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Chapter 55 Don't be coquettish, you will be stabbed if you are coquettish

people all over the world know 李承鹏 2810Words 2018-03-18
Two days ago, an upright official who was also a writer exposed that I used the novel "Li Kele's Anti-Demolition Story" to "splash feces on the local government with all my imagination."At that time, I was writing "Everyone is a Foreigner" and poured dirty water on the government that caused high housing prices.Another reason is that when even dogs respect the spirit of the Internet, some people still use sentences such as "people who don't know the truth", "confuse the public, and lie" and "the urban management is only paid low, and they ask for cards to survive". out of irony.

It was only later that I realized that the deputy mayor of Linxiang City, Jiang, was not being sarcastic, and he was really angry.He first expressed zero tolerance for more than a dozen places in my novel, then positioned me as a traitor, and finally asked the publishing review department how to pass my novel...In addition to this At that time, an anonymous person wrote a report letter asking the relevant departments to take action against me, and after a mysterious reader sent me a text message for consultation, the content of the text message appeared in a party newspaper the next day.Things get a little more playful, play along.as follows:

The deputy mayor pointed out that Li Chengpeng's writing about nail households "being mentally ill" is a big lie, and he is trying to smear the government at will.In fact, during the demolition, the government only asked the police to "invite" the leading nail householder into the police station for "remonstration". Although there were occasional self-immolations, "being mentally ill" was absolutely impossible.The reason is that the urban management department and the mental hospital do not belong to the same system. This is a peculiar logic.I admit I laughed at the time.It's not that one system can't cause a mental illness. The deputy mayor is actually reporting the low joint law enforcement capabilities of various departments.This makes Sun Dongdong, a professor at Peking University who has long been committed to one-stop services for mental illness, "Anyuanding" company that specializes in treating all mental illness petitioners with a GDP of over 100 million yuan, and an expert from the Statistics Bureau who said that "China has 120 million mentally ill patients". fell shame.So when he pointed out sharply: Now officials are also afraid of creating grievances. The director of a mental hospital is also an official, so how can he work for a tiger? to laughter.Because, Wu Shamao laughed first.

The deputy mayor recalled: There are strict regulations on accepting patients in mental hospitals, which must be signed by the patient's immediate family members.When I was working in the gardening department, a colleague in the unit suffered from intermittent mental illness, and in the worst case he stabbed people with a knife.Our unit really wanted to send him to a mental hospital, but his family members refused to sign. Seeing that the mentally ill had killed someone, but out of human considerations, we had no choice but to give up and pay for someone to watch him 24 hours a day. He can be sent to a mental hospital... It can be seen that Li Chengpeng said that casual mental illness is a rumor.

Under his rule, even the mentally ill and killing people cannot be sent to a mental hospital.This deputy mayor is too pure.You are pure, so pure that what you soak in the placenta is not amniotic fluid, but pure water. Compared with pure writers, I am indeed a particularly vulgar writer. I wrote that Li Kele and his girlfriend had a room at the Seven Days Hotel. It was rumored that whoring prostitutes might be arrested to build highways. Hearing night inspections caused underwear to be worn outside... The deputy mayor was very unhappy when he saw this section, and said: How dare a high-tech national key project like the expressway send such impure-minded prostitutes to the front line? What if the saboteurs plant a mine Shock the world?Wouldn't it just give international human rights organizations a reason to question China, sending labor camps to build roads, where is human rights?You see, the deputy mayor is still reporting the ineffectiveness of the Anti-Pornography and Anti-illegal Affairs Office, using the two Chinese-style human rights terms "reform through labor" and "re-education through labor".

He further pointed out: Tents on the street will not be regarded as illegal buildings by urban management; fire brigades will not ask residents for soda money; Finally, nail households will not use mousetrap and firecrackers to confront the demolition team... I just remembered that I almost got caught by him.He went over and over just to point out that the plot of the novel is exaggerated and over-imagined.I think this is actually a wrong sentence. What I write is a novel, not the People's Daily; it is literature, not a document.It can be seen that I have been an official for a long time, and imagination is also a crime. There are only two types of writing styles I have seen: 1. Red-headed documents;

What is moving is that the deputy mayor said: If "public figures" like Li Chengpeng are allowed to smear the government at will based on their imagination, it will only intensify the confrontation between the people and officials, intensify social conflicts, make the officials and the people feud, and cause social unrest. It brought disaster to the country, brought suffering to the people, and made Lao Mei, Lao Yue and other anti-China forces secretly laugh. He secretly lamented how vigilant the deputy mayor was. If he was promoted to mayor and would lie on the border every night, the Ministry of National Defense would save even police dogs.If promoted to governor, the Martians will definitely suffer.If you become the head of No. 001, Vega and Orion will basically collide in advance, and the cosmic particles will recombine. Except for dark matter, there will only be People's Daily and correct novels.If I had known that one of my novels would be so powerful, I should have learned English well to harm the United States.At that time, the sanctions and the C-shaped encirclement were of great use to our country. Throwing my four novels would be destroyed, and there was no need for FGW to raise the price of oil to beat other countries’ planes. up.

In the end, he appealed to the people to understand the government: In fact, during the demolition process, the local government was also forced to be kidnapped by the developers. The government has been subsidizing the people, but people understand that 'developers are afraid of procrastination, and the government is afraid of trouble', so they strangle the government. weakness.A small number of nail households have a huge appetite. In order to prevent fraudulent compensation, the government set up a 24-hour card. The plot is like preventing devils from entering the village during the Anti-Japanese War (this metaphor is creative).There was an old petitioner who had been entangled for many years, and the comrades at the police station were eager to do meritorious service and locked him up.Unexpectedly, this person jumped from the upstairs in a good way, causing the government to lose a lot of money.There is also a government secretary-general, a demolition expert who has worked hard for many years, and an unreasonable old lady who took off her pants and shit.In desperation, the secretary-general couldn't help but slapped her across the face.In desperation, the secretary reluctantly relieved him of his post.His loss of office made the demolition households cry for grievances (the evil grandma mentioned by the mayor must be Tianshan Child Elder)...

That's about it.After reading this, are you still connected with the official who exposed the unspoken rules of the officialdom so righteously that he was transferred away?You should know that this official was not transferred because of exposing the unspoken rules, but because the show went wrong.Some small officials in China are like this. If they follow the right high-ranking official, they will skyrocket;At this time, there are a lot of slanders, and I really want to rebel, but I still have a grudge lingering at the door... The left buttocks sit inside the door, and the right buttocks sit outside the door. Because the buttocks determine the head, they split.You see, the self-proclaimed upright official exposed the unspoken rules of officialdom in newspapers, but he didn't say any unspoken rules for a long time.An official did not dare to mention his real name, and only showed some official anecdotes, "The official signature is very mysterious, it is not necessary to do it horizontally, but it must be done vertically, and the hollow period implies that it is 100% impossible to do."...You are the Chinese officialdom. Kindergarten drawing class?Relying on elementary codes such as hieroglyphs to collect money?In other words, corrupt officials feel that you are insulting the industry standard.

This is not called exposing unspoken rules, this is called acting like a baby.Don't act like a spoiled child, you will be stabbed if you act like a spoiled child. I'm curious, how did this writer and former deputy mayor named Jiang Zongfu convince himself that the government demolished it out of helplessness and poverty?How to convince him that he was born as an urban management official, that he is a clean and honest official who refuses to be seduced by women and that his family only lives on 700 yuan a month?How can I convince myself that when Li Chengpeng wrote the book "Resistance to Demolition", he was using the guise of the people's livelihood to gain attention, to make a name for himself by scolding the government, and to make money... and he only registered a blog a few days before the book was published. A total of three articles are promoting the book, and even the beginning of the article that scolds me must first paste the cover on the front, isn't it attracting attention? !

Ok.Let me first admit that I am indeed gaining attention. In fact, I am a person who seeks fame and fame. I do not hesitate to choose the cunning and efficient way of scolding the government in order to earn money. It is really both fame and fortune!Now it's your turn. If I guessed correctly, you must be struggling after reading this.Because saying that I didn't attract attention at all is really contrary to Chang Lun, and saying that I did attract attention is inconsistent with your previous script.Forget it, honest official, let me help you admit that you have never garnered attention, you have such lofty aspirations, and the only one worthy of you is the earth. Suddenly, my eyes were caught by the cover of the deputy mayor's new book. The justice and incorruptibility revealed in this "the first original record of officialdom since ancient times" really made me ashamed. Two universally applicable words: 1. Concentricity between the government and the people is an important foundation for building a harmonious society. 2. More than 100 mainstream media including Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, and Guangzhou Daily continue to report positively... How did you manage to fool yourself so affectionately and still have an orgasm?There's no shame in acting like a spoiled child, it's shameful to be able to reach an orgasm even if acting like a spoiled child. 22/02/2011
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