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Chapter 5 Chapter Four Twenty-two Years of Daoguang: Towards Collapse

Zeng Guofan's Diary 曾国藩 15959Words 2018-03-18
On the first day of the tenth lunar month, the elders of Wogen Peak spent some time talking and researching. At the beginning of the ugly, I went to the Meridian Gate to welcome the holy car.In the court room, it is not allowed to vibrate and worship.Yang Pu'an's discussion on the "Four Books" has a birth statement.When I went to the guild hall to worship the gods, Zhou Huafu was there, and I couldn't help but speak.Paying homage to the senior of Wo Genfeng, the master said that the most important thing is how much time to study. If Yan Zi is not good, he doesn't know what is outstanding, it is how much research.Zhou Zi said: How many good and evil. "The Doctrine of the Mean" says: "Although the potential is hidden, it is also illuminated by the hole."Mr. Liu Niantai said: You can know how much by reading.It is also called this.If you fail to observe this, you will be relieved and difficult to accept.It also says: The good and evil of the human heart are closely related to the state's governance and chaos.He was also taught to write daily lessons, to write immediately, and it is not advisable to follow suit.Go out of the city to visit five families, and you are returning to your apartment.Five characters are pasted under the lamp.

Eight months after the diary stopped writing, Zeng Guofan's family situation returned to normal.So he healed his scar and forgot about the pain, and he started to write again, starting to write a debriefing diary dedicated to fooling leaders. This diary on the first day of October must be mentioned in every study on Zeng Guofan, and it would be unprofessional not to mention it.Moreover, all the researchers were copying each other, explaining that it was Yanji who guided Zeng Guofan.The researcher is also exhaustive, that is, to pursue the problem to the end.It is a professional term stolen from Song Confucianism. It originally refers to the subtlety of the beginning of things.In the Neo Confucianism system, a few words are used to refer to the good and evil of human nature and the subtleties of the human heart.

Since then, Zeng Guofan really followed Master Woren's instructions and spoofed himself in his diary every day.Based on this, researchers concluded that Zeng Guofan was influenced by Woren. But in fact, Zeng Guofan just fooled Woren.As for the researchers of later generations, no one fooled them, it was they who found the fools themselves. To know why Zeng Guofan had to fool Woren, one must first know the influence and status of Woren in the court. Twenty-seven years later, Zeng Guofan went to Beijing for an audience with Hong Xiuquan's Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Nian Bandit Rebellion, and went to the court officials of the Qing Dynasty for a banquet.Zeng Guofan was the head of the ranks of Han officials, and the head of the university scholar Woren ranks of the ministers. This is the highest honor Zeng Guofan has enjoyed in his life.

He tried his best to turn the tide and kept the Aixinjueluo clan of the Qing Dynasty. With such achievements, Zeng Guofan's treatment was at most equal to that of Woren.After that, Zeng Guofan went to Beijing for the second time, saw the Empress Dowager for the seventh time, and attended the court banquet again, but his seat was moved back five rows, while Wo Ren was still at the front. This is Woren, he is a high-level intellectual among the Manchus, born several ranks higher than Zeng Guofan.Just imagine such a leader, how can you not fool him? Is there any reason to prove that Zeng Guofan was fooling Woren?

First of all, the current diary is the homework written by Zeng Guofan to Woren. Woren wrote down comments from leaders in each diary. For example, Zeng Guofan wrote a diary to regret that he did not work hard and vowed to work hard. Woren happily commented: Practicing what you say is the way to learn.For another example, there is a diary at the back, Zeng Guofan reflected on his naughtiness and lack of effort, gritted his teeth and made up his mind, and Woren modestly instructed: "Since we know this, we must work hard to move forward, keep our spirits, and put away all idle thinking, entertainment, and idleness." Sweeping away all the words, concentrate on it, and get into it to settle down.It is necessary to replace another person to make progress in kung fu, and we would like to encourage each other.

In short, the leader's reply is very powerful, but it is a bit out of tune. It is not without basis for us to judge the relationship between Woren and Zeng Guofan in this way.We must know that Woren is an elite among the Manchu intellectuals. He has been diligent in cultivating virtue all his life and convincing others with virtue.His identity determined that it was easy for him to do this, because the imperial court never had the heart to put his theory into practice. Wouldn't it be miserable if he had a hard time facing the reality? The imperial court never dared to let Woren's theory and practice head-on. It could only treat this old scholar as a treasure and raise him with high-ranking officials and generous salaries, so as to inspire the young people among the Manchus.But this result is precisely Woren's life practice. Practice has proved that a gentleman seeks the way but not food, and salary is in it.Wo Ren devotes himself to cultivating virtue, and he has everything he needs, so he will never suspect that his theory is wrong. How can his life be so brilliant if there is something wrong?

Woren's achievements in life are the product of a specific historical and political environment.The counter-evidence is Yan Hui, the most proud disciple of Confucius. He also cultivated virtue, and his virtue was higher than anyone else. Even Confucius admired him, but Yan Hui died of poverty and hunger in the end. Why did this happen?Because Yan Hui was not a benevolent man, and he did not have a strict power system to take care of him, no matter how high his virtue was, he would still escape bad luck. In the same way, the Japanese benevolence cultivates virtue, earns a lot of money, and has a fat and round belly.However, the result of Zeng Guofan's cultivation of virtue was that his wife couldn't even afford to hire a birth wife when she gave birth, so she delivered the baby by herself and bit the umbilical cord.No matter how thoughtless Zeng Guofan was, he knew that he was not a Woren, and it was absolutely impossible for him to be so stupid as to walk the way of a Woren.

So Zeng Guofan's diary records are just a gesture to let the leader know that he is following the leader's instructions.But what he really has to do is follow his own philosophy of life and follow his own path. Secondly, as far as Woren's theoretical system is concerned, Yan Ji is right, but this right is only a metaphysical theory that lacks the following legs.In fact, the leg of the research is the current scientific system. For example, if you want to pursue the subtle truth of numbers, you should study mathematics.If you want to pursue the subtle principles of health preservation, you should study medicine; if you want to explore the mysteries of human nature, you must study psychology.Any one of these disciplines will cost you a lifetime of hard work and go astray as a professional.

And Zeng Guofan has only one research direction. He wants to be an official and obtain survival resources from others, so his research field should be organizational management.And this is a complex subject that did not exist at that time, but in any case, any research beyond this is meaningless to Zeng Guofan. Again, Woren is famous all over the world and has countless disciples, but no one except Zeng Guofan has made his research famous. What does this mean? It just shows that Zeng Guofan understands better than Woren. You are the one who understands, and he is the one who is confused, but you have to pass his approval in order to gain enough living space.This can also be called boss management. In fact, Zeng Guofan likes to manage powerful superiors. In the following diary, he will show off his management of Empress Dowager Cixi proudly. This can also be used as Zeng Guofan's management of Japanese One of the evidences of benevolence.

Finally, Zeng Guofan's own ideological and knowledge system is more mature and richer in academic value than that of Woren, which has constituted history itself.In fact, it was precisely because of Zeng Guofan's extraordinary achievements that Woren was dragged out to appear on stage repeatedly, and this alone was enough. So we know that the following relevant materials, which are regarded as treasures by historians, are actually nothing but Zeng Guofan's helpless cover-up and compromise. On the third day of the tenth month, Dai Yun persuaded Yu with admonishment. Early in the morning, my heart was restless.Chen was going out to pay homage to He Zijing, but his words were not sincere.At Daiyun's place, one essay and one poem will be taught, and the transcript will be completed at the beginning of the lamp.I can only finish the volume, but I am quite contented, what a small thing!There are many sharp words with colleagues, but the old attitude has not changed at all.Come back, take the letter from home.Dai Yun came and talked for a long time, exhorting each other to be kind.Those who are responsible for what they have failed to say.Dai Yun said that the first thing I should do is to refrain from the word slow, saying that I am full of negligence everywhere, and it is true that I am blind.It is also said that for friends, if you rely too much on each other, you don't know how much you can enter before you enter, you don't leave any space everywhere, the young ones are dirty, and the big ones are fierce, so you can't be careless.He also said that I don't worry about being shrewd in dealing with things, or being too mean, so I must pay attention to every step.These three words are all medicine stones. (Tiantou, Zhizai, Daiyun Kedun friendship) Sitting silently, thinking about this must always be full of business; distracting thoughts, why do you try to sweep them away?Encourage it!Fu Zhou Mingfu Le Qingxin.Li Xin has sprouted, keep a diary.

A talented person is like a thorn, which will pierce anyone who puts it in the bed. In this diary, Chen Yuangun, Zeng Guofan's best friend, was obviously implicated.He accused Zeng Guofan of being negligent.This accusation is reasonable, but Zeng Guofan also has his own difficulties. His depth of thinking is a bit ahead of him, leaving Chen Yuangun and others a little far away.When everyone gets together, listening to their conversation is like a college student listening to an elementary school student. The disparity in thinking is so great that it is difficult for Zeng Guofan not to neglect it. Obviously, Chen Yuangun's accusation is exactly how Woren feels about Zeng Guofan.So Woren hurriedly wrote in his diary: Zhizai, Dai Yunke Dun friendship. This instruction is a bit too cruel, and Woren is clearly saying, I admire Chen Yuangun more, Zeng Guofan, you have to keep working hard, you have to get rid of your negligent habits. If there is no way, then continue to change: On the fourth day of October, I had a long talk with Wu Zhuru, testing each other physically and mentally. Get up early and read "Xian Gua", a little more than the day before, but my heart is still not calm.After dinner, I went to He's house to pay homage to the five families.Return, Wu Zhu Tathagata, long talk, test each other's body and mind, really afraid of friends.Mr. Gen Feng came, and he was very impressed with the two gentlemen. Zhu Ruyan said that the word respect is the best, and Yu said that the word "Yihe" must be added. (Tiantou, respect yourself and enjoy yourself. Reluctance is not respect. It is good to be able to force it often. Gen Feng.) There is no one in practice, but it is not embarrassing to say it. How shameful!Senior Li Yueqiao came to show that he had recently written a poem.There are countless people who can't help but speak in Chinese, talk about poetry and make deep words, and those who have already missed it.Ding Song was born with too much entertainment.You are walking to He Zizhen's place, singing a clear tone, if you take it in yourself, you are still very relaxed, fortunately you don't talk much.After drinking, he talked with Zizhen about words, but he was also embarrassing.In one day, if you commit this disease three times, what is your intention to correct it?Gui, writing a hundred words, the more constricted the heart becomes, the more complicated it becomes.Keep a record of daily events, and suddenly become famous when drinking, so be abstained from it. This diary is very interesting, and it can be called a typical review book.This is because Wo Ren came to visit Zeng Guofan on this day.Zeng Guofan was obviously a little excited, so he hurriedly wrote this diary, scolding himself to the point of being miserable, and submitting it to Teacher Wo Ren to see what attitude Lao Wo has. The old Japanese instructs in the middle part: Respect yourself and be happy. Reluctance is not respect.Gen Feng. There are allusions to Woren's reply.It is said that during the Warring States period, two people talked about the righteous man Lu Zhonglian, and one person said that Lu Zhonglian treated people sincerely all his life, and he was a rare and upright person.The second person objected, saying that Lu Zhonglian forced himself to do this, so he is not an honest person.The first person said again: If a person forces himself to be upright all his life, then he is already the most authentic. Woren's instruction has no other meaning.Of course he hoped that Zeng Guofan would be successful, and any student who was successful would have a bright face on the teacher's face.No, just because of his admiration for Zeng Guofan, this Woren is always lying here and showing his face frequently. Speaking of which, this can be regarded as a great success in Woren's life. However, Mr. Woren's cognition and understanding of Zeng Guofan is obviously not that accurate, so Zeng Guofan has to continue to write his review with a bitter face. On the seventh day of October, Yu Jian was punished for his slowness. Early, reading "Jin Gua", quite comfortable.Wangfu, Yu, no blame.Yu, it's difficult. "The Doctrine of the Mean" shows goodness and sincerity, is it the so-called wealthy?After dinner, I went to the city to look at the house, met Zhuru, and visited Mr. Tang together, and sat for a long time.Go out of the city to worship six or seven families.To punish the blame of brevity and slowness has already entered the clever order.Unitary did not return, for a hundred characters.After the lamp, make another one hundred.Going to Daiyun's place, there are three things to do in business and entertainment, and there are too many words.Returning, writing sixteen lines of poems, failed.The spirit should always be sufficient, and the spirit should be full without distraction.Today I talk too much, eat too much cigarettes, so I am sleepy, and I can't get through the checkpoints. The lack of self-control is very serious!Keep a diary. Since Woren's instructions on the fourth day of the first day, Zeng Guofan continued to belittle himself in his diary every day, conducting cruel self-criticism.On the fifth day of the lunar new year, he criticized himself for being sluggish, and claimed that he seemed to have some experience in reciting the Yangqi Chapter.On the sixth day of the new year, he finally entered the game. The more he criticized himself, the more he felt that he was worthless. Through negation of negation, he finally completely negated himself.On the seventh day of the lunar new year, he criticized himself for talking too much and smoking too much—remember?Last year, he successfully issued a smoking cessation declaration, and now he is starting to struggle with himself again. On the eighth day of the lunar new year, Zeng Guofan made a plan to get rid of his good reputation and bad reputation.And shout out: Anyone who likes to be praised, hated and destroyed is the heart of a humble husband who worries about gains and losses.If you can't break through this barrier, then all your knowledge and talents are enough to deceive the world and steal your name.Keep this in mind. At this time, Zeng Guofan finally succeeded in getting himself into the trap and sealing himself into the trap.It's not that he shouldn't get rid of the desire to praise or criticize others, or that his theoretical analysis is wrong.But the problem is that good reputation and evil are just human nature itself, a stress response when the living body is still in the egg cell, and a process in which human beings form self-awareness. For example, the most innocent baby has no self-awareness, and of course has no concept of right and wrong, good and evil, but he has the instinct of good reputation and evil.If you kick the baby in the face, the baby will cry loudly—if you don’t believe me, you can try it on your own baby, the child who doesn’t work is mine—if you gently caress the baby, the baby will show a bright smile like an angel .Crying when you feel pain and laughing when you feel happiness is the most basic biological self-protection instinct of babies, and it is also the source of human beings' good reputation and bad reputation. But Zeng Guofan is now tempted and persecuted by the Japanese benevolence, and he wants to quit his human instincts. This is like water quitting flow, fire quitting burning, the earth quitting gravity, and the sun quitting bright light.It is clearly a complete denial of self-existence. Is this kind of thing that violates the laws of nature done by normal people? Of course, Yu Woren's original intention was not to get rid of Zeng Guofan's humanity and turn him into a monster.He just hopes that Zeng Guofan can get infinitely close to the truth itself.But Woren doesn't understand education. Doing this kind of thing is tantamount to playing with fire. It is completely destroying Zeng Guofan's personality, and what is finally exposed is an even more terrifying primitive instinct. On the ninth day of self-denial, Zeng Guofan finally collapsed. On the ninth day of October, reflect on what I did to Xiaoshan. On the adult's birthday, Chen is accompanying the guests, and they will leave at Shenshi.The food and drink are too expensive, and you are not frugal in your daily life, but you will not be prosperous in front of your relatives, why not check it?After the guests are gone, there are a few vulgar things.At noon, go to Xiaoshan's place.There was a gap between Xiaoshan and Yu before, and it was my fault to think carefully.Gou I have always treated people faithfully, why do people not believe me?If I have always been able to show courtesy and respect to others, why would anyone speak ill of me?And even if people are right, why are they swearing and ignoring their anger?It's almost as if you forget yourself and your relatives!There are three major faults in this matter: disbelief and disrespect on weekdays, and too much reliance on each other, one is; .Evil words do not come out of the mouth, and angry words do not come back to the body. If this is not the case, let alone other things?Keep this in mind as a warning. (Tiantou, self-reflection is extreme) I have been talking with Xiaoshan and Zhuqian for a long time, and I always talk too much.I haven't read a book for two days, and I don't check myself everywhere. Although the entertainment is a bit complicated, the ambition of reforming is not painful, so I don't feel relaxed.Keep a diary. This diary was also introduced with great interest by many historians. It said that Zeng Guofan had a fellow from Hunan in Beijing.Zheng Xiaoshan is proficient in medical skills and often treats Zeng Guofan's family members. On this day, Zeng Guofan and Zheng Xiaoshan met two concubines. After scolding people, Zeng Guofan was refreshed, and hurriedly wrote a diary to criticize himself for not being a thing.After reading it, Woren commented: "It's extremely self-reflective."It means that your introspection is correct, and this is what a human being should do. Woren's instructions are a bit confusing, he seems to be saying: To be a man is to scold your mother and ancestors like this. If you don't have any anger, is it still called a man? Surprisingly, many historians also believe that Woren's educational methods are absolutely necessary. You can see how sincere Zeng Guofan's self-criticism is.If it hadn't been for Wo Ren to fix him like this, how could Zeng Guofan have such a deep introspection? Historians' comments are simply too much water in the brain, not to mention thinking about it, Zeng Guofan was always a gentle person before encountering Woren and denying himself for no reason.He takes care of his younger siblings, honors his father, treats his friends kindly, reads his favorite books every day, never quarrels with anyone, and never blushes with anyone.Now, with the teaching of Wo Ren, Zeng Guofan has been educated to the point of wanton abuse. Obviously, there is something wrong with Woren's education method.Instead of making progress, Zeng Guofan retreated thousands of miles, from a gentle scholar to a state of barefoot traffickers.If the final result of education is this, then Zeng Guofan doesn't need to study at all, he just needs to stand in front of the house with a hoe and bare feet, beating his wife and scolding his children, and that's enough.To achieve this goal, there is no need for Woren to work hard. So, what went wrong with Woren's education? The problem is that Woren doesn't know that his educational method is actually effectively destroying Zeng Guofan's personality, and he is planning to destroy Zeng Guofan's self.Once the self-personality is destroyed, there are only three possibilities for Zeng Guofan's end: one is to commit suicide due to a psychological breakdown; . How could it be so serious? The problem is bigger than that.During China's Cultural Revolution, a large number of intellectuals were forced to write inspections every day to reflect on their own mistakes. As a result, many intellectuals found that there were too many flaws in themselves.But these flaws are brought about by human nature, and they are a part of human nature. To eliminate the flaws, you can only eliminate him, so a large number of intellectuals have eliminated themselves, committed suicide or become crazy. Neo-Confucianism is a terrible thing. You sound clear and logical, but you actually ignore another aspect of the problem.Neo-Confucianism hopes to eliminate the flaws and deficiencies in human nature as much as possible through research and self-reflection, so that people can present a brand new mental state.As the so-called "University" said in the opening chapter: the way of the university lies in Ming Mingde, in being close to the people, and in ending in the ultimate good. What is mentioned here in being close to the people is to make yourself another person and radiate the brilliance of humanity. However, the researchers and advocates of Neo-Confucianism have ignored such a problem: For example, water is the source of life, but many people drown in water.For example, fire is the beginning of human civilization, but many people are burned to death in the fire.The water that drowns people is the defect and deficiency of water, but can you make water eliminate this defect?The fire that burns people to death is the defect and deficiency of fire, but can you let fire remove this defect? The same is true of human nature, goodness is also it, evil is also it, goodness and evil are two sides of the same coin, you can't cut off one side of the coin, leaving only the other side.The way of Confucius and Mencius and the theory of sages and sages are all based on the assiduous pursuit of the true and the good.If you figure out what benevolence is, you will become Confucius, and if you figure out what righteousness is, you will become Mencius.You figure out what virtue is, and you are Socrates.If you figure out what conscience is, then you are Wang Yangming.If you are still yourself, not Confucius and Mencius, not Socrates, and not even Wang Yangming, then you definitely haven’t figured out the above problems.If you insist that you understand, then you are only deceiving yourself in order to maintain your fragile personality. Our personality is so fragile, so imperfect, full of all kinds of flaws.But underneath this personality is the primitive wilderness of the subconscious, the animal nature lurking in the depths of human nature, which has been accumulated for thousands of years.Once the personality collapses, what will be brought is by no means an ideal effect such as the appearance of a newcomer who is close to the people, but an explosion of the primitive animal nature of human beings. With Zeng Guofan's sage cultivation base, even if his personality is shaken, he will not go to the extreme state of animal nature.But Woren took advantage of his human flaws and killed him, and finally succeeded in knocking down Zeng Guofan from the cultivation base of a sage to the mortal world of traffickers and pawns, which shows that human nature is really untouchable. What's more, Zeng Guofan was just acting on occasion, but he got himself to this point.So what modern education advocates is motivating education, not destructive negative education.In a word, don't challenge human nature, it will cost you a terrible price. On the tenth day of the tenth month of October, the dreamer felt very envious of his gains, and punished himself painfully after waking up. Early, read the Ming Yi hexagrams, nothing.After the meal, the office gift was sent to Haiqiu's house, which was cumbersome.Going out, Xie Shou several times, went to Haiqiu's house to drink.His son is Nacho.In the seat, I heard that people were respectful, and my heart was moved.Last night, the dreamer felt very envious of his profit, and when he woke up he punished himself painfully, saying that his love for profit was as deep as it was in his sleep, how despicable it is!Fang wanted to wash himself in pain, but today he heard the words and was about to move. It's really obscene!I can't help but speak with others, and when it comes to learning, I always have the meaning of my own shallowness.Chatting after the banquet, all gossiping.Seeing people go and eager to try it is not only like seeing the joy of hunting, but the words are renewed, but the truth is completely untrue in the heart.Go back, check the numbers, if you haven't written the account for a long time, you will be confused and unclear. Every time you check, you will be exhausted and absent from work. If you have to check everything every day, it will be difficult to wait for a day to remedy it later!Kuang Jinde practice business?During the banquet that day, Hai Qiu said that those who treat people with virtue are not good enough to observe their minds, and those who deal with resentments can be calm, they must be gentlemen.The rest can't do it.Keep a diary. This is a super fierce diary, which Zeng Guofan specially put on a pair of eye drops for Woren to make Woren happy. In his diary, he reflected: Last night, I had a dream about other people making money, and I was very envious in the dream.This is really outrageous and despicable. I envy others for making money, to the point of dreaming... Wo Rengu looked at this diary with both eyeballs, but he couldn't write a single word of instructions. Why can't Woren come up with instructions? This is because there has always been only one way to deal with extremes, and that is to be more extreme. You are moral, I am more moral than you.You say you are indifferent to fame and wealth, I don't even envy others making money in my dreams.You say that you are not close to women, and I reject beautiful women thousands of miles away in my dreams. You say that when you encounter such a blatant nonsense, what can you do? Obviously, Zeng Guofan must have been shocked by the sudden exposure of his true identity as a trafficker. He carefully reflected on this matter: No, this matter is wrong. I am a decent person, civilized and polite, no You don't swear when you beat people, you are kind and kind to people, and you love women and children. Why do you suddenly act like a lunatic and start swearing at people indiscriminately?What was it that caused my disposition to change drastically? After searching, I found that the problem lies with Wo Ren.So Zeng Guofan understood a little bit, and wrote such an extremely extreme diary, deliberately making Woren happy. As expected, Wuren was miserably, and the Japanese leader had no instructions. It proves that Zeng Guofan's diary is a spoof, it is to tease Woren, it is his diary on the second day, and his personality: On October 11th, the day of introspection is light and impetuous. Thirty-two for the first time.In the same year, ten people held classes in the apartment.The guests come early, and the lights are scattered behind.It is too difficult to write a question, and because of the date of birth, no one can finish the paper, and I will not write it, there is no permanence!The master's spirit is first loose, so the crowd is also lazy, and they talk more jokingly.On this day, food and wine are more abundant, and adults' birthdays are different from the Philippines, which is upside down and wrong, and it is always not quiet.When the entertainment is a bit complicated, there will be no discipline.Playing self-shou poems, limited to three lectures and full rhymes, with the ability to treat patients, it is extremely shallow! (Tiantou: What about the word Shou, Yi, and Jingmian? Gen Feng) After the guests are gone, go to He Zizhen.It's late at night, and you're not resting at home, so why be impetuous!After talking with Zijing for a long time, Zizhen returned.Later, the brothers gave Zishou poetry rhyme for the first time, admiring his talent, why is it so important for others to see outsiders, and his ambition for himself is so weak.What a turbid thing!Returned to the third watch.If you are exhausted today, you will not be able to study tomorrow.Keep a diary. This diary is behind Mengren's envy for making money. Brother Wuren finally found an article that can be criticized, and hurriedly wrote on the top of the diary: How about the words "Shou" and "Jingmian"?Gen Feng. If you want to talk about this Woren Wogenfeng, he really doesn't have enough eyes.The diary in the previous article has already been reflected in the dream, and here he still wants to ask Zeng Guofan how well he did the police work. If these two skills are poor, how can the police work be in the dream? Woren is really far behind, he didn't notice that there is a sentence in Zeng Guofan's diary: ...the words are so joking. This sentence is Zeng Guofan telling everyone: I am old Zeng, but I am a person who likes to tell jokes, so don't take my words seriously. Zeng Guofan loves to tell jokes the most in his life, and he regards every time he tells a joke as a joke, which makes people around him want to cry without tears.His most proud disciple Li Hongzhang once recalled: The old man loved to tell jokes the most, and everyone's necks hurt from laughing, and everyone fell to and fro.He doesn't smile a little bit, uses five fingers as handles, just strokes his beard, sits silently, as if nothing happened, makes people laugh but dare not laugh, stop and can't stop, this is really hard to be manipulated by him. Zeng Guofan will have an aide from now on, named Zhao Wenlie, who also learned from Zeng Guofan and wrote the "Diary of Nengjing Layman", recording his days of fighting by Zeng Guofan's side.One entry in the diary mentioned that after Zeng Guofan destroyed Hong Xiuquan’s Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, he was knighted by the court, so Zhao Wenlie came to congratulate him and joked: You are now a Marquis, and from now on we should call you Zhongtang or Hou Ye ?Zeng Guofan replied calmly: You can call me whatever you want, but please don't call me a monkey. In fact, Zeng Guofan regards his life as a big joke, because his IQ is too high, if the public refuses to accept the fact that he is a person who likes to tell jokes, then that's fine, he'll just put on a straight face with you , don't you just want to see a stiff and serious stepmother's face?Okay, let me show you, have you seen enough? Since you, Woren Wogenfeng, want to see me, Zeng Guofan, crying bitterly every day, criticizing myself constantly, scolding myself for being useless, it is not difficult, it is nothing more than writing a few more lines every day, never will disappoint you. I will give you whatever you want.I'll let you see what kind of Zeng Guofan you want to see.But Zeng Guofan is Zeng Guofan, and will never change because of your stupidity. This is Zeng Guofan. October 21st: Seeing Dai Yun cherish the time and blame himself for being cynical. Waking up in the morning, snoozing and getting up, doing nothing, shameful.After dinner, after reading only two pages of "Yi", Zhu Qian came to talk for a long time.After receiving the letter from the ninth younger brother, the joy has arrived in the province, and the journey has been arduous and arduous, and I am horrified to read it.He also received Guo Yunxian's letter and poems, each with one or two thousand characters, and read them again and again. The friendship between brothers and friends was gathered at once.Before going out, for office etiquette, I visited the three families and returned.After the meal, Dai Yun came and talked until the third watch, talking too much, tired and arrogant.The volume of the bucket is really ugly.Dai Yun has a lot of hard work every day and is strict. He can be described as a person who cherishes the division of Yin, while Yu is cynical.After the guest left, Nian was imprisoned every day, because he ate too much cigarettes, and because he broke the cigarette pouch, he vowed never to eat cigarettes again. If he broke his promise again, he would be killed by God! After successfully quitting smoking last year, Zeng Guofan suddenly wanted to do something serious during the continuous word game with Wu Ren, so he announced his second smoking cessation. This time, Zeng Guofan was serious. He even made a poisonous oath: He swore never to smoke again. As usual, once Zeng Guofan admitted the truth, Woren was confused, because he couldn't understand Zeng Guofan, so he couldn't give instructions.So this is another diary without leadership instructions. In the next day's diary, the leader still didn't know how to give instructions: On October 22, my father taught Yu the three ways to protect oneself and the three ways to make friends. When I get up early and read "Cui Gua", my heart is full of enthusiasm, and I am always full of air.After dinner, read "Sheng Gua", not finished.When I went to the banquet to celebrate my birthday with Fu, I paid respects to senior Li Yueqiao. He treated guests today because he was kept to talk about poetry.He also talks too much, and his demeanor is absolutely meaningless.Returning after the light, receiving letters from the family, the adults taught the three things to protect oneself: abstinence from desire, labor, and diet.It is also said that when ordinary people make friends, they only see that they are not friends but I am, so today I will be in charge of Bao, and tomorrow Qin Yue will say that there is a gap between me and Xiaoshan.Go to Xiaoshan's place, and admit that she is not in person.It is also said that using qi is not the way to protect the body.The boy was horrified to read it.The kid is happy and angry, itching after work and rest, and haunting the adults' arms all the time.If you don't respect your body, you are like a beast.Still read "Yi" for a few moments, remembering yesterday and today.Reading Du Fu's poems, you can get nothing from dabbling. As the saying goes, there is no better way to know a son than a father. In this world, the person who knows Zeng Guofan best is his father Zeng Linshu.In the family letter to his son, the father reminded his son how good he is and how different he is. Zeng Linshu's letter wrote: Conflicts occur among ordinary people because these people always think that they are right and others are wrong, so they always feel that they are wronged everywhere, so they have to make conflicts.However, his son Zeng Guofan had a fierce quarrel with his fellow villager Zheng Dunjin and Zheng Xiaoshan, but this was not the case. The reason why Zeng Guofan had conflicts with his friends was because he was too thoughtful, the so-called loyalty is true.It is to put the other party as the center in everything, for fear that the other party will be a little dissatisfied, but the more you do this, the more dissatisfied the other party will be.Because this kind of unequal friendship will distort the normal feelings between friends, and will cause friends to take your demands for granted, and make more and more demands until the demands exceed the limit of your ability , the relationship is about to break down.In the end, you paid a lot, but only ended up being scolded by your friends, saying that you are not a joke. With Zeng Guofan's ability to deal with people and things, he shouldn't make such a low-level mistake, but he still made it. Why? This is the pain brought about by poverty. Even though Zeng Guofan is full of wisdom, the court insists on refusing to give him more money, so that his wife has no money to pay for a doctor to give birth to a child.And Zheng Xiaoshan is proficient in doctors, so the number of times Zeng Guofan turned to Zheng Xiaoshan must be indispensable. Once there is a need for others, wisdom is often useless. At this time, it is the situation, the situation or the situation that plays a decisive role.It's like you are facing a game of chess that you have already lost. Forgive you, you are the only national player in the world, but you are also powerless and have no skills to use. So the old man Zeng Linshu warned his son, find a way to reverse the decline in life, and you can no longer let others slaughter you. In the end, you will definitely be slaughtered to pieces, and what you will lose in the end is your future. But this kind of intelligent thinking that puts oneself in the place, Woren lacks interest.Therefore, the leadership of this article has no comments. October 23 Woke up early, went to Yusanjia to have a class meeting, chatted with others for a long time, and hadn't written yet.After dinner, Yu skipped class and went to Jiyun's house to talk because of a game of Go.Return, shave.Read Du Fu's poems and dabble.Go out to visit three families.When you meet the tree hall, you see that it is quiet and has entered the country, and you return.After the lamp was written, the album page was opened, and two hundred and fifty crosses were posted.It is a daily meeting class, that is, it is advisable to abide by the rules and respect things, but to chat about wasteful achievements and indulge in love.A few hours after returning home, I didn't brush my brushes, read and repaired, and abandoned myself to the end.But when I quit smoking at the beginning, I felt as if I lost my breast and hesitated, so I kept some self-forgiveness.With this forgiveness, there is nothing the world can do.If you are anxious, you should save it fiercely, and keep a diary. This is Zeng Guofan forcing Woren to change the relationship between the two to Zeng Guofan as the main one. He writes a smoking cessation diary and forces Woren to express his opinion. This matter must have made Wu Ren very angry. You said that this Zeng Guofan, you quit your cigarettes, it is none of my business, so you insisted on writing it to me.I didn't see it, and I decided not to express my opinion. You don't make a statement, do you?You insist on focusing on you, and you are determined not to focus on me, Zeng Guofan?Then let's change the form again. This time the title says quitting smoking, but the content is about self-cultivation. It depends on whether you still express your opinion. If you don't believe in the rule of law, you will not be convinced! On October 29th, since quitting smoking, I have lost my mind. Get up early, restless.Going to Shao Huixi to talk, there is pride.Gui, Huixi is here. It's been a long time. I feel very kind, but we are not close to each other.If you read "Ding Gua", you won't enter.Received guests three times, always talking too much and getting angry.After dinner, I will meet with two guests, and my heart is simple but very kind, and my words are not sincere.The guests go after the lights.Yu also went out to Dai Yun's place.I couldn't sit still, so I had to go out. (Tiantou: I am impatient, it is a disease) Since quitting smoking, my mind has been wandering, almost as if I have no owner, and it is difficult to curb my desires, just like this!If you don't rely on the trend of breaking the boat to sink the boat, you will be lucky (side note: true) and Dai Yun went to meet the brothers of the He family, and his words were arrogant and indiscriminate.It's late at night.Keep a diary. This time Zeng Guofan finally got Woren involved. The whole article is about self-cultivation, so it’s impossible not to express your opinion on this matter.What kind of Confucianism master is Wo Ren if he doesn't show his attitude when it comes to self-cultivation? In the place where Zeng Guofan wrote that he could not sit quietly and had to go out, Wo Ren gave serious instructions: "I am impatient, it is a disease." The second commandment is of great help if it is not in a state of ruin, and there are only two words in the commandment: indeed. Just looking at the first instruction, Wo Ren either never smoked or never quit smoking. He doesn't know the pain of quitting smoking.The pain of quitting smoking, the six gods have no master, can it be explained by impatience? Next, Zeng Guofan asked the leader to continue to accompany him to quit smoking: On the ninth day of the eleventh lunar month, in the future, you should quit talking too much like quitting smoking. 早起,读《兑卦》,冯树堂来,邀同至岱云家拜年伯母寿,吃面。席间一语,使人不能答,知其不能无怨。言之不慎,尤悔丛集,可不戒哉!散后,宜速归,乃于竺虔同走何家。与人围棋一局,又看人一局,不觉耽误一时。急抽身回家,仍读《兑卦》。申刻,走岱云家晚饭,席前后气浮语多。与海秋谈诗文,多夸诞语,更初散。又与海秋同至何家,观子贞、海秋围棋,归已亥正。凡往日游戏随和之处,不能遽立崖岸,惟当往还渐稀,相见必敬,渐改征逐之习;平日辨论夸诞之人,不能遽变聋哑,惟当谈论渐低卑,开口必诚,力去狂妄之习。此二习痼弊于吾心已深(天头:要紧,要紧!)前日云,除谨言静坐,无下手处,今忘之耶?以后戒多言如戒吃烟。如再妄语,明神殛之!并求不弃我者,时时以此相责。 当这篇戒烟决心书出笼之时,倭仁已经习惯于曾国藩的戒烟,所以他在此二习痼弊于吾心已深之处,批上了要紧,要紧四个字,表示事情非常重要,事态非常危急。 眼见得倭仁还不死心,又想将曾国藩拖入理学的樊笼。曾国藩大怒,连续抛出三篇猛文,让倭仁目瞪口呆,无话可说,无指示可以批复。 十一月初十日,余忽思构巨篇以震炫举世,可丑! Yan Qi.读《涣卦》。树堂来,渠本日三十初度。饭后,读《节卦》。倚壁寐半时,申刻,记《馈贫粮》。旋出门拜客五家,在树堂处看渠日课,多采刍言,躬行无一,真愧煞矣!今早,名心大动,忽思构一巨篇以震炫举世之耳目,盗贼心术,可丑!灯初,归,记昨日,今日事,点古文二卷半。今早,树堂教我戒下棋,谨当默从。 世上熙熙,皆为利来,世人攘攘,皆为利往。名利之心这个东西,比人类历史更久远,甚至比之于生命还要早上八亿个年头。 早在生命出现的八亿年之前,地球上是一片海洋,里边是无尽其数的有机分子。这些有机分子是纯粹的非生命物质,这是这些分子超级的喜爱追求名利,它们追求名利的方法也简单,就是在有机分子的海洋窜来窜去,到处逮别的有机分子,逮到之后就挂在自己屁股后面,招摇过海,洋洋得意。 这些有机分子,持续这种游戏好多亿年,谁的后面挂的俘虏最多,谁就最牛气,大家争名逐利,都想挂更多的有机分子当自己的跟班,导致了有机分子链越来越长,越来越长,长到了突破人力想象的极限。于是基因就出现了。 然后基因们又开始争名逐利,先是披上了厚厚的蛋白质外壳,美容风潮流行于整个基因世界。再后来大家各自别出心栽,有的基因弄出来厚厚的甲壳,成为乌龟螃蟹一类的,有的弄出来尖牙利爪,成为猛兽一类的,有的弄出来翅膀,成为昆虫飞禽一类的。但更邪门的基因,是弄出来一个奇怪的保护性外壳,这个外壳由一个圆形的、用来装大脑的骨质容器,以及柔软的四肢所组成。这个外壳就是人类。 对于基因来说,人类不过是其智能型的保护外壳。这个外壳超级的凶猛,几乎杀光了地球上所有的动物,也杀死了无计其数的同类。可是忽然有一天,有个叫曾国藩的智能型外壳说:不对,大家这么个搞法不对,不要再追逐名利啦,追逐名利不妥当。 妥当不妥当,这事暂且别说,单说倭仁看到这篇日记,铁定是气苦于心,欲哭无泪。 要知道,理学大师倭仁,一生中最渴望的,就是推出来自己的价值性思想,让后人世世代代,景仰自己。可是曾国藩突然向他吼叫起来:思构巨篇以震炫举世,可丑!试想倭仁的心里,该有多么的窝火。 怎么可以这样对领导说话呢?不能这样对待领导啊。名利心是比生命更久远的本能,你却扭劲不让领导思构巨篇,这岂不是瞎扯吗? 所以此篇日记,领导无批示。 十一月十二日,因神散遂生出剽窃、急遽,无恒之毛病。 晕起。日来,不能整顿一切,随事有放松意思,遂尔精神散漫。读《易中孚卦》,不入。拟作诗文寿树堂,不成,仅得十句。饭后,作诗数刻,不获。因翻《太白集》,细玩古诗五十九首数遍。继又以缪刻无注,《乐府》多不可解。因取《乐府解题》校钞。晡时,走小珊、竺虔处闲谈。又是说话太多,幸无欺人语。归,仍抄《题解》此所谓玩物丧志者也。因作诗而翻名人集,有剽窃底意思。《乐府题解》不细看全部,仅钞李集题,又不求真知,有苟且急遽底毛病。《易》与《古文》俱未完,而忽迁业,有无恒底毛病。总由早晨精神散漫,不能读《易》,遂生出种种毛病来。总要静养,使精神常裕,方可说功夫也。 上一篇日记说思构巨篇可丑,倭仁还没有反应过来,曾国藩又来了个更损的,而且是损到家了。 这篇日记中,曾国藩说:写诗之人,不可以看别人写的诗,最不能看的就是名家名诗,看了你就是抄袭,就是剽窃。 这是哪儿跟哪儿啊,倭仁这辈子可没少写诗,哪个写诗的,手边不是备着李白杜甫的文集,把文字改巴改巴,拿出来说是自己写的。大家不都是这么搞吗?连你曾国藩都说,你以前也是这么搞的,可是你现在突然骂大家都剽窃……拜托,要不要这样不讲道理啊?要不要啊? 如果说,面对这篇无法批示的日记,倭仁还以流泪的话,那么下一篇,却是让他大张嘴巴,欲待惊呼而无声了: 十一月十六日,余须戒:吃烟,妄语,房闼不敬。 早起,誊昨夜诗,尽改换大半。饭后,走何子敬处,欲与之谈诗,凡有所作,辄自适意,由于读书少,见理浅,故器小易盈,如是可耻之至!与子敬围棋一局。前日服树堂之规而戒之,今而背之,且由我倡议,全无心肝矣。归,房闼大不敬,成一大恶。细思新民之事,实从此起。尤化始于闺门,除刑于外无政化,除用贤以外无经济,此之不谨,何以谓之力行!吾自戒吃烟,将一月,今差定矣!以后余有三戒:一戒吃烟,二戒妄语,三房闼不敬。一日三省,慎之慎之!下半天悠忽将一时,可恨!夜,作诗一首,十二早已作十句,足成之。记本日、昨日事。不读《易》,荒正业已五日矣,尚得为人乎?作地用莫如马二章。 这篇日记中,曾国藩扬言,自己要戒掉三大恶习,曰吃烟,曰妄语,曰房闼不敬。前两个倒还罢了,毕竟是吃烟有害健康,妄语让人神伤,戒掉就戒掉吧,倭仁举四脚赞成。可是曾国藩还怎么弄出来个房闼不敬呢? 先说一下,什么叫房闼不敬吧。 房闼不敬,就是在安全的私室内,和自己的老婆,又或是女朋友或情人,在一起的时候,不是严肃认真的学习领导讲话,不是充满激情的向领导表忠心,而是说些领导自己超喜欢说,但却最恨群众也跟着乱说的闲话:诸如:老婆老婆我爱你,让我摸摸小咪咪……类似这种话,领导说说就算了,群众就不要跟着瞎起哄了,赶紧扛起锄头替领导干活去吧。 曾国藩在这里所表示的,就是这个意思。 可要命的是,这种话怎么可以说出来?这种事,只能做,不能说,说出来就是十足十、百分百的假道学,让人说什么好呢? 说过了,曾国藩这辈子最喜欢开玩笑,他这个玩笑可开大了,导致了倭仁几天没有批示下达。 (10)假装做个假道学 十一月二十六日,读艮峰为我批之册不禁悚然汗下 晏起,可恨!点诗一卷。至杜兰溪家拜寿,说话谐谑,无严肃意,中有一语谑而为虐矣。谨记大恶。拜客两处,微近巧言。未正至竹如处,谈至黄昏时,竹如有弟之丧,故就之谈以破寂,所言多血气用事。竹如辄范我于义理,竹如之忠于为友,固不似我之躁而浅也。归,接到艮峰前辈见示日课册,并为我批此册,读之悚然汗下,教我扫除一切,须另换一个人。安得此药石之言!细阅先生日课,无时不有戒惧意思,迥不似我疏散,漫不警畏也。不敢加批,但就其极感予心处著圈而已。夜深,点诗一卷。 这篇日记很有意思,倭仁再怎么不明白,也看出来曾国藩是在恶搞他。但这位老人家并没有生气,毕竟是理学大师啊,乱生气怎么成?所以倭仁将曾国藩的日记批复送回来,捎带脚的,也把自己的日记拿给曾国藩看。 倭仁的意思很明白,就是在说:千万不要以为我在忽悠你,我没有,真的没有,不信你看我自己的日记,每天就是这么个搞法。 曾国藩经过一日一夜的长考,得出来一个结论,此结论足以让倭仁,立即就从楼上跳下去,一刻都不带耽误的: 十一月二十七日,余欲另换一个人,又怕人说我假道学。 早起,读《中孚卦》,心颇入。饭后,走唐诗甫处拜其年伯冥寿,无礼之应酬,勉强从人,盖一半仍从毁誉心起,怕人说我不好也。艮峰前辈教我扫除闲应酬,殆谓此矣。张雨农邀同至厂肆买书,又说话太多。黄茀卿兄弟到京,便去看。与岱云同至小珊处,渠留晚饭,有援止而止底意思。又说话太多,且议人短。细思日日过恶。总是多言,其所以致多言者,都从毁誉心起。欲另换一个人,怕人说我假道学,此好名之根株也。尝与树堂说及,树堂已克去此心矣,我何不自克耶?记二十四、五、六、七四日事。 在这篇日记中,曾国藩已经把话说透了。 他自己的哲学思想,是整合了传统的儒学教义,融入了时代所最需要的经世之论,这是发展之中的儒学,比理学高出了一个层次还不止。虽然曾国藩对此并没有明确的把握,但是他知道,如果他按照倭仁的要求走下去的话,非但达不到倭仁的人生成就,反而会落人讥讽,被人刺为假道学。 奉行同样的观念,做同样的事情,倭仁就会功成名就,成为天下人人景仰的理学大师。而他曾国藩,步其后尘,却只能是灰头土脸,一无所获且谤名加身。 这是因为,倭仁的成功,更多的得益于他的社会背景,缺少了这个,对倭仁成功的评价就会失去意义。而曾国藩,有他自己的社会背景,他只能由此出发,断无别的选择。 他不是倭仁,断无可能走倭仁之路。 那么,他的人生之路,到底应该怎么走呢? 要不,咱们不妨高举倭仁的招牌,就走爷爷那条路好不好? 曾国藩肯定是这么想的,因为他真的这么做了。 (11)要抄就抄爷爷的 十二月初七日,立课程十二项。 Yan Qi.看《浮邱子》五十叶。未初走蕙西处,谈片刻。归,剃头。申初海秋来久谈,言不诚。酉初出门拜客,饭岱云处。同走子贞处,商寿文。与子敬谈,多言。岱云之勤,子贞之直,对之有愧。归,读史十叶。寝不寐,有游思,殆夜气不足以存矣。何以遂至于是!不圣则狂,不上达则下达,危矣哉!自十月朔立志自新以来,两月馀渐渐疏散,不严肃,不谨言,不改过,仍故我矣。树堂于昨初一重立功课,新换一个人,何我遂甘堕落耶?从此谨立课程,新换为人,毋为禽兽。 course 敬:整齐严肃,无时不惧。无事时心在腔子里,应事时专一不杂。如日之升。 静坐:每日不拘何时,静坐半时。体验来复之仁心,正位凝命,如鼎之镇。 早起:黎明即起,醒后勿粘恋。 读书不二:一书未点完,世不看他书。东翻西阅。徒徇外为人。每日以十叶为率。 读史:丙申购二十三史。大人曰:尔借钱买书,吾不惮极力为尔弥缝。尔能圈点一遍,则不负我矣。嗣后每日点十叶,间断不孝。 谨言:刻刻留心,是功夫第一。 养气:气藏丹田,无不可对人言之事。 保身:十月二十日奉大人手谕曰:节劳,节欲,节饮食。时时当作养病。 日知所亡:每日记《茶馀偶谈》二则。有求深意是徇人。 月无忘所能:每月作诗文数首,以验积理之多寡,养气之盛否,不可一味耽着,最易溺心丧志。 作字:早饭后作字半时,凡笔墨应酬,当作自己课程,凡事不可待明白,愈积愈难清。 夜不出门:旷功疲神,切戒切戒。 自打倭仁倭艮峰将自己的修身日记拿给曾国藩看后,他就不再批复曾国藩的日记。这倒不是倭仁对曾国藩有什么看法,而是他的弟子门人比较的多,确信那一年里,翰林院中,庶吉士们都被卷进了这场莫名其妙的斗私批修之风,人人咬住笔头,光着脚板,蹲在桌边挖空心思的写日记批判自己。然后这些日记大家相互传看,从自我批评过渡到相互批评,评点谁骂自己骂得最有学问,骂得最优秀之人,自然也就脱颖而出。 难得啊,在那样的年代里,居然还有这种事,真是难得。 但大家都在搞自我批评,自我否定,想从中脱颖而出,还真不是件太容易的事情。但自十二月十七日这一天,曾国藩突然一咬牙一发狠,祭出他的一枚大杀器,立即让他成为了羊群里的骆驼,猪圈里的河马,十二项修身课程扔在这里,从此京师不复做第二人之想。 说得这么悬,那么这个课程十二项,有何了不起之外呢? 这十二项课程,丰富而全面,函盖了修身思想的全部,别人再怎么闹,都跑不出他的十二项课程,自然也就输与了他。 也就是说,曾国藩把玄而又玄的理学修身,给具像化了,系统化了,操作手册化了。此前这门思想只有一个庞驳繁复的理论体系,谁都知道这东西好,可怎么掌握它,怎么开始如何进行,这种具体而微的明确指导没有。 但现在有了。 此后的京师庶吉士们,一边来借曾国藩的日记,将这十二项课程抄过去,一边在心里嘀咕:这个曾国藩,他怎么就这么没品呢?那么复杂的理论他都能给明确化具体化,这人谁呀?他凭什么啊? 总之大家很郁闷,不明白曾国藩怎么会搞出这么一套怪东西。 只有曾国藩躲在被窝里,偷偷的笑。如果他的十二项课程被爷爷曾玉屏看到,老爷子肯定会哈哈大笑起来:孙子,不带这么偷你爷爷的东西的! 曾玉屏,曾氏家族中一个比较神秘的人物。他少年时顽劣不堪,骑马赴湘潭沦为恶少,加入了黑社会,每天带一帮小兄弟跟其它江湖帮派在闹市街头彼此攻杀,场景有点象现在常见的电视剧。忽然有一天有个神秘人出现在他身边,不知对他说了些什么,从此曾玉屏卖了马匹,徒步回家,洗心革面,重新作人,将提出了八个字的治家政策,再度将曾氏门楣光大,并成功的培养出儿子曾麟书,孙子曾国藩来。 而现在,曾国藩不无惊讶的发现,爷爷硬是有一套,要想在京师混明白了,还得用爷爷的那八个字。 哪八个字?考,宝,早,扫,书,疏,鱼,猪。 再比较一下曾国藩的十二项课程:敬、静坐、早起、读书不二,读史、谨言、养气、保身、日知所亡,月无忘所能,作字,夜不出门。 曾国藩为了凑出十二这个双六之数,竟然挖空心思的拿自己当猪养,夜晚早早关入圈中,可是人的生活现状,和猪罗是有着明显区别的。结果这个十二项课程出台的第三天,他就顿足叹息,说自己无法做到夜不出门: 十二月初九日,夜深归。违夜不出门之戒,都是空言欺人。归,读史十叶。 此后曾国藩的日记继续在京城庶吉士们之中传来传去,为了满足别人鸡蛋里挑骨头,凡事务可苛求于极端的要求,他的日记越写越邪乎,越写越离谱: 十二月十六日:谈次,闻色而心艳羡,真禽兽矣。 他在这一年的年底,如人所愿的将自己锁定在假道学的形象上,听说哪个女生很漂亮,他的心里砰的跳动一下,这都成了他谴责自己的理由。事情走到这一步,就有点太离谱了,幸好圣上英明,没有把这一套推而广之,要求广大人民群众来学习,要是这样的话,那就未免太恐怖了。 是年终结,庶吉士们的彼此恶搞戛然而止,此后曾国藩的日记,恢复了言之无物的正常人生状态。 (12)本章事件补 本章所涉曾国藩事件年谱: 道光二十二年,公元1842年,曾国藩32岁。 七月,《南京条约》签订,曾国藩表示拥护,大加称赞。 十月,向倭仁讨教修身方法。
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