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Chapter 5 brother

people all over the world know 李承鹏 2226Words 2018-03-18
Dajin Street, where I lived when I was a child, is the only way to go east and south from the big granary in western Sichuan.On misty mornings, Rumble would often run past endless fleets of military vehicles carrying sacks of white rice, because the brother country to the south was really hungry.I still remember that a few years later, the rumbling military trucks were no longer carrying bags of white rice, but faces full of vigor and singing loud songs. This was because the brothers in the south were full. After that, the land grabbing began.When I grew up, I knew that those vigorous faces were rushing on the front line, shot by the Type 56 submachine gun made in our country, and fell on the sandbags of the enemy's fortifications. Before they died, they would find that those sandbags In fact, it was the unfinished rice that was sent over that year.

Almost fifty years after the war, my colleague Ou Rongcheng and I met a middle-aged man with only seven fingers in a bar on Yangshi Street one night.He said that when he rushed with his best comrade-in-arms back then, a grenade exploded, and suddenly the comrade-in-arms disappeared.He couldn't find the bones of his comrades-in-arms, so he collected and cremated the bones that he didn't know whether they were the enemy or me, and put them in a jar.At that time, the army advocated learning culture, and most of the soldiers practiced imitating Song style in the same hand. He pretended to be a comrade-in-arms and wrote letters to his hometown in Henan for a whole year.It wasn't until he was discharged from the army that he went to Henan with the jar in his arms. When he entered the hospital, he knelt down and said: From now on, I will be your son... This middle-aged man is actually the owner of the bar, and he keeps bowing his head Talking about these things, and those things about the re-opening of the border between the two countries, the lights flickered on and off, and it was impossible to tell whether it was crying or laughing.He finally said: My view of the world has changed, and I don't believe those liars anymore.

My generation of Chinese children has the cruelest youth because we have experienced the most complicated patriotic education in the world. We have waved our small fists to support the brothers in the south, and we have also written touching letters to our soldiers who are fighting against them. Letter of sympathy; in the first half of the year, I gave out rice from bowls to old friends, but in the second half of the year, I witnessed faces flushed with vigor and falling into the soil of a foreign country.After experiencing these things, patriotism is no longer a constant value, but an unpredictable suspense film. We look around and don’t know who is the enemy and who is the friend. Only then did I realize that we were our own biggest liars and that we were not our brothers who betrayed us. All this was just for the illusion of the image of a great country.

But the bags of white rice and the faces full of vigor are gone from now on.No one asks why our image as a major country is always based on free assistance to neighboring countries instead of fearless protection of our own nationals. A few days ago, another brother, a cellist from Russia, an old friend of the Chinese people, stretched his foot on top of a Chinese woman’s head on the bullet train and yelled “You idiot, you are very sick”.... . . thus sparking a new wave of patriotic passion.In connection with the British molesting Chinese women in Xuanwumen, the Koreans beating Chinese women violently in KFC, and the famous Chinese women, I don’t understand why whenever the anti-China elements are against me, they always play hooligans on our women in such a concentrated manner.I also don't understand why whenever we need to promote patriotism, we have to push our own women to the front line of propaganda.But I was also aroused by patriotism, the most aroused reason is: the other party is so arrogant, but the conductor is discussing whether it is right for the woman who is being bullied to hit the other party's feet with a magazine. It is: "People are artists, so let's raise your feet higher." The story that happened on this train is almost the abbreviation of Chinese patriotic history, that is: individuals are fighting, the crowd is watching, brothers are playing wild, officials and mud .

Often when we need national protection, the country is just a search term in the dictionary.Recently, our fishing boats have been detained again. In my memory, they have been detained by the Philippines, South Korea, Vietnam, and now North Korea. It seems that in these surrounding countries, whoever does not detain our fishing boats will be ashamed to call themselves our brothers.I often hear friends on the left say that we should be wary of Hollywood’s cultural invasion, but how many blockbuster films about F16, Special Forces, and Apache hostage rescue have been produced by Hollywood, and what can we produce?Is it the bad "Codenamed Jaguar", or the even more bad "Straight Out of the Amazon".

In my opinion, patriotism is not a doctrine that makes the country look good, but a doctrine that allows the people to live with dignity. If you sacrifice the dignity of the people to take care of the country's face, this doctrine is really not a good idea. The motivation that prompted me to write this article was that a daily published "The Great Banner of Patriotism Must Be Raised High": "Patriotism is being criticized and ridiculed by some people. In order to realize that I am a Chinese first, I do some things that forget my ancestors.” I think the editorial of this newspaper is really well written!We really want to strengthen patriotic education and eradicate some traitors.You see, when the Chinese school bus was in an accident, there was a department that gave it to the Macedonian school bus, and when the Chinese fishermen were kidnapped, there was a department that helped the kidnappers plant seedlings... So I suggest that the country must be strong this time to return the boat and the fishermen, In my opinion, the image of a big country is the image of a big brother, and you can't be cowardly at critical moments.What's more, we have paid so much protection fees, we must protect the people who have been with you for many years.

The last little story about my brother: When I was in the first year of junior high school, the head of state of the country to the east came to Chengdu for inspection.The school had an unprecedented half-day holiday that day, and the teacher organized us to form a welcome line under the statue of Chairman Mao on Renmin South Road at two o'clock at noon.We waited and waited, hungry and hungry, hungry until eleven o'clock in the evening, and suddenly listened to the teacher's nervous order, "Quick, hold up the flowers and shout!" We shouted excitedly: welcome, welcome, warm welcome... I shouted that I was hypoxic, but I didn't see anything. The convoy drove very fast, and we drove to the Jinniu Hotel without even throwing it away.But I heard Jiang Wensheng, the team leader at the front, say excitedly: "Ah, I saw it. There is a fat hand waving to us... That night, for the image of a big country, the teacher asked us to wear white net shoes. Some students are not from very good families." There were no white net shoes, so the teacher used wet white powder to smear them on, and it burned my feet uncomfortably.After the venue was over, the square was full of foot prints, like a strange flock of birds had stopped.We were very hungry that night. After being received by the invisible head of state, Jiang Wensheng and I walked home along the long main road and almost fainted.

The next day, the newspapers uniformly published the news: Friendship lasts forever, how many tons of food Chengdu has donated to the country... I swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and although I felt that the friendship between the two countries was full of stomach acid, I was still very proud. I am sincerely pleased with the enduring friendship between my country and this country. A patriot like me is always called a traitor.Whenever I was scolded, I really wanted to say: Brother, do you remember that bags of snow-white rice were transported to the south, and the faces full of vigor fell on the front line, youth was pierced by bullets, and if you don’t return to your hometown, you will die forever I Yan.One night, a group of hungry Chinese kids stood up for the image of a big country.

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