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Chapter 54 Don't prostitute for free in the name of love

people all over the world know 李承鹏 1851Words 2018-03-18
Today, I participated in an action against piracy and infringement of Baidu Library jointly initiated by 50 writers. I've been embarrassed to do this in the past.Because according to the logic here, those who catch thieves are often more guilty than those who are thieves.What's more, I checked my "Li Kele's Anti-Demolition Story" on Baidu, and there is no my name, only one uploader's name is "Don't say much".In this way, I was "not much to say" by Baidu, so what else can I say? I always thought that Baidu Wenku was a place to provide readers with free reading, just like the free bicycles on the street.Only now do I realize that these bicycles were actually stolen from my house.Baidu Wenku is such a place: people are encouraged to upload all the works they see here, without the consent of the author, without the consent of the publisher, and even without the consent of the uploader—because the uploader is actually Baidu Wenku itself.But it called the process an act of kindness to readers.

I have seen many people say that Baidu Library is also free, it is for the benefit of readers, and Baidu also pays labor costs for maintenance.But I think things should be thought of this way: the free Baidu library constitutes the non-free Baidu super carrier, which eventually led to two wonders: one is that Robin Li finally became the richest man in Forbes in the Mainland in 2011, and the other is that the Office of the United States Trade Representative rated Baidu for the notorious market.Only in China, there will be a scene where a thief becomes the richest man and is crowned with the title of a national enterprise.

Someone asked, are you jealous of Robin Li becoming the richest man?I said, I made it clear that I was jealous of the thief being the richest man. I have also seen more people say that even if Baidu makes money, writers should not be too stingy.I have to hold on to this stinginess.If a writer can't even protect his own property, how can he be generous?If a writer ignores intellectual property rights, how can he be a writer with a soul?In fact, this kind of inferior free reading, I did not take advantage of you, the reading experience will not be good, skipping lines, typos, and even paragraphs are wrong.It is even more immoral than making pirated porn, most of which at least guarantee a clear picture.The important thing is that when all the authors can’t get a penny of the manuscript fee, and even the signature is “not much to say”, one is that no one is willing to create, and the other is even more terrible. When the author loses the motivation to create freely, Instead, go to get red envelopes, become a mistress supported by the government, and stand opposite to tell you: It is normal for the house to be expensive, the medicine fee high, and it is impossible to find a job.Such examples have already appeared in the music industry. There is no music in China. If you must say that there are only two kinds: pirated music and Spring Festival Gala music.

I don't mind others sharing it for free, but I don't mind others stealing my stuff and sharing it for free.I don't mind stealing and sharing for free, but I do mind stealing under the banner of free search.Color is emptiness, and stealing is free search.Are you going to steal, or are you free to search?Do you want to fall in love, or prostitute for free?When Google was free to search, Baidu used government power to request that bad information be blocked according to Eastern habits; when Google retreated, Baidu followed the voice of netizens and demanded free search according to Western habits.This is the result of national enterprises taking away democratic enterprises.

Some people will definitely say that this is a collusion between the publishing company and fifty writers.This is of course a conspiracy, because everyone can't live anymore.A book priced at 20 yuan, according to the rules of this country, Xinhua Bookstore directly deducts about 10 yuan, and the remaining 10 yuan includes the author's manuscript fee, paper, printing, logistics, water and electricity, cleaning aunt's salary, and editorial team. Labor costs.According to industry practice, such a book publishing company can earn three yuan, but in actual operation, it may lose three yuan. If you are lucky and encounter a popular book publishing house, you may earn millions, but this is based on massive losses. on the dead body of the book.Under such circumstances, it is easy for various publishing houses to rack their brains to strive for the publication of textbooks, biography of great men's quotations, and chicken soup for the soul that seem reasonable but not reasonable...My success can be Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, but you practice It's always Backspace.The final situation is that you have seen the rampant lies, moaning without illness, and cultural loss.

Some time ago, it was officially announced that China has achieved a lot of outstanding data: the number of TV series is the first in the world, the number of animations is the second in the world, the number of newspapers and periodicals is the first in the world, and the number of books published is the world's first... In my opinion, there is no high-quality Content and copyright protection, the number of book publishing is the first in the world, no different from the number one toilet paper in the world.My book sold well, and I negotiated a multi-million-dollar advance payment contract, but I couldn't even buy a bigger house in Beijing.If this industry dies, it will die sooner or later if it is supported by a dozen so-called best-selling authors.

So this is not a matter of personal rights and interests of writers, but whether an industry can uphold its integrity.If after a few years writers find that writing is no longer something that can be benefited, they will no longer refuse the government's invitation. They will happily take the city image consultant fee and write that this is a beautiful city in a prominent position in the newspaper. The government Put your best effort into it, and the reform effect is very good; or call on everyone like the Analects of Confucius, don't blame the society, you have to improve your own realm, take a step back, and ask your own heart... Everyone knows that when you ask your heart about everything, you will If you are mysterious, you will accept your fate if you are mysterious. If you accept your fate, the government will be happy.

The government is unwilling to support writers. If a writer is supported, physically and mentally healthy, and full of energy, he is especially willing to tell the truth.They don't like writers who tell the truth, they like ostentatious ladies.This manuscript has been delayed for a long time. On the one hand, I feel that a group of writers who should concentrate on catching inspiration are catching thieves, which seems to be owed.Furthermore, I have always defined the position of the so-called writers, and now it has been determined: we are not soul engineers, but young ladies.In this regard, the text of this article:

Don't go whoring for free in the name of dating. 15/03/2011
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