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Chapter 74 leopard sam and anton

Samu and Anton are two leopards. They were kept in captivity at home since they were young. The owner is the famous missionary Gibb.Ghib was determined to tame the two leopards to be humane, in order to prove to his believers that even the most ferocious leopard in the world can be domesticated into a kind and gentle animal. A few years later, Samu and Anton really learned to be gentle and lovely.But one day, Samu and Anton were kicked out of the house by the owner Jibu, because the government has ordered that private individuals are not allowed to keep large beasts.Soon, Samu and Anton were put into a big cage by relevant departments and transported by truck to the desert hundreds of miles away.Looking at the vast desert, Samu and An Dun instinctively felt terror and despair. They lost their wildness and had no idea how to survive.Hungry Samu and An Dun stood by the side of the road, watching the passing vehicles, waiting for people's alms.They behave obediently, lovable, and gentle, with benevolent eyes everywhere, but no one dares to approach them, and some even raise shotguns at them.

Sam and Anton had no idea how friendship could be exchanged for hostility.An Dun ran to the door of a farmer's house, stood up on his hind legs, and tried to bow to the owner of the yard, hoping to win the sympathy of the farmer with extremely humane gestures, but the farmer didn't understand what he meant, and let out a dog to bite An Dun...Let's go Anton lay motionless on the ground, and Samu went on alone, catching some squirrels for a living.In fact, it can't catch squirrels at all, and it won't catch squirrels.All it eats are sick or old gerbils.A few days later, Sam saw his companion, An Ren, who had died by the roadside.Samu seemed to realize that in the near future, it would die silently like this, and it shed tears beside An Dun.

The scene of Samu weeping was captured by American photographer Jack and published on the cover of the American magazine "Peaceful World".Since then, people have been extremely opposed to domesticating wild animals in a kind and docile way, thinking that this is treason.Many people stood up and said: the wildness of animals is the best, most beautiful and purest nature. Among my friends, some ran away from home before the age of forty to become Taoist priests in deep mountains and old forests.There are those who left the city at the age of thirty and went to remote mountain villages to live by farming... They all have profound virtues and conducts. , they are not only incapable, but can only rely on social support.These holy friends of mine, like Samuel and Anton, have been tamed by a certain spirit and tamed into another.

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