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Chapter 60 Together

There is a small prawn in the Philippines that looks very interesting, but the taste is very ordinary, and it is difficult for tourists from all over the world to enjoy it.This kind of small prawn, dioecious, got into the crevice of the reef by the sea since childhood; after growing up in it, it can't come out, and it will spend its whole life silently in the small world.Fishermen in the Philippines are not interested in this small shrimp because it is not easy to sell. It was a small Japanese businessman named Masao Yoshida who completely changed this situation. That time, when he was traveling in the Philippines, he saw a lot of lively small prawns in the crevices of the rocks by the sea, and he felt very novel.Seeing his appearance, the tour guide told him how the little prawns grow.After learning the news, Yoshida Masao was deeply moved by the little prawn in front of him.What a touching love this is, from one person to the end, never changing one's mind until death, never separating!He suddenly had a business inspiration: I can make it into a wedding gift, and it will definitely sell well among lovers in the world.

After Masao Yoshida returned to Tokyo, after some careful preparations, he opened a wedding gift company, specializing in "love prawns" from the sea reefs of the Philippines.He asked someone to make an exquisite rockery and turn it into an exquisite shrimp nest.The small prawns jump happily in the nest, combining movement with stillness, full of fun.On the pedestal, Masao Yoshida summed up the love experience of Little Prawn from the beginning to the end, the purest and the most beautiful, in short words, the finishing touch is of great significance. Then, Masao Yoshida gave this unique wedding gift a beautiful name: the same old age and the same acupuncture point.

As soon as the gift came into the market, many newlyweds admired the profound implication of "getting old together in the same cave" and couldn't put it down, so they paid for it one after another. For a while, Philippine prawns became the best-selling wedding gift in the Tokyo market.Masao Yoshida quickly opened more than 10 branches, but the supply is still in short supply.He transformed from a small businessman into a successful gift marketer. The same is a small prawn, and the spiritual pleasure brought to people by "getting old together in the same cave" is 10,000 times stronger than the sensory enjoyment that makes people feel full.

The mountain is still the same mountain, the sea is still the same sea, the small prawn is still the same small prawn, as long as you try to change the perspective of observing things, everything will look different!
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