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Chapter 57 One inspiration earns two billion dollars

Robles is a third-year college dropout.Stocky and bearded, he wore a cardigan, blue work pants, snakeskin boots, and a cowboy hat year-round. At the age of 23, he began selling various styles of "soft sculpture" dolls of his own creation in his hometown of Cleveland, Georgia, while also working at the nearby Donnelly National Park gift shop. Not so long ago he couldn't even pay his rent and was destitute. Now he is one of the richest young people in the world. However, this is not due to the endearing shape of his dolls (in fact, they are not very good-looking) or their low price, but to his sudden appearance at a country fair craft fair. an inspiration.

At the trade fair that day, Robles set up a booth, lined up his dolls, and stood in front of the booth to sell to passers-by.He kept switching the dolls in his hands, and introduced to passers-by: "She is a quick-tempered girl", or "She doesn't like red bean cakes". In this way, he anthropomorphized the doll, and unknowingly, he made a fortune. Not long after, some buyers wrote to Robles about problems with their "children," the dolls, after they were bought back. At this moment, an amazing idea suddenly appeared in Robles' mind. Roberts suddenly thought that what he wanted to create was not a doll at all, but a "child" with character and soul.

In this way, he began to name each doll, wrote the birth certificate, and insisted that "future adoptive parents" take an adoption oath, which reads: "I so-and-so solemnly swear that I will be the most reasonable parent, provide everything the child needs, manage it carefully, love and raise him with most of my affection, train and educate him to grow up, and I will be the only one for this doll." adoptive parents." In this way, the toy doll not only has the function of a toy, but also condenses human emotions, combining the spirit and the entity ingeniously, which is really a great pioneering work.

In fact, many of Robles' "children" were born at a "children's hospital" in Cleveland, Georgia.The hospital was originally a clinic, but Roberts transformed it into a large department store, and the salespeople in it were also dressed as doctors and nurses. Here, "future parents" can watch "doctors" with stethoscopes around their necks, face masks and white robes lift their "newborn babies" from their cradles and pat them Ass, act like the real thing. When these "future parents" go to the "adoption room" to take the oath and pay at the cashier, they will pass the operating room and nursery room of the "Children's Hospital", and they can see the "newborn baby" through the window.

In this way, tens of thousands of customers were fascinated by these whimsical ideas of Roberts, and the total sales of his "children" and "registration" suddenly surged to 2 billion US dollars.Robles's success, his career far surpassed that of his peers, is due to his unique creativity.
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