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Chapter 63 Listen to Han Han's boos

someone lied to you 王跃文 439Words 2018-03-18
In this era, the authority of adults no longer exists, but they are still self-righteous and pointing fingers.Han Han hissed them sharply.The boos are terrifying.Han Han's keen observation ability is like a wild beast running in the wilderness, which can catch its prey in an instant.However, he was not excited and did not yell.His eyes were cold, and there was a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth that saw through everything.Han Han said that everything is nothing special. This makes many children and even adults of his age think he is great.Han Han's extraordinary talent has become the best example of criticizing the current education system.

However, Han Han's booing scares me.Although Bergman said that human dignity lies in being able to repeatedly question our seemingly contradictory logic of fate.But once this kind of questioning is only ridiculed and sneered, and only a kind of alienation from life is left, I am really afraid that what it covers is only a false and weak background. I agree with Russell.Russell said that there were three passions that supported his life, which were the thirst for knowledge, the pursuit of love, and the compassion for human suffering.It was these three passions that made him love life.I also admit that teenagers do have more reasons to be sad and angry now, and they have to face more loneliness and competition.But love life, find reasons to love life.If the only laughter left by children is sneers, then the day of making humans cry has truly come.

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