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Chapter 10 Everybody's a Mouse (Pulp Fiction)

people all over the world know 李承鹏 2429Words 2018-03-18
Biden is gone, but the traffic in the city is still stuck, which makes me a little disappointed.Two days ago, when the traffic control was blocked at the Panda Base, I even posted a Weibo: Guier owes us so much foreign debts, and she has the nerve to come here to disturb the people.I found out later that Biden hadn't landed at the time, and there was no itinerary for the Panda Base.Yes, the panda base is at the north gate, and the airport is at the south gate. I belong to Caigezi, so I reversed the direction... Regardless of these, anyway, the president of the United States, the president, the idiot, knows to come to eat creditors.I only ate seventy-nine yuan fried noodles in Yaoji, and everyone knew that this was an attempt to subvert our country with the Qinmin show.As for whether it can really be subverted, this, I don't believe it. A bowl of fried noodles can be subverted, and this country is too naughty.The Hong Kong Red Society’s ten thousand yuan working meal can’t be subverted, how can it be possible with fried noodles?Bomb noodles are impossible.What's more, we still have an aircraft carrier.Hey, what kind of oil does this aircraft carrier burn, number 0 or number 99?I looked up and realized I was entering a gas station.

The gas station girl's face is still so ugly.Little girl, I'm here to refuel, not to profit, and it's you PetroChina Sinopec who benefit.The little girl seemed to hear my inner monologue, and violently inserted the oil gun into the car body, and the oil pump gauge went straight up, 20, 130, 240, 360... My heart was very sad, I felt that I was not refueling, but drawing blood. They don't even give alcohol swabs after the blood draw. In the past, they gave free napkins, but now they don't.While I was arguing, the loudspeaker in the back blared, and Maserati yelled at me: I'm greedy for napkins, do you want sanitary napkins?I'm a little angry, greedy?Is your godfather greedy?I went down to educate my post-90s younger sister, but a guy in the car sneered and beat me with a nosebleed... I was in pain, so I pretended to sneeze and left.I just don't want to be acquainted with the nouveau riche.Is Maserati amazing? Every time I see Maserati, I think of Ma Le Gobi.When I have money, I will definitely buy a Mahler Gobi.No, if you have money, you still stay here to dry wool, and immigrate directly to the United States, bringing all your women and children with you.

As for why I hate the United States so much and want to immigrate to the United States... I have never figured it out. This summer is extremely hot and humid, and even cicadas can't fly. The climate in my hometown has really changed.Of course, this is not caused by the construction of the Three Gorges Dam. It is obviously caused by the global warming effect caused by the consumption of too much energy by the Americans. They set the price of oil in their own country so low, forcing us to make the price of oil so high. They point fingers everywhere, but owe Our trillions in debt.Damn it, for a while I really wanted to organize a chopper team to chop down these birdmen, but the chopper has a real name, so I can't prepare so much for a while, and I feel a little lost.It is best for the alien UFOs to take them in directly. Yesterday the news said that there was a huge beam of light suspected of being an alien spaceship in the sky above Shanghai.Fly, fly to the other side, and level them.Thinking of an important question, how can I immigrate if it is flattened there?But immigrating in this life is nowhere in sight, so I might as well settle there to make my senses feel better.But if it is flat, there is no hope at all... Flat, or not flat?For a while, my face was cloudy and uncertain, and my heart was tangled.

Squeak... slam on the brakes and almost hit an old woman crossing.I made sure I didn't hit it, and I ran away with my fart.At this time, you must not get out of the car to help. Once you help, you will have to support for a lifetime. It's such a bad day, these old Lai... make people feel really insecure.In fact, Quiet also felt shameful.But there is no way, the world wind has nothing to do with me, if I control the world wind, I can only drink the northwest wind.After the company closed down, I ran around every day. I was too tired from running that day. I was just lying on a park bench to think about starting a new business. An older sister whispered to me: "Don't worry, there are people above us. Once you get offline, you can make money. The more people gather on the lawn, they are all going online, online..."

Don't use such an ugly name for mice.What will happen to the mice?In fact, I don't even look down on what Li Dayan said, "I am a 1.3 billion shareholder in this country." Do you have equity?Can you go short or go full?You are not even considered a retail investor, at most you are a downline with a not too low level.This country has never been a joint-stock system for thousands of years, and it has always been a rat society. The emperor brought the offline of the four ministers, the four ministers led the offline of the sixteen governors, and the governor brought one hundred and eight officials who inspected the government. Offline, Daotai brings 3,200 county magistrates and kiosk chiefs offline... In short, it is a pyramid scheme in which the minority controls the majority, not a democracy in which the majority elects the minority.As long as you don't meet Chen Sheng and Wu Guang on a rainy day, you will have fun, and the entertainment will go offline.

Up to now, the leap-forward development is that the mouse will develop by leaps and bounds.We are the most diligent mouse club in the world, everyone is developing downlines, and everyone is striving to become uplines.You see, when you enter a kindergarten, learning from Lei Feng means participating in an ideological club, colleges, middle schools, and elementary schools issue diplomas, and Foxconn provides technical training. Offline, the section chief has seven or eight offlines, the bureau chief has about a hundred offlines, and the department chief has one thousand or eight hundred people offline... Climb up level by level until you reach the Minister of Railways At the first level, all those who take the train are your downlines.

Thinking of this, I suddenly opened my mouth and smiled in the breeze. I am not the most terrified, the officials here are even more terrified.Leaving aside the fact that the Minister of Railways went offline halfway because there was a lot of money under the bed and couldn’t tell where it came from, let’s say that an official from the Education Bureau chatted with Dabomei on Weibo: white, tender, smooth, like it.. ...and get out of class is over.This official is still talented, and this sentence is full of color and flavor only from the meaning of the text.Some people say that the official is too young, and the official is old enough to use Weibo to chat about milk, so he directly raises milk, so he has to climb up desperately, throwing all the fear and risk to the offline.But climb and climb, which floor can you climb to?Climbed out of the mistress and mistress, crawled out of the prostate and alcoholic liver, looked up and saw the Commissioner for Discipline Inspection, and lost his mind.Not to mention that the top layer with 1.3 billion downlines is the safest, one day Daze Township will appear, and he will instantly become the downline of 1.3 billion people.In short, in such a rat society, everyone strives to be on-line, and everyone cannot be spared.Everything is not as good as Sister Feng. Sister Feng is relieved now, and she stands out from the biggest mouse club in the world, which is a miracle of success.

After thinking about it, the car had already arrived at the school. I wiped off the nosebleed and took out the red envelope, and slipped it into the headmaster's hand. My son is going to a key middle school... The headmaster accepted it and walked away with a blank expression on his face.I saw her walk into a hospital. After her son drank milk, some relics grew in his kidneys... The doctor accepted the red envelope with a blank expression.travel far.Then walk into a real estate and hand over the down payment to the developer.The developer walked into a luxury bag and handed a card to a leader.The leader nodded in satisfaction, turned around and handed a car key to a beautiful girl behind him.Mei Niu walked out of the luxury bag after kissing the leader, drove a Maserati, and quietly picked up a handsome guy at the corner.The two of them drove into the gas station, and there was a wretched man in front of him, who came over and babbled, and the handsome guy beat him with a wave... Then I had a nosebleed, scolded Ma Le Gobi, and drove the fart to an old woman, without stopping.The old woman clings to the Maserati in the back...

This is the most industrious mouse club in the world. Everyone is trying so hard to be the top line, clear the warehouse, leave with their bags, and immigrate to the United States.But everyone worked so hard, and when they arrived in the United States, they looked up and saw that they were all rat brothers, and it became the largest rat club in the world.In 2000 AD, the traffic is still so chaotic, the food is still so poisonous, the air is still cluttered, everyone is in danger, each other is hostage, kidnapped layer by layer... I should be so disappointed. There has never been a general meeting, only rats.Such a mouse will, bro, are you tired?

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