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Golden Story: Love on the Magpie Bridge

Golden Story: Love on the Magpie Bridge


  • Essays

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 104681

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Chapter 1 The origin of Tanabata

Qixi Festival, formerly known as Qiqiao Festival.Qixi Qiqiao, this festival originated in the Han Dynasty. In Ge Hong's "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there is a record that "Han colored women often wear seven-hole needles in Kaijinlou on July 7th, and everyone learns about it". The earliest record of Qiqiao seen in ancient literature.In later Tang and Song poems, women's Qiqiao was also repeatedly mentioned. Wang Jianyou of the Tang Dynasty said in a poem that "the stars are shining with pearls, and the maids of the Qixi Festival are busy begging for cleverness."According to the "Kaiyuan Tianbao Legacy": Tang Taizong and his concubine held a night banquet in the Qing Palace every Tanabata, and the court ladies begged for cleverness. This custom has been enduring among the people and continued from generation to generation.

During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Qiqiao Qixi Festival was quite grand. There was also a market in the capital that exclusively sold Qiqiao items, which was called Qiqiao City by the world.Song Luoye and Jin Ying's "Drunkard Talking Records" said: "On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, Panlou buys and sells artful things. From July 1st, the carriages and horses were choking, and until three days before the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the carriages and horses were blocked, and they were blocked again and again. , can’t come out again, and they will be scattered at night.” Here, from the grand occasion of buying Qiqiao things in Qiqiao City, we can infer the lively scene of the Qixi Festival at that time.People began to buy begging goods from the first day of July. The Qiqiao market was full of traffic and crowds. When the Qixi Festival was approaching, the Qiqiao market became a sea of ​​people. The most grand festival—the Spring Festival, shows that Qiqiao Festival is one of the favorite festivals of the ancients.

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