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Chapter 18 The wheels are rolling, how many heads are withered

people all over the world know 李承鹏 1534Words 2018-03-18
On the map, you can hardly find a small place called Zhaiqiao Village, Puqi Township, Yueqing City.Like many villages in China, rice, sweet potatoes, rapeseed, and some aquatic products are grown here.A few years ago, its tranquility was broken by a fleet of forklifts. Among the crowd, you can hardly find an old village chief named Qian Yunhui. He is unkempt, has dull eyes, and is dressed in gray-blue clothes.I have always imagined his tone of voice, and whether he will be taller and taller when he holds his stubborn head up to reason... But these cannot be confirmed. The first and last time I saw him , in a photo - at this time, his body was twisted, his head was almost out of his torso, and he was lying under the wheels of a huge construction vehicle.He died. According to eyewitnesses, he was pushed to the road by several big men and was slowly run over by a car.Of course, this matter was dismissed as a rumor, and there was no truth, and like all things, there will never be truth.We only know that when he died, the surveillance camera on the road was broken, the driver who caused the accident was transferred in time, and a group of people holding shields and wearing mighty uniforms descended like magic soldiers, dividing and surrounding the villagers, and some were wearing black clothes and black pants The guy moved quickly... The accident finally became a story, conclusion: an ordinary traffic accident, Yuji is dealing with it.

An ordinary traffic accident, like my dad is Li Gang.Fortunately, the way we know the truth has changed from eyes and ears to the heart.The only way to commemorate Qian Yunhui is if someone can carefully put his head on. A dignified head.For six years, this head has been thinking about how to get the 146 hectares of land belonging to the villagers back from the officials and businessmen so that the villagers can rely on it for their livelihood.Four months ago, this head was still struggling to compose words and sentences, and asked someone to post about how the officials forged documents, how they sent troops to besiege the villagers, and sentenced him and several other leaders... This head still came up with a sentence Strong but not self-aware words: If there is any suspicion of slander in this article, I, Qian Yunhui, will be responsible.

He thought his head was strong.However, it is still no match for the heavy rolling of the wheels. Such horrors had not been seen since the invention of the wheel.You know, the Crusades were pagans, the colonists slaughtered Indians, and Hitler poisoned Jews, but we killed the same kind.Qian Yunhui did not commit any crime worthy of murder. He was just a farmer and never thought of rebellion. When he was dying, he still believed in the beliefs he had held for many years, so he died in a strange way.He was just asking for food for his brothers, begging for food, what a simple matter, why would he kill him?By the way, this is another rumor. The correct statement is that his head just accidentally rolled under the wheel and was crushed.

Love of the same kind, love of the same kind, I have said many times, is the bottom line of a country, and if you break through it, you will reach hell. Remember the license plate Anhui K5B323, the wheels are rolling.When I was a child, I watched a movie of the same name. It was about how peasant brothers could only push the cart without falling over, and vigorously transport supplies to help the soldiers defeat the reactionaries... This country is built on such wheels, maybe Qian Yunhui. The ancestors also pushed such a wheel. They were born on the wheel and died on the wheel.The wheels are rolling, but I see them retreating.

Regarding forced demolitions, there is no collusion between officials and businessmen. Officials are businessmen, and businessmen are officials. For convenience, they wear all kinds of vests. If one is not enough, they wear two, and if two are not enough, they wear three. In the end, they are Malacca .It’s not such a beautiful fairy tale about the urbanization process. Two days ago, my hometown was a place where citizens loved to sit under the peach blossoms and play mahjong. Because the owner disagreed with the “128 yuan/square meter”, a forklift dumped their house Shovel light.That place is not even a bird's-eye contact with the urban process.Don't believe in the logical trap of public interest. One person's interest is not public interest, but the interest of a hundred people is public interest. If they do the math ninety-nine times, the hundred people will lose their interest.

Things in China will never be so complicated, that is, a small number of people get too much, and most people get too little, and it will always be those who have more who rob those who have less. Use it, and the wheels will roll.There are also some masters who specialize in studying the words of the saints. They always teach us not to blame the society when we encounter setbacks, but to ask our own hearts and take a step back... In the end, let us say sorry, sir, I’m sorry, we only have This is enough, I can't provide you with more things, I am so ashamed that I have no choice but to roll under the wheel by myself, rolling and rolling.

One more hero here is one more wronged soul, one more wronged soul is one more medal of GDP on the chest.I don't want to call Qian Yunhui a hero, I just hope that Qian Yunhui will be the last village chief who accidentally rolled his head off the wheel. You should know: people are crops planted by heaven and earth, don't pull us out casually. Look at the time going forward, the wheels are going backwards, the world of mortals is rolling, how many heads are withered. 27/12/2010
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