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Chapter 9 murderer, father

people all over the world know 李承鹏 2844Words 2018-03-18
Xia Jianqiang, a nine-year-old kid from Shenyang, stopped talking.I don't play with the little friends I know either.Walking in the bustling streets of Shenyang, if he saw a family of three coming, he would lower his head.If a reporter takes a picture of him, he will turn his face away, saying that he doesn't want his little friends to know that he has a murderer's father. He may be a little disappointed in Dad now.When he grows up, he must be disappointed with this country.For he knew the truth then.He should know that on May 16, his stove was confiscated, his father was pushed and beaten, and his mother knelt down and begged for mercy.He also knew that the group of people dragged his father into the car and took him to the urban management room to continue beating him with fists, iron cups, and kicking his lower body.Then his dad wielded a fruit knife... He could easily conclude that his dad was just defending himself, not killing someone.And self-defense has been allowed since the country had an emperor.I want to tell him that the emperor of the Han Dynasty made an agreement with the people: if you hurt someone or steal, kill them at the right time, and you will not be guilty.The emperor of the Tang Dynasty also made an agreement with the people: stealing or entering the house without reason, caning forty, and killing the head of the house immediately, no matter.

But I'm ashamed to tell him that.The emperor is gone, but we can't tell the difference between killing and self-defense.The blue sky is bright and bright, which makes people sad. Nine-year-old Xia Jianqiang grew up to be ten years old in grief.The son of an illegal barbecue stall owner in Shenyang, he only draws pictures every day.I have seen some of his paintings, he is very talented, but he has changed from being innocent at the beginning to "Havoc in Heaven", which advocates force, and the picture has begun to dim.I'm sorry, I must be paranoid, but your honor, you must have children, and you must hope that your children will try their best to paint the beauty of this country instead of cruelty.Ten-year-old Xia Jianqiang must know why his father set up a stall on the street. He must know that his father wanted him to paint better and earn more money, so he illegally sold barbecue, and finally swung a knife...But Imagine that Xia Junfeng, who was only 1.65 meters tall, swung a knife at two urban management officers who were more than 1.8 meters tall. The more decisive the scene, the sadder it would be.So, my lord, you are not a judge, and I am not a writer. Today we, as a father, worry about whether the child will think of the knife every time he picks up the paintbrush.

It is the father's social problem, but the fruit knife has become a murder knife.I have read the resume of death row prisoner Xia Junfeng. He did not find a job until the second year after graduating from the technical school, and was laid off after the fourth year of work. After being laid off for eight years, he found a good livelihood selling skewers. The whole family was very excited that the monthly income finally exceeded 3,000... ...what an easy-to-satisfy Northeast worker's family.Three thousand yuan, you and I have a big drink every time we meet, not just that.But on the street, they were killed to the point where they were on the run and defeated.We have all seen the scene of the city management chasing and killing the peddler. The big brother of the city management seems to have hallucinations that he is possessed by heavenly soldiers. , forgetting that he is also a father, or will become a father sooner or later.

So I couldn't resist, and took the title "Killer, Father."Even if you think I'm illogical. This father who set up a stall illegally is a father who is working hard to support his son.This father who killed someone was the one who killed to preserve his last dignity.This former technical school student, later a second-level car worker, and later a wandering street vendor, all for the purpose of being a good father and letting his son paint beautiful paintings, instead of watching news broadcasts and studying People's Daily, his face was bruised at a young age The cadres at the division level behave in a dignified manner.He never thought of letting the child become an official. All he did was to make the child an excellent painter... until the end, he even killed someone.Just imagine how furious a peddler would feel when he murdered the world's two major city management officers.At this time, are there any experts to defend him from murdering passion?At this moment, it is the father who should be ashamed, or the street, the city, and the country that failed to make him a good father.

I don't regard Xia Junfeng as an illegal peddler, I call him a father.The "father" here is ambiguous: if you illegally transfer hundreds of millions of assets, you are called a father, and if you pay five or six hundred less in fees, you are called an illegal peddler; Those who spread tuition fees are called wimps. Your Honor, I want to tell you that we fathers just read more books than other fathers, learned a little bit more about business, and acted more like the upper class and the elite.We speak out bravely and act as chicken thieves. None of us dares to kill people with a knife to protect our family property and children like Xia Junfeng.You have to remember that there are fathers holding Molotov cocktails to guard their children's wedding rooms, and there are fathers who steal for children who have no medical expenses.In the early years, I had a neighbor named Lan, whose wrist was cut off by a thief during the night inspection in the factory. The doctor told him that he would be disabled for the rest of his life. After he was in pain, he suddenly became happy and said: Ah, anyway, he will have to retire in a few years. , This counts as a work-related injury and I can pay me 50,000 yuan at one time. In the future, my son can start a small business and pay full salary after retirement. Father, they are full-time sons in the workplace, lifelong sons of the bank, crawling slowly, lucky enough to sit in the living room and peel apples with a fruit knife, and those who are poor have to use a fruit knife Cut the body of the urban management.

Our fathers are so unbearable.There are so many unbearable father places, how many two hundred and five clauses are there.I have never understood why there are so many "management", urban management, traffic management, dormitory management, network management, why do you always think about management instead of service?You have changed from urban management to urban management, and you treat the people as enemies, and the people will indeed become enemies.I still don't understand why our chiefs always have such a plastic-like aesthetic taste. They like neat but chilling cities instead of interesting and warm neighborhoods.They often travel to Paris, forgetting that the Champs-Elysées are lined with open-air bars.Their children are in the United States, but they don't know that there is a long line of food trucks selling hot dogs under the Statue of Liberty in New York.We like beauty, but if this beauty sacrifices the lives of ordinary people, how evil this beauty will be.

As I write this, another father, Zhou Xiaoming from Hongwei District, Liaoyang City, was beaten to death by urban management. When the old man fell into his son's arms, he peed all over his pants.At this time, the urban management still bowed their heads and asked: "Are you convinced? If you call again, you will be killed." There are many stories about how his father would have no dignity until his death... Lawyer Xia Lin said that this was a local group training, and it was very strange. God is accurate.In their view, the people here are impulsive, it is inconvenient to dispatch the police, and it seems human-rightsless to dispatch the army... So the urban management was born, and they are invincible.Speaking of this, there is a story: I know a Sanda player, surnamed Yu, who is 1.83 meters tall and has palms as thick as two ordinary people.One night, I was eating with my teammates in Chengdu Seafood Barbecue Street, when suddenly the city management came to kick the stall.These Sanda players proudly said wait a minute, didn't you see they were eating?A black and thin urban management officer got out of the van straight away and stabbed one of the Sanda players through the chest with a long and thin knife... The rest were instantly defeated.The Sanda team members went to report the case, but they could not find any attendance of urban management in the records.They found me, and I laughed: You all can't do urban management, it's a disgrace to Chinese kung fu.

Such an invincible urban management officer was instantly killed by Xia Junfeng, and I felt a strange pleasure in my heart.I'm not sure if this is an unjust case. I also noticed that some people asked why they didn't want to think about the death of the two urban managers. They also had fathers and were sons of men... Yes, this is quite right, and I also feel sorry for their passing I feel infinitely sad, but because of this, everyone has to think about it, if a system always makes fathers kill sons, and sons kill fathers, it is a very abused system, a system that kills offspring and kills offspring.

I searched social news on Baidu: There was a young man in Yuncheng, Shanxi, who sold some jujubes for a living, but was exploited by rich people and besieged by dozens of bodyguards.His name is Guan Yu.There was a young man in Hunan who sold some salt and was oppressed in every possible way. He couldn't make it through. He took two knives to kill tax officials and snatched more than a dozen guns.This young man is called He Long.I saw that @胡得日记 forwarded a more complete Weibo account—about the same time, a boy named Peng Dehuai beat his partner to death because of a local rich man and robbed the granary with a big knife.This year, a peddler was sentenced to death because he was dissatisfied with the beating of urban management and killed two urban management. His name was Xia Junfeng.The conclusion is that if you were born seventy years earlier, you might be able to be a marshal.

The affairs of the world are oil, salt, firewood and rice.If you make life difficult for them, they will not make life difficult for you.So instead of talking about the law with the judge today, I will talk about my father with you, and talk with all fathers about the hardships of being a father in China—don’t let your father become the murderer Xia Junfeng and Cui Yingjie; The step-by-step samurai swordsman Yang Dongming.I don't know what kind of judgment the Supreme Court will make on paper in the end. I just want to say that the real judgment is not the judgment on paper, but the heart. When the hammer falls, the sound is actually your heart beating.

It is important to know how many murderers there are on the street, father. 13/05/2011
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