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Chapter 23 bad news

someone lied to you 王跃文 1250Words 2018-03-18
There is a Zen saying: Every day is a good day.But some things, such as embarrassment, helplessness, and funny, really spoil the scenery, but they all pass over my shoulders, and I never cared about them.Suddenly remembered, just a smile.Log a few, just for fun. There are two dogs playing on the street, one native dog and one foreign dog.The native dog is honest and naive.The foreign dogs are soft and cute, flopping around the native dogs like a little girl willful.The sun is very good, and the green grass on the street is also good.Suddenly a woman dressed in fashion rushed up and scolded the foreign dog sharply: Baby, you are shameless, fooling around with this local treasure!

A certain college boy fell in love with a girl YOUYOU, and planned a very creative way to show his love.On the night of YOUYOU's birthday, he planned to use the light changes in the windows of the male dormitory building to express his heart: YOUYOU, Iloveyou. He went to each dormitory to persuade him and made a detailed plan.On that day, many students gathered downstairs in the dormitory, all wanting to witness this romantic scene.Unexpectedly, the school administrators heard that they were facing a big enemy and stopped them quickly. The persuasion was ineffective, so they forcibly pulled the switch of the student dormitory.

In the community where I live, there are beautiful green spaces and leisure squares. Every morning and evening, people walk the dog, play Tai Chi, and dance Yangko, so they feel at ease.But every few days, there will be loud gongs and drums, loud broadcasts, and the curtains will be lifted to see where the inspection groups and visiting groups are coming.It is said that this is a national civilized demonstration community, and some mothers-in-law in red clothes and red trousers will beat gongs and drums and writhe when encountering such activities.Thinking about football babies, beer babies, and those who play and play should be called activity babies.

Back then, I was on business somewhere in the toilet, and the first thing I did every day was cleaning.Clean the inside first, then the outside.The outside is a cement floor with some camphor trees planted.Whenever I see the grass growing under the tree, I am happy.But the boss always takes the lead in weeding, and he is satisfied only if there is only bare soil left under the tree.The boss also likes to talk about: how can a dignified government agency contain weeds?The state of majesty is just like that.In late autumn, the fallen leaves are falling, and the ground is golden, which is very charming, and it must be swept clean!

I went on a business trip with a certain official back then.When the train was delayed, I couldn't pass the three hours. I was bored and went to a small movie theater near the station to pass the time.I have long forgotten what kind of movie I saw, I just remember that there were a lot of exposure shots, and the shots were beautiful.Every time he sees a woman's breasts or thighs, the leader always clicks his tongue a few times, saying: "The thinking is too poor."I turned a deaf ear and kept silent, but he kept tsk-tsk, and it sounded irritating.In fact, I understood what he meant: watching this kind of movie (he thought it was a pornographic movie) with his subordinates was unbearable, and if he didn't click his tongue a few times, he would lose the respect of the leader.But when the movie was over and the lights were on, I saw his face was flushed and his forehead was dripping with sweat.I thought: But he was so excited.But he was a little bit reluctant to part with him, and he couldn't say anything, he just said: The artistry is not bad.

I went to a certain city in the north to sign a book and sell books, and an official entertained me warmly.The local Confucian scholars gathered together, talking elegantly, and every time they had high opinions.Happy and happy.When it comes to pirated books, everyone is outraged.The official said that pirated books not only harmed the interests of authors, but also damaged market justice, economic order, and national image, which should not be underestimated.Those who heard it nodded approvingly, saying that if public servants are as clear-headed as this gentleman, how can there be a place for pirated copies?The official nodded and smiled, and said: Pirated books are too cheap. I moved to a new house last year and spent more than 10,000 yuan to buy a wall full of books, all of which are 30% off!

It was really strange that it snowed in Changsha last year; it was even more strange that the snowy day coincided with Christmas Eve.I'm sick and lying in the hospital.There is a nice garden outside the ward, covered with green grass, planted with flowers, and with slanting paths, it has some charm.I like to go there for a walk on weekdays, it is good for recovering from illness.This morning, when I opened my eyes and looked around, I felt that the windows were extraordinarily bright.Get out of bed and open the window, but see Qionglou Yuyu outside.I washed up in a hurry and went downstairs, but the garden was locked.Probably because I am afraid that someone will enter the garden to enjoy the snow.I walked around the garden three times, and I sighed!

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