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Chapter 7 nonsense and nonsense

someone lied to you 王跃文 2987Words 2018-03-18
I heard a story when I was a child, and I still can't forget it.Said that the monkey, rabbit and fox were originally friends.But the fox is cunning, and the monkey and rabbit always suffer.Once, the monkey discussed with the rabbit and wanted to play tricks on the fox.The monkey and the rabbit whispered about what is the best food in the world.They knew that the fox was hiding and eavesdropping, so they pretended to be mysterious.The monkey said that the meat on the horse's buttocks is the most delicious food in the world. If you are lucky enough to eat it, it is worthwhile to travel in the world.The rabbit asked, how can the meat on the horse's buttocks be eaten?Monkey said, we have to find a way.On the grassland at the foot of the mountain, there was a big white horse lying there sleeping.After I sneaked away, I wrapped my tail with the pony's tail, and then I started eating.If the horse is bitten, it will definitely gallop.I don't care, just hang on to it and continue eating.The rabbit pretended to be frustrated and said, my tail is too short, so I don't have such a good fortune.The monkey patted his chest and said, wait, I'm full, I'll bring some back for you to taste.After hearing this, the fox was secretly delighted and ran down the mountain.Sure enough, I saw a white horse lying on the grass and sleeping soundly.The monkey ran up the tall tree, and the rabbit climbed up to the top of the mountain, waiting for a good show.I saw the fox lingering for a while, just like the monkey taught, so that's it.Suddenly, the white horse neighed and galloped like the wind.The poor fox was dragged to the ground, covered with cuts and bruises.From then on, the fox's fur was gray and red and messy; the horse no longer dared to lie on the ground, and slept standing up; Caught himself into a three-petal mouth.

What this story contains is actually the epistemology of ordinary people: this is how they explain everything in the world with their imagination.For a long time, I was thinking about things according to this logic.Feel free to attach, it's a fantasy.Not afraid of the Fang family's jokes, just trying to tell it for fun. For example, what is going on with the mad dog, I have some confused ideas.When I first started working, the county government set up a leading group for rabies prevention and control, with an office under it, and a domestic dog hunting team.The official names of the three organizations are very long. If they are shortened to the Rabid Defense Leading Group, the Rabid Dog Office and the Rabid Dog Team, it will not be pleasant to the ear; as a matter of convention, the common people know that the county has newly established the Dog Beating Office.All of a sudden, the dog beating office staff held five-foot long sticks and went up to the mountains and down to the countryside, visiting villages and households, beating dogs whenever they saw them.Dog meat is delicious in my hometown, and these long sticks are full of anger after eating dog meat.

I foolishly thought at the time that a dog is a symbol of loyalty. In ancient times, it was an honor for a minister to say that he was a lackey of a saint.It wasn't until modern times that "running dog" gradually became a derogatory term.Although the meaning of the word is derogatory, some lackeys follow suit and feel complacent.Often in that kind of very respectable occasion, there are always some very decent people who think they are very decent to talk about, just to brag about how hard-core they are with a certain high-ranking official.The most powerful evidence of what they call hardcore is that a certain official entrusted him with a certain most private matter and asked him to settle it.

As a servant of human beings, dogs have been loyal for thousands of years, how can you say that they are crazy if they are crazy?It is said that there is only a layer of paper between a genius and a lunatic; if this layer of paper is pierced, a genius becomes a lunatic.Every time Van Gogh went crazy, there was a wave of creative climax.It is said that the masterpieces of art handed down by this talented painter are the result of going crazy again and again.I never heard of mad cows back then, only mad dogs.Dogs are the smartest animals I know.From people to dogs, I believe that all crazy dogs are genius dogs.When a dog is as smart as a man, it goes mad; it ceases to be loyal to man and bites.Some bosses prefer to appoint mediocre and stupid people, and avoid reusing smart people. Is it because they are worried that they will be bitten one day?

I'm so stubborn, I have a criminal record in middle school.Once I told my political teacher that by studying dialectical materialism, I believe that there must be gods in the sky.The teacher was very surprised and said that one is materialism and the other is idealism; one is atheism and the other is theism.what's wrong with you?I said that dialectical materialism believes that everything is created from nothing, from low-level to high-level, from quantitative change to qualitative change.The origin of life is inorganic matter at first, and then develops into organic matter; then it evolves from lower life to higher life; specifically, human beings, after several years of evolution, first have apes, and then evolve from apes to humans.So, what species will humans eventually evolve into?Only feathers become immortals.The teacher hesitated for a while, and said that today's humans are more intelligent than ancient humans, and this is evolution.I said that today's people may not be smarter than the ancients, otherwise, why can't we understand many of the inventions and creations of the predecessors?Some people put forward the hypothesis that the Egyptian pyramids were built by intelligent life forms from alien planets.Even if we admit that modern people are smarter than ancient people, it is only a quantitative change, and a qualitative change must occur in the end to conform to the principle of dialectical materialism.The so-called qualitative change of human beings is to evolve into a higher life than human beings. What else can it be if it is not a god?The teacher couldn't continue, and looked at me bitterly.I naughty, teacher, you can criticize my vulgar understanding of dialectical materialism.The teacher took the shells provided by me, walked down the steps decently, and said, you still have self-knowledge.

I am still thinking, is there really some kind of philosophy in this world that can completely explain the world?When I have doubts, I lose my scientific mind and only have absurd fantasies in my mind.Beyond the nine heavens, there are no gods, and there must be higher beings who are smarter than humans.Let's call it a celestial being.People who think that all things are primates are just species used by heavenly beings for experiments, just like those little white mice raised in human laboratories.It turned out that the early data about the evolution of heaven and man were missing, so they used humans as experiments.More than 2,500 years ago, the heavenly beings bestowed special wisdom on an oriental man named Confucius, in order to see how extraordinary people affect human beings.After many years, a man named Zhu Xi said that the sky does not give birth to Zhongni, and the ages are like a long night.It can be regarded as breaking the sky.This is something.In the more than 500 years after the birth of Confucius, heaven and man discovered miraculous changes in the East.Those yellow-skinned and black-eyed orientals are wise and civilized, and have created many miracles.And those white-skinned and blue-eyed people in the West are still drinking blood.Therefore, heaven and man endowed special wisdom to a Westerner named Jesus.Jesus took on a different experimental project than Confucius, and his mission was to design a game called religion.Christianity was solemnly born.Previously, the gods tried to make Sakyamuni establish Buddhism. Perhaps because the gods who were in charge of this experimental project neglected their duties, they did not achieve satisfactory research goals; race.These will not go into detail.Just talking about Christianity, this is the proud work of heaven and man.They found that in the land where the teaching spread, the people were loving, loyal, and hardworking.The West soon caught up with the East and surpassed it.At this time, a debate broke out in the academic circles of heaven and man: the factors that caused the differences between the East and the West, is the difference between religion and secularism, or the difference in race?Various viewpoints were at odds, and the supreme authority of heaven and man had to propose a new plan: find a Jew of the same race as Jesus, endow him with special wisdom, let him create an atheistic philosophy, and see how effective it is.Heaven and man have discovered that no matter holy religion or secular philosophy, many mutations will be generated, just like the mutation of a virus.Thus ensued the most brutal, widespread, and prolonged bloodshed in human history.Even stupid human beings have realized that the latest disaster of human beings is the confrontation between the two Jews.The conclusion drawn by heaven and man is: race, skin color, language, geographical location, climate, etc. are not the decisive factors affecting human existence, but ideas are the most important, no matter this idea is manifested as philosophy, religion, secular theory or Lies and witchcraft.Heaven and man finally regretted it, and shouted loudly: enough, enough, damn idea!Don't let human beings play with ideas anymore, let them live well.

More and more diseases are befalling the world.Human beings haven't even fully understood the cold virus yet, and AIDS is surging; AIDS has not yet been conquered, and it is unknown where the SARS virus emerged.Human beings have never looked so imbecile, vulnerable and helpless as they do now.We turned out to be so arrogant and conceited, going to the nine heavens to catch the moon, and going down to the five oceans to catch turtles.Human beings crazily inflate themselves, always thinking that being strong and powerful can rule the world.But it is precisely the invisible microorganisms that take people's lives from time to time.Human beings have outstanding microorganism and virus experts, and their research methods are also increasingly advanced.However, human beings are reduced to dolls of microorganisms day by day.According to legend, in ancient China, a general led his troops to an expedition.Unfortunately, the plague prevailed, and all the soldiers of the three armies collapsed.The general saw a weed growing in front of the chariot, so he grabbed it and chewed it.After a while, the general felt his body strengthened.He guessed that this weed might be a life-saving medicine, so he ordered his soldiers to pick it and eat it.As a result, a single weed made the plague escape.Because the general encountered good medicine before the chariot, it was called plantain, an unknown weed.Plantain is still a traditional Chinese medicine, but it is no longer as effective as it used to be.The weeds are still the same weeds, but the people are not the people they were back then.Needless to say, when I was young, I lived in the countryside. If I had diarrhea, I just had to pick the thorns from the wild thorns, wash them and chew them raw, and everything would be fine.Now when I am sick, I have to take medicine quickly, but there is no medicine that can bring immediate results.

The SARS virus has been raging for several months, and human beings are still helpless.The patients who survived did not rely on any effective drugs, but on the mobilization of their own immunity.In the past few months, I have been hiding at home to avoid the plague, and my mind is full of weird ideas.Forget it, forget it, I really can't bear to think about the unlucky aspects.I only pray that God will open the eyes of Dharma and save all sentient beings.
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