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Chapter 4 leave everything to time

If I hadn't experienced that incident, I wouldn't have known that "time" is not only a placebo to soothe wounds, but also a tester of right and wrong. More than three years ago, I worked in a private radio station. A colleague in the station plagiarized a program from a friend’s station. From the interview to the narration, it was completely broadcast, and the program was commissioned by the "News Bureau" for 6,000 yuan per episode. funding.I wrote a report letter to the "News Bureau".Unexpectedly, the "News Bureau" sent the letter back to the company.Then the radio station owner took the accused person to the "News Bureau" to explain in person.

It is conceivable that the boss's face was dull, and he wanted to fire me.Fortunately, the chief who cared for me recommended me, so I was able to linger on. It's hard to be labeled as the "five black categories".The staff who had a personal relationship with the "victim" showed disdain when they saw me—"informer", these three words were written on my face.And my colleagues are talking behind me.Just because of a letter that I thought was purely motivated, my personality and personal morality were all crossed. Am I really wrong?Don't you have to pay and wait for the harvester, you can always pick up the bargain, isn't there fairness and justice in the real society?

At that most helpless moment, those who supported me were a few sisters who knew me very well.After scolding me, the silly elder sister, for my stupid actions, everyone still backed me up with incomparable sympathy and love, allowing me to see the bright sunshine even under the haze of dark work. As for me, since I have reported other people's cheating, I have to act properly myself.So I redoubled my efforts to run the news, went up and down the mountain, and went forward bravely, not daring to be lazy.About a year later, the colleague who had looked down on me as a "victim" at the beginning gave me a friendly smile, and was not hesitant to exchange news with me.

To my relief, they all acknowledged that I was right.The snobbish reality of the accused person's dealings with others is like melting snow in the sun, until the bottom layer is finally exposed, allowing people to see clearly.On that day, I was so happy. It turns out that the truth only needs to wait for the test of time. Later, a miracle happened, and I was shortlisted for the Golden Bell Award for Journalism.It's a great honor for a small Southern radio station.When the shortlist was announced, the officer who had sponsored me to stay immediately ran to the church to give thanks, while I shed tears of bitterness with joy.

This kind of encounter may not be considered a comeback, but from being denied personality to doubting what is right and wrong, to working hard, and finally seeing the hands of friendship and the fruits of success, the mental journey is quite bitter. Looking back, time is really a magical magician. After filtering through it, no one can pretend to be undetected.Whatever is right or wrong is put to the test one by one - my reckless but true report letter is like this. If you are facing difficulties in life, don't be discouraged, time will help you heal the pain.
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