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Chapter 88 we are all kites

Thank you for leaving me 张小娴 753Words 2018-03-18
When I gave a speech at the university in Xi'an, the most common question from readers was about waiting. The lovers in the university, after graduation, for the sake of life and a better future, one of them chooses to leave his hometown and separate from his beloved.For many years, two people can only see each other once or a few times a year, so, should the person who stays behind wait? Wait or not, I can't tell you.I said don't wait any longer, are you willing?I said you wait, if you can't wait, will you blame me? Then one day, I asked the mainland editor who accompanied me to Xi'an, can these long-distance relationships usually blossom and bear fruit?

The answer is the same as I thought."In the end, they will probably separate," she said. It is never easy to wait for someone, not to mention, he is not by your side at all.At the moment of parting, there were endless words to say, tears to shed, and we agreed to stay by our side forever.However, once the person is gone, the kite is released, and the string is so light that it is too difficult to hold on tightly.In the love of youth, even if they stick together every day, there are still too many variables, not to mention not being able to see each other. Missing, like love, will be exhausted.For the first week, I missed you so much.second week.I miss you more.Another week has passed, I think you are thinking very hard, and I wish I could fly to your side right away.However, by the fourth week, I found that I didn't miss you so much.It's not that I don't love you, but I know that there is no way to miss you like this.Day after day, no matter how much I miss you, I still can't see you, can't touch you, just torture myself with longing, I have to live my life.

How silly?I used to think that the person who left was a kite that flew away, and then one day, when I looked up at the sky, I suddenly realized that what stayed was not a kite for the person who left. Fly a kite? You ask, so, do you mean not to wait? I said I couldn't tell you. I used to believe in love like that, and I used to wait so foolishly for someone, after all, it belongs to youth.Some people finally waited, some people couldn't wait, or didn't wait. In the past, I said that waiting is a waiting, which requires each other's loyalty.Now, I would say that in the process of waiting, how much the two of you have changed, whether you have been with other people, it doesn't matter, it's best not to care about it, and don't know.When you wait, he is yours.After many twists and turns, I still choose to come back to you, because I want to live with you.

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