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Chapter 86 that moment decides success or failure

There is a female sales representative of a star agency in the United States, who is a well-known workaholic.She is very discerning, and almost all basketball rookies who are targeted by her will become famous in the future.For a while, she had her eyes on German basketball rookie Devin George.From then on, wherever George appeared, she would definitely appear. She not only has to fly around the world with George, but also takes care of his daily life.She wanted George to feel that she cared about him so that she could become George's manager. Once, just after she finished a basketball training match with George, she learned that George was invited to an open match in Paris.At this time, she was already extremely tired and wanted to follow to cheer for George.The supervisor was worried that she would delay important events due to fatigue, and suggested that other people should do it for her.In the end, she tried to persuade the supervisor to let her go, because she had never missed it.Finally, she flew to Paris on time and met George smoothly.

That evening, at a banquet for players and reporters, she looked after George like a hostess and introduced him to guests from around the world.When the basketball star Johnson appeared in front of them, she enthusiastically prepared to introduce George, because she and Johnson were old acquaintances, and Johnson was George's idol.Just when she said politely: "This is the famous American basketball player Johnson, this is..." She hesitated for a long time, but actually forgot George's name!As you can imagine, things went badly that day. Later, George joined the Los Angeles Lakers and became a famous basketball player, but he had no connection with her or her company.Don't think that as long as you pay, you will be rewarded. This is wrong.Learning to work effectively is an important lesson in managing your strengths.

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