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Chapter 23 Chapter 23

Chinese context 余秋雨 12261Words 2018-03-18
When sorting out the Chinese context, I feel more and more strongly that the root of the context lies in the soul vein, that is, the vein of personality and the vein of spirit. Discussion, this article also wants to reveal the relationship between them more deeply, and see what is the most serious negative momentum that has always tarnished the collective personality. The land of China and Chinese culture should have been brighter and clearer, there should have been more sages admired by thousands of people, and more brilliant masterpieces.However, everyone can see that things have not been like this.The reason is that there is a dense group of special characters quietly controlling a lot of the situation.

We often ignore them and forget them. These characters are not heroes, nor are they necessarily culprits.Their social status can be extremely low or very high.In terms of education level, they may be illiterate or they may be scholars.It's hard to say they are good or bad, but because of their existence, many vivid historical images gradually become limp, confused, and irritable, many simple historical events become chaotic, ambiguous, and dirty, and many peaceful interpersonal relationships slow down. Slowly becomes tense, embarrassing, and dangerous, and many resounding historical propositions become bleak, chaotic, and absurd one by one.

They have played such a huge role, but they have no clear political opinions, and all their actions have not left a clear mark of behavior. They never want to be responsible for anything, and indeed they cannot be held accountable.They are a mass of rotten air that lingers and disappears without trace, they are a bunch of erratic voices and eyebrows. You finally got angry, and gathered Wanjun Thunder to prepare for the bombardment. Unexpectedly, these voices and eyebrows were also angry with you, and you suddenly lost the target of the bombardment.You want to ignore it and turn your head away, but the rotten air continues leisurely.

I believe that when many politicians and military strategists who were like cast iron in history finally passed away with sorrow, what they hated most was not their clear political enemies and opponents, but the many good words and sudden changes in their faces that they had given themselves. In the end, it is unclear whether those characters are enemies or friends. The dying politicians and military strategists struggled to utter a word with trembling lips: "Little man..." — Yes, little man.This is the protagonist of my article. What is a villain?If they can be clearly defined, they will not be so hateful.A small person is a kind of existence that is difficult to locate and grasp. What can be said roughly is that this "small" does not refer to age or status.A villain and a small person are two different things.

See a past event in Europe in a book.A harmonious village that has been close as a family for hundreds of years suddenly has endless troubles in the relationship between neighbors. The villagers who used to say "good morning" sincerely when they meet each other are now glaring at each other.It didn't take long before almost every household became enemies. Provocations, fights, revenge, and curses filled the area every day. Everyone was trying to escape from this horrible abyss. Maybe the priest of the church had doubts, and he spent a lot of energy investigating the reason.Finally, the truth came to light. It turned out that the wife of a policeman who had just moved to the village was a gossip who loved to tell tales, and all the bad results came from her irresponsible whispers.The villagers knew that they had been duped, and ignored the woman, and she moved away quickly.

But it never occurred to me that the harmonious relationship among the villagers could never be repaired.Some misunderstandings have been cleared up, some rumors have been clarified, and the superficial relationship is no longer tense. However, since then, people's smiling faces are no longer natural. Even behind the polite words, there are still a pair of invisible doubting eyes shaking.Everyone seldom communicates, and when the door is closed early at night, no one pays attention to anyone. Decades have passed since I read this material.The author writes that until today, the interpersonal relationship in this village is still stiff and astringent, lukewarm.

For the whispering woman, the villagers have forgotten what she said, and even her face and name.Call her a bad person, and value her, but she has really sowed the seeds of evil that will never be purged.Let's say she did it on purpose, that also strengthens her, she may not have any attempt to fight for some kind of power in this village.To say she was merely inappropriate in words would be too forgiving, for she did these evil things with an almost instinctive compulsion.For such a woman, all we can give is that word: villain. The villain's living conditions and social consequences can be seen from this.

Because of the sharp contrast between the past and the past in Europe, and the painstaking investigation of the priest, an answer can still be found.However, everyone knows that this is a rare case in the "little man incident".Such a priest and such an answer cannot be found in the vast majority of "villain incidents".We just need to close our eyes for a while and think about how many "villages", large and small, visible and invisible, have been ruined by villains and we can't find the beginning and end of the matter? From this, I cannot but sincerely admire Confucius and other pre-Qin philosophers. They drew the line between "gentlemen" and "villains" so early.It is true that these two concepts are somewhat vague, and the connotations and extensions of each other have great flexibility, but a large number of newly created social categories in later generations have not been able to completely replace this classical division.

Confucius provided this division in order to promote the gentleman and guard against the villain.However, later on, people often downplay this division for the sake of empty goals and immediate benefits. Therefore, after we give up this division for a long time, villains are like thieves who have lost their surveillance, or floods that have broken through the embankment. As a result, I don't want to talk more about the Chinese history of the villain, but the shadow of the villain is getting stronger and stronger.They form many dark corners on the side of the crossing road, which makes the already very difficult people's walking there stagger, confuse, even turn around, or drag the ground.Even the brilliance of wisdom and the blood of warriors can do nothing about these moss-stained corners.

However, a truly great historian does not let a villain escape.Sima Qian discovered this historical crux when he was writing "Historical Records", so a kind of anger burst out from time to time in his calm narration. For example, Sima Qian wrote about an event that happened in 527 BC.That year, King Ping of Chu wanted to marry a daughter-in-law for his son, and the girl he chose was from the state of Qin, so he sent a doctor named Fei Wuji to marry her.Fei Wuji saw that the girl was extremely beautiful, and as soon as he rolled his eyes, he began to use his brain halfway. ——I would like to interrupt here a little, and guess together with the readers what kind of brain he is using, which will help us understand the behavioral characteristics of the villain.

Seeing that the girl is beautiful, she probably will be favored by the prince, so she flatters her in every possible way along the way in order to leave a good impression.Although this kind of mind is not noble, it is not evil. It is not surprising that it belongs to the ordinary worldly mentality. It is not what we call a villain;With this kind of mind, it is simply audacious to dare to treat the prince of a country as a rival in love.But if it is put into practice, it can be regarded as a great deal of life; ignoring life for the sake of lust, even if it is absurd, it is not a villain's act. Fei Wuji's mind was completely different. He thought that such a beautiful girl should be dedicated to the rightful King Ping of Chu. Even though the prince's marriage was known to everyone in the country, even though the wedding convoy was already approaching the capital, and even though the ceremony in the Chu Palace was well prepared, Fei Wuji rode a fast horse and headed straight to the palace first.He described the beauty of the girl from Qin State to King Ping of Chu, and said that anyway, the prince has not met the girl at this moment, why doesn't the king marry her first, and then find a good one for the prince?King Ping of Chu was lustful, and was moved by Fei Wuji's words, but he also felt that it was related to the image and inheritance of the country and society, so he had to be careful, so he entrusted Fei Wuji to take care of it.Three times and two times, this girl who originally wanted to be a princess became the concubine of her father-in-law King Chuping in an instant. Speaking of things here, we can already analyze several behavioral characteristics of the villain: First, villains can't see beauty.Small people can also discover beauty, sometimes even more keenly than others, but it is impossible to be sincerely devoted to beauty.They always squint their eyes to look at beautiful things, their eyes sometimes turn red and sometimes green, sometimes stare at and sometimes dodge, whenever possible, they can't help but disturb, pass on, and try their best to use it as a bargaining chip for some kind of hidden transaction. Beautiful things may encounter all kinds of disasters, but the most unbearable is the deeds of villains.The ignorant may cause the pearl to be cast secretly, the savage may cause the jade to be destroyed, and the villain will secretly turn all good things into scandals.Therefore, beautiful things can be buried in the wild grass and night, and can be exposed in front of the reckless people in the world, but they must not be touched or overlooked by villains. Second, villains can't see power.No matter what the situation is, the villain's attention will always go round and round to the balance of power; they can also fly around the wall to get in where other people think it is impossible to get around.Those who dare to damage boldly must be those who have no power or have less power.On the surface, they are going through hardships for the sake of those in power, but in fact they only think about the power in the hands of those in power.But as villains, they are not obsessed with power itself, but only with the possible benefits behind the power.Therefore, at first glance, it seems that they are seeking refuge, betraying whom, loyal to whom, and betraying whom, but in fact they have no stable concept of objects at all, only actual self-interest. Third, villains are not afraid of trouble.Considering the above matter according to normal logic, even if you want to do it, you will be scared off by terrible troubles, but villains are not afraid of troubles.If you are afraid of trouble, you can't be a villain, and a villain will succeed in trouble.The villain knows that the more troublesome it is, the easier it is to get things confused. As long as you are not afraid of trouble, there will always be people who are afraid of trouble.When the prince finally felt the trouble of marrying a girl from the state of Qin, and when the ministers also clearly realized the trouble of resisting advice, the matter was settled. Fourth, the villain is efficient.The villain is eager to get things done and doesn't follow the rules. He is covered up by open and secret cover-ups. He hardly encounters resistance when doing things, and he can get things done quickly and flexibly like a swimming snake.They are good at understanding the unspeakable hidden worries and selfish desires of those in power, and resolve everything in an instant, so in the eyes of those in power, their efficiency is doubled.They are more effective when supported by those in power.It is an example that Fei Wuji was able to launch a terrifying action to change the direction of the royal marriage on the way to marry the prince, and it succeeded quickly. Let’s talk about these four behavioral characteristics for now. Sima Qian’s description of this matter is not finished yet, let us continue to follow his gaze—— After completing this matter, Fei Wuji was both excited and flustered.King Chu Ping trusted him more and more, which made him satisfied, but he thought about it quietly, the prince was the most hurt in this matter, and the prince will take power sooner or later, so how will he live in the future? He began to whisper small words in King Chu Ping's ear: "After that incident, the crown prince hated me to the bone, that's all right, I am nothing, the problem is that he also hates you, the king, and Wang Wang is on guard." .The crown prince already holds the military power, with the support of the princes outside, and his teacher Wu She to help plan the plan, maybe one day there will be a mutiny!" King Chu Ping originally felt that he had done something wrong to his son, and his son would definitely do something, but now he heard what Fei Wuji said, and he thought it was as expected.So he immediately ordered to kill the prince's teacher Wu She and Wu She's eldest son Wu Shang, and then to kill the prince.The prince and Wu She's second son, Wu Yuan, had to flee from Chu. Since then, successive years of war have surrounded Chu.The prince who escaped was a man with military strength, so he would not be reconciled; Wu Yuan vowed to avenge his father and brother, and had repeatedly led Wu soldiers to attack Chu.There are many famous military campaigns that even the most careless historian has to pay attention to. However, the people of Chu State remembered that the first igniter of this great fire was the villain Fei Wuji.Everyone gritted their teeth and executed this villain with capital punishment, but the whole country was already devastated. —Here I am going to interject again.Following the development of the incident, we can continue the behavioral characteristics of the villain in several items: Fifth, the villain will not let the victim go.Villains are timid in nature, and their way of action makes them not have to be afraid of specific operational failures, but they have to be afraid of revenge.The imaginary avengers are, of course, the ones they hurt, and their mission is therefore destined to continually hurt the victim.If you have been hurt once by a villain, just wait, the second and third times are waiting for you.Because if you don't do this, the villain lacks a sense of security.In the case of Chu State, the prince was undoubtedly the one who was hurt. Fei Wuji knew this very well, so he could not live in peace, and he had to put it to death before he could rest assured.The villain has no mercy, no remorse, only fear, but the more afraid, the more vicious, one way to the end. Sixth, villains need to win sympathy.Robbers who fight with open flames and executioners who kill without batting an eye are villains, not villains. Villains do not have the courage and need to cover up and hide.They repeatedly explain to others that they are the ones who have suffered the most in the world, that they are weak, that they cannot be weaker, as if they were born to be bullied by others.When they try to devour other people's property rights, reputation and even their lives, they even let their deep guttural voice, teary eyes, trembling cheeks, and hesitant tones go into battle together, and they choke up when the logic doesn't make sense How can you not sympathize with me?The Fei Wuji-style villain goes a step further, trying to dress himself up as a person who only cares for others and for the sake of his boss and causes disasters, which is naturally more worthy of sympathy.Due to my position, there is nothing I can do. One end is the king and the other is the crown prince. What can I do as a mere courtier?Painstaking mediation but being angry at both ends, why bother? ——Have we not heard such words from ancient times to the present? Seventh, the villain must use rumors to create an atmosphere.If a villain wants to defend himself by the hand of the powerful or the mouth of the bully, he must lie about the enemy's situation vividly and vividly.Fei Wuji lied about the prince and his teacher's attempt to rebel and attack the city, which was the direct cause of the great disaster that followed.Lying and spreading rumors are the survival instincts of villains, but most villains are intelligent. To win the trust of power and public opinion, the lies they weave must be generally in line with superficial logic, so that people who are not used to empirical research will immediately feel it. emotional response.Therefore, the villain's gift lies in his ability to skillfully weave lies to make sense.They are a group of skilled craftsmen who have the ability to lure the great and the mediocre into the maze of lies and never return. Eighth, the villain can't control the situation in the end.The villain is shrewd and lacks foresight, so when they create specific evil effects one by one, they don't think about what kind of ending these evil effects will eventually lead to when they are combined.In the initial stage when they constantly instigated power and public opinion, everything seemed to be developing according to their will, and when the power and public opinion finally exploded and unleashed violence, even they had to be dumbfounded and unable to get off the tiger.The villain has no control over the situation, but people will not forget that they are the original responsible for these disasters.In all fairness, when Chu State was suddenly attacked by neighboring countries and had to live on iron and blood for many years, Fei Wuji was helpless, unable to do anything good or bad.But he was still the one who received the death penalty in the end, and it was also he who left him infamous for thousands of years with great disgust.The tragedy of the villain lies here. By analyzing Fei Wuji, we can get a glimpse of some behavioral characteristics of villains, but this is far from enough to understand the whole world of villains.The villain, has not been fully studied. I understand my comrades, no one wants to dive deep into the world of villains, because it is indeed a boring and even disgusting thing.Since we avoid villains in our life and fear that they will not be far away, why do we need to let our pen contaminate them for a long time? However, evasion is obviously not the answer.Since people have encountered this nightmare but there is no one to call it out, and since a few shouts may temporarily expel the nightmare, and since temporary expulsion can help strengthen people's confidence in justice, why should they avoid it? In my opinion, the villain should not be regarded as just a deformity of personal moral character, it is a kind of historical need. The Chinese-style dictatorship of man is secretive and changeable, and there is an urgent need for a group of such characters: they can not only cover up their secrets skillfully, but also properly decorate their secrets to show the world; He can turn his face and deny people; he can not only despise all nobleness from the bottom of his heart, but also wash the ruler's mind into a clean standard. Such a group of characters needs to have keen perception, quick judgment, careful association, and effective operation ability, but they must not have stable social ideals and personal character.In this sense, the villain is not born naturally, but a supplement to the totalitarian autocratic system. For the benefit of totalitarian tyranny, these bureaucrats can smash the foundation of human personality to pieces, and thus gain a kind of ease, no matter what they do, there is no psychological barrier.Human nature, morality, reputation, promises, and oaths can be discarded one by one, as can friendship, kinship, shame, and compassion. Free man". This kind of "free man" has echoed in certain groups in China's lower society. The groups I am talking about do not refer to the poor. Poverty does not equal nobleness, but it does not lead directly to evil; They always take their lives as the price of their actions; of course, I am not referring to prostitutes. Although the price paid by prostitutes is not life, it is painful enough. In most aspects of life, they are more chaste than officials. Those who really correspond to the villains in the officialdom are some inferior groups in the lower classes of society: evil slaves, beggars, hooligans, and literary ruffians. Once the evil slaves, beggars, hooligans, and cultural ruffians get a glimpse of the important officials of the imperial court who behave like themselves, they will be greatly encouraged and become the most qualified imperial relatives in Chinese feudal society to call themselves "people in the court". This telecorrespondence creates a vast middle ground.A huge despicable and despicable movement has emerged on the land of China.There are imperial models on the top and social roots on the bottom, so let’s breed and spread. What power can stop it? Then, let's take a closer look at the villains based on the classifications of slave type, beggar type, hooligan type, and ruffian type. Slave villain: Originally, being a slave is also a social formation, and there is nothing to be ashamed of or to show off.However, some of them became slaves and relied on their master's reputation to bully others. After the master lost his power, they turned their backs on the master himself.This is an evil slave, and an evil slave is a very typical villain. Mr. Xie Guozhen's "Ming Dynasty Slave Changes" describes in detail the scenes of the domestic slaves of officials, gentry and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River in the late Ming Dynasty, involving the domestic slaves of Zhang Pu, Qian Qianyi, Gu Yanwu, Dong Qichang and other cultural celebrities that we are familiar with.These domestic slaves either took advantage of their power to bully others, or went to the government to falsely accuse their masters, or made a noise and swept away their property, making the political situation even more chaotic in an era that was already chaotic. For this reason, Mr. Meng Sen once wrote an article "Reading the Examination of the Slave Transformation in the Ming Dynasty", explaining that this kind of slave transformation is actually not a class struggle.Because at that time, although there were many people in Jiangnan who were unwilling to be slaves, there were also many people who obviously did not need to be slaves but must be slaves. Originally, life was pretty good, but they wanted to rely on wealthy families to evade taxes and run rampant in the countryside, so they signed contracts and sold themselves as slaves in groups. This is how the term "prostitution" came about.Mr. Meng Sen said that the former group of slaves had just made a violent disturbance, and the latter group happily came to join them as slaves. What kind of class struggle is this? Beggar villain: Begging because of a temporary famine is worthy of sympathy. However, treating begging as a habitual occupation and then breeding a group mental model will inevitably become a social nuisance. The basic point of the beggar's psychology is to use self-filth and self-weakness as means to complete the possession of other people's property bit by bit and quickly.The beggar-type villains do not have a clear concept of ownership in their minds. They think that everything in the world is not their own, but also their own.As long as one is willing to sacrifice one's personality image to gain people's pity, things that are not one's own may also be converted into one's own.Their feet are always stepping on the pulley of ownership conversion. Before the acquisition, the sincerity of the tone made people cry, and they immediately turned their faces and refused to recognize anyone after the acquisition. Once beggars gather in groups, no one is easy to deal with. "Qing Barnyard Banknotes Beggars" contains: "In Huai, Xu, Hai and other places in Jiangsu, there are hundreds of people who flee from famine every year, begging in various counties and counties, and in neighboring provinces, the number is the most in the early Guangxu period." The weirdest thing is that these mighty beggars are still carrying "passports" with official seals, and begging in a place has become a dignified official business. After begging, they will inevitably go to the government to ask for it, and then stamp an official seal as a "visa" for begging at the next stop.Although the government also frowned, they couldn't stand the stalking. Since they were poor people and begging was not considered a crime, they stamped them one by one. Associating from this example, as long as someone is determined to use beggar's methods to obtain something in life, sooner or later the goal will be achieved. Rogue villain: When the evil slave villain is finally expelled by the last master, when the beggar villain finally refuses to pretend to be pitiful one day, this becomes a hooligan villain. "History of the Ming Dynasty" records a man named Cao Qincheng, who has become the county magistrate of Wujiang, but also asked someone to recognize the eunuch Wei Zhongxian as his father. In the end, even Wei Zhongxian couldn't stand his flattering attitude, saying that he was a scum, and dismissed him. official position.He actually said on the spot: "The righteousness of the monarch and his ministers is gone, and the kindness of father and son is unforgettable." Soon, Wei Zhongxian's conspiracy was revealed, and Cao Qincheng was regarded as an accomplice and put on death row.He didn't feel anything, he robbed the food of other criminals in prison every day, and he was full. This Cao Qincheng was undoubtedly an evil slave-type villain at first, but after losing his master, he naturally transformed into a hooligan-type villain when he was on death row.What if I was a county magistrate?Still dare to snatch the food from the murderer's mouth and stuff it into his mouth!Are you here to fight?I've already swallowed it, anyway, sooner or later, I'm going to be beheaded, so I'm afraid of being beaten? ——When a person has reached this stage, it is superfluous to say anything. Rogue-type villains appear more active than other types of villains.Like juggling, they alternately juggled tricks such as framing, eavesdropping, intimidation, deceit, reneging on their promises, breaking promises, leading snakes out of their holes, making noises, and so on. Others were made tearful by all these, but they talked and laughed freely without letting it go. Rogue-type villains seem to be mostly young people at first glance, but they may not be.What they did was the result of time, so many of them were a little older.Mr. Xie Guozhen once recorded a man named Gu Shenqing in Shaxi, Taicang, Jiangsu Province in the late Ming Dynasty. He was a domestic slave, sold illegal salt, and worked in the government office. Harass the people.The history books commented on him as "old and cunning", which succinctly summed up the typical example of a real rogue-type villain.Those young people with hooligan habits in the market do not belong to this category. Wen ruffian villain: When the above-mentioned villains acquire a kind of cultural carrier or cultural mask, they become literary villains. Even though they are literati, they are given the word "ruffian" because their way of doing things has a lot in common with street ruffians.For example, they all take attacking others as their first characteristic; the way of attacking is to throw filth and filth, infringing the reputation rights of others; they will never apologize for their bad deeds even if they are completely exposed, and immediately change a topic to entangle them forever, so etc. However, the ruffian type villain is still a literati after all, and knows how to disguise his cultural image, so he must dress himself up as impassioned and hateful.They know the recent thoughts of those in power, and they also understand the current hot spots of public opinion, and they always throw out the topics that attract the most attention as a breakthrough point of attack, and by the way make themselves public figures. In ancient times, they were the first to expose and criticize the formation of the blood-stained literary inquisition; in modern times, they were the first to expose and criticize countless unjust, false and wrong cases during the "Cultural Revolution"; They are also the ones who besiege the creators of culture and cause the culture to seriously lag behind.They continue to lead the people to pursue evil and seek evil, and the greatest evil is precisely themselves. I have done several experiments, asking some virtuous cultural people to rank the lists of ancient, modern, and contemporary literary ruffians, and the results are highly consistent, which shows that it is not difficult to spot them.However, in today's China, the literary villains are still particularly deceptive and destructive, because they take advantage of the general public's ignorance of culture and their superstitious belief in newspapers and periodicals, and decorate the local filth of other types of villains into a broad society. pollute.Therefore, they are the worst bunch of all villains. Although the influence is great, their number is not large, which may be attributed to the infiltration of the concept of gentleman in ancient China.Throughout history, many literati have such shortcomings as extreme rhetoric, ridicule, disorderly behavior, and inconsistencies in appearance, etc., and they cannot be regarded as literary ruffians. It is worth pondering that there are quite a few villains who have no power background, organizational ability, and death-defying spirit. Why do normal social groups also lose their defense against them?If we don't push all the responsibility to the previous autocratic dynasty, can we find some reasons around us? Seems to be able to find some. First, conceptual flaws. I don't know when it started, but what our society particularly hates is not all kinds of villains.We hate young people who talk wildly, we hate obsessed with the opposite sex, we hate extreme radicals or conservatives, we hate domineering, seductive, sour, stubborn, we hate this and that, but we don’t hate those Wandering souls without positions, fleeting smiles, unverifiable good words, and irrevocable promises. For a long time, we have decided our emotional orientation based on a certain ideological standpoint, and villains are indispensable in this respect, so it is easy to please both sides at the same time, at least they are regarded as neighbors in the middle state by both sides. We hate ignorance, villains have high IQs; we hate barbarism, villains do not do bloody stupid things in most cases.As a result, we look down on all kinds of people harshly, but let the villain alone. Second, the emotional involvement. The villain is good at playing emotional games, which is just right for many good people who work hard and feel lonely. The difference between a villain and a normal person on this issue is that the emotional communication of a normal person begins with revealing one's own heart, while the emotional game of a villain begins with trying to figure out the needs of the other party.The villains are often very accurate in guessing, and people immediately fall into their trap and mistake them for their confidantes.A villain is the kind of person who doesn't have a real friend, but many people mistake him for a confidant. Later, people will gradually see through their truth, but since they are implicated in old love, it is not good to turn their faces suddenly. I think that in Chinese history, there are two famous figures who can identify villains in the ecstasy of emotions: Guan Zhong and Wang Anshi.Half of their fame through the ages lies in their defense against villains. When Guan Zhong assisted Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Huan of Qi was very moved and said to him: "There are three people who are most loyal to me around me. One voluntarily became an eunuch and castrated himself in order to serve me; the other came to be my subject after fifteen years. I haven't been home to see my parents for a year; the other one is even more powerful, in order to nourish my body, he killed his own son and made soup for me to eat!" After hearing this, Guan Zhong said: "These people should not be close to each other. Their actions are all against the normal feelings of people. How can they still be loyal to you?" . After Guan Zhong's death, the three villains made a comeback, and the trouble was turned upside down. Wang Anshi has encountered many villains in his life, and it is difficult to do everything. The one who impressed me the most was Cheng Shimeng, an admonishment doctor. He even said to Wang Anshi one day that what he hates most now is that his body is getting better and better, and his heart is getting better. But want to die early.Wang Anshi was very surprised, and asked him why, he said: "I die first, and you will write my epitaph, so that it can be handed down to future generations." Wang Anshi felt the weight of this person's personality as soon as he heard it, so he ignored it. Only like Guan Zhong and Wang Anshi can break the emotional ecstasy formed by villains; but for many characters, a few good words will soften their hearts as soon as they hear them, and it is easy for villains to capture them. Third, psychological fear. Villains and kind people often have a short or long "honeymoon period" in friendship.When the kind people start to see through, the villain's spoiling period will come. In all fairness, most people are afraid of villains' spoiling.No matter how timid a villain is in reality, he has the appearance of desperately fighting for his life.Although good people are not necessarily afraid of death, they have to die in a decent place; if you fight with a villain, he will pour dirty water on you first, and reverse right and wrong so that you become his kind, just like pulling someone into a quagmire You can't see his face clearly, what a useless way to die! Therefore, with their filth, the little people formed a chaotic phalanx more terrifying than any real battlefield in the world, so that even the most valiant fighters can only retreat. In many cases, the villain is not fighting you but stalking you.They know that you don't have such time, such tongue, such patience, and such emotions. They know that even if you get angry, there will be a time when you will stop. As long as you continue to entangle, there will always be a moment when your will will reach the limit.They may have seen the famous sculpture "Laocoon" in ancient Greece. The strong father and son were finally entangled by a long, greasy snake to the point where they couldn't even make a cry.Think about that statue, are you not afraid? Is there any law governing villains?difficult.Villains basically don't break the law.This is where the villain is even more terrifying.The rogue villain Niu Er entangled the hero Yang Zhi, and Yang Zhi couldn't escape, so he had to kill him, but it was Yang Zhi who broke the law, not Niu Er. A villain sticks a noble life with a humble life. The reason why a noble life is noble is that it cannot be insulted. However, if a noble life does not want to be insulted, it has to pay the price of life. Once the price is paid, people will find the balance of life. Seriously out of balance. This imbalance, in turn, perpetuates a new fear in society: It's pointless to compete with villains.The popular saying in Chinese society, "I can't afford to offend, I can afford to hide" is really full of helplessness after countless failures.Everyone understands that what this sentence says is not to hide from thieves or disasters, but to hide from villains.Good people hide from villains, and over time, villains are envied by some ignorant people, and their ranks expand. Fourth, strategic mistakes. Many good figures in Chinese history often made strategic mistakes in dealing with villains.In terms of the relationship between Tao and art, although they admire Tao, they cannot really practice Tao because of the shackles of the entire system. In the end, they all pay attention to art, which is called Taolue, but it is actually political pragmatism. A major feature of this political pragmatism is the use of villainous means to deal with political opponents.This seems to be quite effective at first glance, but in fact the consequences are serious.Political enemies are not necessarily villains. Using villains to deal with political enemies is, in a sense, using villains to destroy gentlemen with different political views, which is a great loss in civilization construction. If villains are used to deal with villains, the group of villains being used will be in a position to be promoted. Once successful, the way of thinking and behavior logic of villains will be rewarded and carried forward. Many wise monarchs and virtuous ministers in Chinese history often made mistakes here. They won specific victories, but the fruits of victory were full of poison instilled by villains.They only asked to whom the fruit belonged without regard to the nature of the fruit.Therefore, even the success of good people countless times may not necessarily constitute the accumulation of civilization. Fifth, the correspondence in the soul. There are quite a few people who cannot be regarded as villains as a whole, but under certain circumstances and circumstances, a little villainous emotion will quietly seep out from the depths of their souls, which corresponds to what villains do, and they become villains. Troubled helpers and booers. Why do rumors and lies have such a big market?According to normal rational judgments, most rumors are easy to see through, but they are actually spread on a large scale by people with not too low intelligence. The reason can only be said that the spreaders have a potential need for rumors. 只要想一想历来被谣言攻击的对象,大多是那些有理由被别人暗暗嫉妒却没有理由被公开诋毁的人物,我们就可明白其中的奥秘了。谣言为传谣、信谣者而设。按接受美学的观点,谣言的生命扎根于传谣、信谣者的心底。如果没有这个根,一个谣言便如小儿梦呓、腐叟胡诌,会有什么社会影响呢? 一切正常人都会有失落的时候,失落中很容易滋长嫉妒情绪,一听到某个得意者有什么问题,心里立即获得了某种窃窃自喜的平衡,也不管起码的常识和逻辑,也不做任何调查和印证,立即一哄而起,形成围诼。 更有一些人,平日一直遗憾自己在名望和道义上的欠缺,一旦小人提供一个机会能在攻击别人过程中获得这种补偿,也会在犹豫再三之后探头探脑地出来,成为小人的同伙。 如果仅止于内心的些微需要试图满足,这样的陷落也是有限度的,良知的警觉会使他们拔身而走。但也有一些人,开始只是说不清道不明的内心对立而已,而一旦与小人合伴成事后又自恃自傲,良知麻木,越沉越深,那他们也就成了地地道道的小人而难以救药了。 从这层意义上说,小人最隐秘的土壤,其实在我们每个人的内心。即便是吃够了小人苦头的人,一不留神也会在自己的某个精神角落为小人挪出空地。 那么,到底应该怎么办呢? 显然没有消解小人的良方。在这个问题上,我们能做的事情很少。 我认为,最根本的是要不断扩大君子的队伍,改变君子和小人的数量对比。一定需要有一批人成为比较纯粹的君子,而不受任何小人生态的诱惑。 君子的古代标准,也就是他们与小人的原始区别,我们的祖先早有教导,例如“君子怀德”、“君子坦荡荡”、“君子求诸己”、“君子成人之美”、“君子和而不同”、“君子周而不比”,等等。这些教导,对君子的风范、目标和生态做了经典描述。君子的现代标准,就要在这个基础上增加一系列全人类公认的价值标准,诸如人权、人道、民主、自由、互助、慈善、环保,等等,并由此展现出更加关爱苍生、牺牲自我、温和坚毅、光明磊落的风范。 真正的君子行迹,是一种极其美好的人生体验。只要认真投入,很快就能发现,自己什么也不害怕了。过去想做君子而犹豫,不就是害怕小人吗?一旦成了真君子,这种担忧就不再存在。 不再害怕我们害怕过的一切。不再害怕众口铄金,不再害怕招腥惹臭,不再害怕群蝇成阵,不再害怕阴沟暗道,不再害怕那种时时企盼着新的整人运动的饥渴眼光,不怕偷听,不怕恐吓,不怕狞笑,只以更明确、更响亮的方式,在人格、人品上昭示出高贵和低贱的界限。 此外,有一件具体的事可做。我主张大家一起来认真研究一下从历史到现实的小人问题,把这个问题集中谈下去,总有好处。 想起了写《吝啬鬼》的莫里哀。他从来没有想过要根治人类身上自古以来就存在的吝啬这个老毛病,但他在剧中把吝啬解剖得那么透彻、那么辛辣、那么具体,使人们以后再遇到吝啬,或者自己心底再产生吝啬的时候,猛然觉得在哪里见过,于是,剧场的笑声也会在他们耳边重新响起。那么多人的笑声使他们明白人类良知水平上的是非。他们在笑声中莞尔了,正常的人性也就悄悄地上升了一小格。 吝啬的毛病比我所说的小人问题轻微得多。鉴于小人对我们民族昨天和今天的严重荼毒,微薄如我们,能不能像莫里哀一样把小人的行为举止、心理方式用最普及的方法袒示于世,然后让人们略有所悟呢? 研究小人是为了看清小人,给他们定位,以免他们继续以无序的方式出现在我们生活的各时各处,使人们难以招架。研究仅止于研究,尽量不要与他们争吵。争吵使他们加重,研究使他们失重。 虽然小人尚未定义,但我看到了一个与小人有关的定义。一位美国学者说: 所谓伟大的时代,也就是大家都不把小人放在眼里的时代。 这个定义十分精彩。小人总有,但他们的地位与时代本身的重量成反比。既然专制极权和政治乱世造就了小人,既然庸众意识和恐惧心理助长了小人,那么,如果出现了一种强大的精神气压,使小人在社会上从中心退到旁侧、从高位降到低位、从主宰变成赘余,这个时代已经在问鼎伟大。 我们的时代已经出现了一些好的趋势。快速推进的时代节奏,无限开阔的全球视野,渐渐使很多小人的行为越来越失去效用。前几年还在闹腾的事件,现在一看全变成了笑话。尤其是那些以折腾人著称的“大批判专家”,连名字也完全被人们淡忘。 但是,我们的时代与伟大显然还有距离。大家已经发现,主要距离在于精神文化方面;大家没有发现的是,精神文化的创造者其实不少,却仍然被小人啃噬着。中国民众固然已经厌烦小人了,但是,以往很多年被小人扯来扯去的视线,至今还没有恢复仰望精神文化的功能。结果,小人被冷落了,而精神文化也被冷落着。 我相信,这种双向冷落只是一个暂时的过程。 最后我必须补充一个观点才能结束本文,那就是:尽管小人在整体上祸害久远,但就他们的个体生命而言,大多也是可怜人,包括其中最令人厌烦的文痞型小人,无非也就是一些喝了“狼奶”的失败者和抑郁者。他们,还有被拯救的可能。 冷落他们,搁置他们,然后拯救他们,这便是当今君子的责任。 说到底,他们是在一个缺少关爱的环境里长大的一群,因此也应该受到关爱。我们鄙弃的,是他们以往的作恶方式,以及他们在历史上的集合状态。
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