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Chapter 71 sassy girlfriend

someone lied to you 王跃文 1299Words 2018-03-18
Anyone who has read Shen Fu will never forget Yunniang.Yun Niang is Shen Fu's wife, she is virtuous, intelligent, charming and considerate, she has a deep and lingering relationship with her husband, unfortunately she died early.Shen Fu wrote the mournful and glamorous story of their husband and wife in a desolate way, which is fascinating to read.Even Lin Yutang said that Yunniang is the most ideal woman in China, and she is lucky to have such a wife. I don't like it very much.I always thought that in China, women and children live the darkest life, because they have never been seen as human beings in history.Western scholars frankly stated that "there were no children before the Middle Ages", saying that children were never regarded as people with special emotional requirements before the Middle Ages in the West.When did China discover children and treat children as people with independent personalities and special emotional needs?To put it negatively, it seems that there is no such thing now.Today's children eat well, dress well, and respond to their material needs, but spiritually and emotionally, children are still obedient to the will of their parents to a considerable extent.Chinese women are even worse.The ancients have taught that a woman obeys her father at home, obeys her husband when she leaves home, and obeys her son after a husband dies.If a Chinese child is a boy, at least one day he will grow up, he will finally make it out and become a big man.They don't know whether they will be slaves outside, but they can always be absolute masters at home.It's a pity that there are only women, and there will never be a day of recovery.What is even more tragic is that women have been educated in servility in traditional culture since they were young, and they take it as their duty and honor to be a good slave to their husbands. They call it "female virtue" and "wifeliness", but in fact there is more servility here.Today's women can be considered to have achieved institutional liberation, but they may not necessarily have achieved liberation in a deep cultural sense.

Yun Niang, who has always been talked about by Chinese men, is a wonderful slave.Although she is lucky, her husband loves her and appreciates her spirituality, but the root cause lies in her own "cuteness".In order to be so "cute", to put it bluntly, all her emotions, anger, likes and dislikes are based on her husband's spleen and stomach, and she obeys everything.She is "cute" who understands her husband's intentions, and she can take the initiative to choose a concubine for her husband. With careful planning, she personally lures the girl she likes, Han Yuan, into the boudoir, coaxing her in every possible way until she finally puts a jade bracelet on Han Yuan's wrist. , and then ran out of the boudoir to claim credit for her husband: the matter is done.Later, Hanyuan was taken away by a wealthy businessman, and Yunniang vomited blood and fell ill because of it. She repeatedly lamented that her husband was not blessed to enjoy Hanyuan, until she died of depression.Such women's virtues, of course, should be greatly praised by Chinese men.

There was an argument that the liberation of women in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was the most advanced women's liberation movement in human history.The argument is that women in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom stepped out of the family, participated extensively in fighting and production, and were "naturally sufficient".However, the "Wife Way" written by Hong Tianwang Hong Xiuquan himself stipulates that the wife's way is in the three obediences, and it is not against the husband's master.There is also a rule of "ten hits": one should be hit for serving ungodly; two should be hit for being stubborn and disobedient to teaching; three should be hit for looking at the husband; four should be hit for asking the king if he is not pious; If you speak too loudly, you should hit six times; if you respond to calls, you should hit seven times;I really don't know any slave owner or cult leader in history who can treat women more cruelly than Hong Tianwang.Those dogmatic Taiping Heavenly Kingdom research experts are still applauding such a cruel and corrupt king, they really have no conscience.

Mr. Lu Xun said: The despotism of a tyrant turns people into cynicism, and the tyranny of foolish people turns people into dead faces.Everyone gradually died, but I thought that defending the way was effective.If there are people in the world who really want to live, they should first dare to speak, laugh, cry, be angry, scold, and beat.I really hope that women can do the "six dares" as Mr. said first, even if they become less cute because of it.Even so, they can at least think with their own minds and feel with their own hearts. They are independent people with real life and true emotions, and they can see themselves as human beings.You must know that it is not good for a woman to sacrifice everything about herself just to hold a man tightly in her hands.

It is said that "Sassy Girlfriend" is very popular now. Is it a reaction against traditional women's morals?
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