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Chapter 93 About "Yelang West"——A Discussion on the Creation of "Yelang West"

someone lied to you 王跃文 1165Words 2018-03-18
Every time I publish a novel, some good friends always ask me: Have you heard any response?The so-called reactions of my friends were vague, and I had to smile vaguely.How can one expect a novel to have any response?I've never been so narcissistic.But last year's "This Eve, What Eve", occasionally people outside the officialdom saw it, and said it was too real and too horrifying; while people in the officialdom read it, they didn't take it seriously, saying that the reality is more horrifying than my novel , I wrote a little "insignificant".In fact, no matter how big or small, I think it is necessary to write.

However, Guan Yinda in "Yelangxi" is not such a witch.He can be regarded as a relatively decent, honest, and dedicated official, so the masses support him.But he is not perfect. If we don't do some technical processing in publicity, it is obviously impossible to promote him as an advanced model for everyone to learn from.He does not hold back, but he probably thinks that he is unlucky when he is going backwards, and it is better to be careful in everything; he gets along well with his subordinates, but after all, he has some intentions to win people's hearts; Establish his own prestige; he finally launched an attack on corruption, but it was an act of righteous indignation as a last resort. He originally planned that everyone would live in peace so that he could have a stable working environment.However, the common people in China may be the best common people in the world. If you are an official, as long as you do a little bit of good deeds, or perform a little better than others, or as long as you don't do bad things, the people will regard you as your parents and officials, and you will be sent to heaven. Grandpa's hat for you.In addition, in recent decades, the common people have already let the image of "Gaoquan" officials lose their appetite, and their standards for evaluating officials have long been secularized and are already very accessible.You have some shortcomings, they can tolerate.As long as you don't do too badly, they don't demand much from you.Nowadays, being an upright official in China may lead to a more difficult life, but the people support you from the bottom of their hearts.Guan Yinda was an upright official in the eyes of the masses, and the people's representatives put aside the intentions of their superiors and elected him as the county magistrate.I don’t think the Chinese people’s term “retaining a name in history” does not refer to being recorded in a thread-bound book that has turned yellow, but to let the common people pass it on from generation to generation.

Is Guan Yinda a success?The people's representatives elected him as the county magistrate, but his election was not in line with the organization's intentions, and he was actually not recognized by the higher authorities.It was too difficult for him to be the county magistrate, and he even had a rare opportunity to report to the leaders of the prefectural committee.Facing the action machine favored by the officialdom, he is helpless and helpless.In this sense, Guan Yinda is not considered a successful person, because the criterion for evaluating a person's success in the officialdom is to see whether you are successful in official career and whether you are on the rise.In short, it is very frustrating to convert your lifetime efforts into official ranks.

There are two standards here: one is the standard of the people, and the other is the standard of officialdom itself.People's standards often seem insignificant in this world, but he belongs to history, and its evaluation is eternal.The standard of officialdom is absolutely authoritative in this world, but its evaluation always needs to be re-examined by history. Many people who are regarded as extremely prominent and noble by official standards will become villains after being re-evaluated by the standards of the people or history .Helpless people's standards are always lagging behind, so history is always regretting.Needless to say, the price of such regret is heavy.

There is a kind of criticism, saying that it is a novel that is too close to life, it is a journalistic writing, and has no literary value.My literary views are very old, and I still don't understand why literature should be alienated from life.It is also said that news is the first draft of history.But those media that specialize in news will set up a fascination for future historians, so the novel can really have the effect of news, but it is also of great merit.I thought that criticizing other people's novels was journalistic writing, and it was actually a kind of flattery.
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