper has gradually grown. Chronicle of Zeng Guofan involved in this chapter: In the 23rd year of Daoguang, in 1843 AD, Zeng Guofan was 33 years old. In March, Hanzhan official examination, won the first place in the second class, and was promoted as a servant of the Hanlin Academy. In June, he was ordered to serve as the official examiner of the Sichuan Provincial Examination. In July, he gave a supplementary lecture to the Imperial Academy. In November, he served as the school manager of Wenyuan Pavilion.
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