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Chapter 26 "Avatar": a great teaching material for nail households

people all over the world know 李承鹏 2021Words 2018-03-18
After watching it, you will know that "Avatar" is a film that reflects the resistance of nail households to violent demolition. The plot is as follows: The first stage: In 2154, a land development company called RDA came to a place called Pandora for development, calling on everyone to get attractive compensation as long as they moved.But the residents of that street insisted that this is where their ancestors lived for generations, and they would not spend any money.The developer was very annoyed. This development company has a government background, and there are some violent thugs under it, like urban management.So start playing.But these residents are difficult to deal with. They have some weird self-made weapons such as bows and arrows, stones, and large illegal pets such as long-necked horses and thunder beasts. In addition, the terrain of the old street is complicated and the roads are rugged, and mobile phone signals have dead spots.The developer couldn't get it for a while, which hurt many people.At this time, the developer came up with the idea of ​​sending "Avatar" to be an undercover agent.The so-called "Avatar" plan is actually to make up their own people to look like local residents, understand the terrain, spy on the situation, divide and disintegrate, and provide developers with the best demolition plan.

The second stage: But this Avatar named "Jack" accidentally fell in love with the daughter of the local resident leader when he was undercover, and had a real relationship.So the undercover was countered, and the instigator was countered. In turn, he mobilized the developer to be sympathetic to public opinion and not to force demolition. He was also willing to communicate between the developer and the residents.The developer was furious, and what was even more disturbing was the leader of the urban management (the retired soldier named Kuaqi), who felt that Jack had lost the face of the urban management, and led his troops to attack in a rage.They had giant bulldozers, directional blasting, and armed construction teams. For a while, the residents were invincible, and the leader of the anti-violent demolition also died, that is, the girl's father.

The third stage: At this time, Jack finally understands that there is no need for communication at all, and everyone can only control violence with violence.He led the residents to fight to the death with homemade weapons, Molotov cocktails, slingshots, flying birds riding large wild animals or violating air traffic control... The last scene is very meaningful. Shooting with bows and arrows means that power cannot overcome public opinion after all. After watching this epic nail household blockbuster, I have a few comments: One, justice.All parties feel that they represent justice. For example, the developer believes that he has boosted the GDP, invigorated the economy, and brought a new look to this backward and ignorant old street, but he was resisted by the people who don't know the truth; the urban management leader believes that the traitor Jack It is simply unreasonable, how can a former soldier disobey the command of the organization, those garbage creatures can be killed with a row of cannons, what is the point; the residents think that they do not need or accept the so-called "good life", for the "good life" They have their own standards, and they would rather live in a tree hole with the gods of the earth than live in a high-end elevator apartment.This film review is: All wars are started because of self-righteous justice, but the real justice is-don't easily change the way others live.

Two, consciousness.The film does not explain whether there is a plot of extortionate prices. Those residents live in the golden port, and the developers did offer high prices, but the residents still do not move.The towering tree with a height of 1,000 meters has become the great totem of the nail households, and the roots and vines under their feet are the foundation of the family relationship that has been linked for thousands of years. They live for this.However, the developer believes that the tree and those unruly people are all ignorant, do not support urban construction, and have no awareness of sacrificing the ego to achieve the big ego.I think this is okay, the problem is: who is the small self and who is the big self.This is the biggest problem in this world.

3. Self-immolation.The residents did not hide when the high-tech aircraft hit, and they stood stubbornly in front of the big nail when the artillery hit, in fact, they were playing self-immolation.Self-immolation is not worthwhile. When seeing the residents burned into carbides, the urban management in the aircraft laughed, thinking that these creatures are really stupid.It can be seen that the carbide cannot move anyone, and self-immolation cannot change the fate.In this regard, Jack, who used violence to control violence, was right. He led everyone to rush forward, and after a brutal beating, the urban management officers were kicked out of the city, and the residents returned to their homes.

4. Traitors.For the first time in my life as a human being I betrayed a human being.Whenever the alien natives fight with the urban management of the earth, I quietly stand on the side of the aliens.Every time the urban management officers shoot at the aliens, I feel nervous, and every time an alien dies, I feel sad. Every time those big alien birds catch a plane, I really want to applaud.When it came time to shoot the urban management chief, I was afraid that he would come back to life, so I couldn't help shouting at the alien native beauty: Quickly add an arrow... It is estimated that many people who watched the movie would also have the idea of ​​these traitors , Everyone has a sense of substitution, and they share the same hatred.There is another subtle thing. In fact, those alien indigenous girls are not good-looking, but they are very charming when you look at them... It is not surprising that all creatures are not born because they meet human aesthetic standards. Beautiful, but beautiful because of the connection between hearts.

Five, technology.Many Chinese filmmakers commented on the technical leadership of "Avatar", saying that this film is a visual feast but the content is mediocre.I know why Chinese films are lagging behind. Chinese filmmakers don't even know what a good film is. They either make a fuss about the theme of a film, such as "Three Shots".Or make it a high-level project, and the text conveys the truth, for example... In fact, good works reflect human nature. It’s not that Chinese filmmakers don’t know this. They dare not at first, and then they can’t.So most of the Chinese movies are eunuch movies, we can make historical movies that have been corrected, but fantasy movies are definitely not acceptable.It is not that the technology is not good, but that the imagination is not good, and it is not that the imagination is not good, but that the sense of responsibility for the future is not good.Chinese films are only responsible to relevant departments, not to the future. Chinese films are not movies, but shadow puppet shows controlled by relevant departments.

This film has the fate of Tang Fuzhen, Pan Rong, the most powerful nail household, the most welded urban management figures in Henan, Sichuan, and Shanghai, as well as the demolition office and the spirit of the "Urban Housing Demolition Management Regulations". I really doubt that Cameron is quietly The script came up after years of being undercover in China, just to brighten the ending.In short, "Avatar" is a successful example of eulogizing nail households against violent demolition, and it is worth learning both tactically and strategically. In the end, Chinese movies are 50 years behind in technology, and 5,000 years behind in human nature.

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