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Chapter 15 a bone thrown from the wall

people all over the world know 李承鹏 2244Words 2018-03-18
Ni Ping, who regards the country and the government as her parents and has never voted against it in order not to cause trouble for her parents, was named the "backbone of the Republic" a few days ago.Due to different understandings of the spine, a very sensitive bone, there are many discussions.I said: Ni Ping is indeed the backbone, but suffering from cervical spondylosis. I think it is a very owed statement to regard the country and the government as parents.Because they are just the property and security of the community, hired by taxpayers, presumably none of you have called parents to the property and security, right?Secondly, no matter how poorly the property is done, they will never vote against it affectionately... This kind of logic is really bad. In addition to causing continuous waterlogging of the sewers in this Chinese community, it will also lead to "Are you speaking for the party or not?" Inspirational quotes and epitaphs like "Speak for the common people" educate more bones than backbones.I am against Ni Ping being the backbone, and I don't think there is anything wrong with saying that.The spine that does not speak for the common people is the "7" suffering from cervical spondylosis, not the "1" with straight personality.

The funny thing is that there are a lot of sailors here. In addition to Ni Ping's "big sister is a good person" and "big sister is like a spring breeze that dissolves the world" bosom friends that appear under every blog post of Ni Ping, there are also many beauty posts under my blog. The main ID: "Li just wants to mess up China" "Big Eye is obviously using the current tolerance to yell, most of the traitors in history came from such troublemakers! Li is a traitor"... At this time I don't Laughing is hard, because I suddenly saw a bunch of very profound posts: "The big eyes are obviously intentional. He wants to attract the attention of the leaders and be elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress."

I think sending a navy is a fool's tactic in a pen battle. No matter how much water there is, it will be difficult to keep the aircraft carrier from running aground.I also don't think apologizing is a serious thing, I've been apologizing to the Republic every day since I was born.It made me feel like I should write something because I saw Ni Ping updated a letter to me: "Li Chengpeng, I read your Weibo"—— "Recently, I have won two awards. One is the 'National Young and Middle-aged Literary and Artistic Workers with Virtue and Art' award. On the day of the award, the organizing committee arranged for me to be interviewed by the media. There is no need to praise the basic conditions that workers should have. The other is the award you mentioned yesterday. I specifically won the "Top Ten Outstanding Artistic Achievement Awards" in the series of activities "Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party. The Backbone of the Republic". My scene The acceptance speech said this: Compared with Teacher Tian Hua, Teacher Liu Lanfang, and Zhang Jigang who were awarded at the same time, I really don’t deserve this award. If I can withdraw it, I will withdraw this award. I am only a professional Guang, who is famous and profitable, I know myself, and I will work hard. In fact, no matter what you say, I can understand you. We call you Li Dayan in the circle, and I also signed the "Quotations from Grandma" I asked someone to forward it to you, and wrote something like this: I have read several of your books, and the prose is really good, especially about Leslie Cheung, and about your mother. Exchange it, and you can also read my book ...Finally, I want to say, sister, I have never felt that I am the backbone, I hope you can understand."

On the surface, it looks like this is a spring breeze article, but it reveals a kind of fake Spring Festival Gala style. On the surface, this is a caring little padded jacket for the common people, but it is actually an iron vest for the relevant departments.Even if you do not decline to be awarded the Shuangxin Award for Virtue and Art, you have to decline to be interviewed.Declined to be interviewed, but declared to hundreds of millions of viewers that "virtue and art are the basic conditions that a literary and art worker should possess, and there is no need to praise them."Such naked falsehoods reminded me like thunder that Lei Feng never left his name when he did good deeds, but just wrote them down in his diary... Another thunderous sound was that Ni Ping wanted to withdraw the Backbone Award.What a familiar scene, the leader loves to say "I really don't want to be this official, but the masses don't agree".Sister, you can return it, I bet, if you really want to return it, you will be able to return it.

I don't think those people mentioned by Ni Ping are worthy of being the backbone of the Republic.Relying on acting in some red movies, telling some storytelling with confusing values, and directing some large-scale evening parties that cost people's money has become the backbone, and it is also the backbone of earthworms.As for "virtue and skill", Sora Aoi will retire with tears after hearing this. I don't want to kidnap Ni Ping to oppose something.I just want to say: In this country, you and I are all actors, unfortunately third-rate and fourth-rate actors, and the whole country is being held by an invisible thread to play shadow puppets.But there are still high and low actors: those who know they are acting, and those who forget that they are acting.You happen to belong to the kind of people who are too deep into the drama, and believe that the humiliation of our lives can be washed away by sensational tears, and the trembling ending can resonate with the same heartfelt voice of a happy family.But I want to tell you, that is your illusion.Too many people can't find a job, can't afford to go to school, drink poisonous milk and mortgage high-priced houses... In fact, you can't see it. At first you pretended you couldn't see it, but then you really couldn't see it.The tears in your eyes have been condensed into a pair of colored contact lenses on your own. Everything you see is happiness, well-being, family joy, and the whole country is jubilant...

I think Ni Ping is a good person, but this is the phenomenon of a good person.There is always a group of people in this country who pretended not to see it at first, and then really couldn’t see it. Not only could they not see it, but they didn’t allow others to see it.He (she) never casts a negative vote, the only negative vote is against other people's negative votes.In the end, he was no longer the simple and silly person at the beginning, but became a shrewd accomplice.Such a person knows exactly what he wants and how he wants it.The movements are skillful, the expression is innocent, and the attack is vicious.If you discover these skills, he (she) will look at you affectionately and say, "Ah, I'm just a kid who wants to help my parents worry about it." The question is, after all these years, you've been a grandma, aren't you tired of pretending to be a kid?

At an advanced age, he performed such a pure and innocent performance, so it is not the backbone, but a trick.The parents who were a little guilty in the high hall calmed down: Look, we have such a group of backbones representing public opinion, then the oil price does not need to be lowered, the house price is not too high, and the taxes and fees can still be increased. In short, everything is developing. Inevitable problems. Don't teach me kindness, the kindest thing is to speak for the people, not to become an eternal "consent card" prosthesis for the two sessions.Don't teach me kindness, the people of this country have been harmed by kindness for thousands of years.Don’t praise me for my good prose writing. The basic skills of the Chinese department are not worth mentioning. This country has made me not in the mood to write prose. My essays are better than all lyrical prose.Therefore, there is no need to exchange each other's books. We are not from the same traveler. The difference between you and me is the difference between "Li Kele's Anti-Demolition Story" and "Grandma's Quotations". These are not two books, but two Chinas.Why don't you take me to grandma's vegetable market, and I'll take you to the demolition site to see which of us breaks down first, and then you oppose your parents once at the two sessions, and I praise them in an article.Ni, dare?

My view on the spine is this: as the most important central nervous system of the human body, the brain should direct the buttocks. If the buttocks direct the brain, it is not called the spine, but at most it is a bone thrown out of the wall as the wild man said. Can you guarantee that every time you throw bones into the wall?Finally, let me tell you a true story on Weibo. There was a man who had been waiting for his bones outside the wall, waiting and waiting, waiting affectionately, but a brick was thrown from the wall, bang... 14/07/2011
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