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Chapter 47 third chance

One of the keys to the success or failure of an enterprise is the employment of people.One of the tenets of employing people is trust. These are all clichés, what are we talking about? I know an entrepreneur, and what he talked about has a little meaning. He said that it seems that there are a lot of migrant workers walking around the streets, but there are not many people who are really easy to use.So when he employs people, as long as he sees the right ones, he will definitely tolerate his mistakes, even if they seem to be quite stupid, ridiculous, and even cause losses, and give him a chance to correct them.How many times can you give?

three times.Why three times, is there any basis? The entrepreneur told a story many years ago - when I graduated from high school and failed to enter the university, my parents, brothers and sister-in-law in the countryside supported me to repeat the exam and take the exam again. I insisted on going out by myself and working in the city. I ran into walls everywhere, and the little money I brought out of the house was quickly used up. I hadn’t eaten for two whole days, and I had no money to travel home.It was the evening when people in the city got off work and the traffic was the most congested, and by some strange coincidence, I squeezed into a bus.The buses at that time were not as orderly as they are now. There were three gates at the front and back, and people could squeeze in and out.

While driving, a passenger yelled "lost money", and my heart sank, because the money he lost was in my hands.I have almost squeezed to the door, ready to slip away as soon as the car stops. At this time, some people proposed to drive directly to the police station, some people were in a hurry to go home, and there was a lot of noise in the car.The driver parked the car on the side of the road, turned on the lights inside the car, and prepared to search.At this time, a sentence came out from among the passengers: "Turn off the light and let him take it out." The light went out for about a minute, and I was struggling fiercely in my heart, should I take it or not?At this moment, the lights came on, and everyone looked at the ground, and there was no money. "Give him another chance." Darkness returned to the car.Hungry, I considered whether to pay back part of the money and withhold some money, otherwise I would die from starvation. At worst, I could go to the police station and have a meal.You see, when people are hungry, their thinking is so confused.

The light came on again, but there was still no money in the ground.There was a fire in the car, forget it, go to the police station.At this time, someone suggested: "Give him one last chance." This made me wake up suddenly, and when the lights went out again, I handed over the money. Many years have passed since this happened, and I am grateful for that unknown voice, which seems to be the call of the gods to my conscience amid the flickering lights. I am especially grateful for the third chance, because opportunities are always short and fleeting. When the first chance comes, there may be a lack of mental preparation; when the second chance comes, there may be no action plan; This time, those who understand must know what to do.

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