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Chapter 66 reflective love and hate

Thank you for leaving me 张小娴 426Words 2018-03-18
When you feel that the other person has a good impression of you, it is actually you who have a good impression of the person.When you think the other person hates you, you actually hate the other person.This reflex effect often occurs. We like to be close to those who have a crush on us.Why do we think that the other party has a good impression of us, or even likes us?That's because we like him. When we first meet, we hit it off with someone.After returning home, we were thinking: "This person seems to like me very much!" In fact, we were full of love and liked each other. Liking and loving are also reflexes.Therefore, it is relatively rare to fall in love with someone who does not love yourself.If you can't feel love, but still give love, it can be said to be stupid, or it can be said to be great.

When we don't like someone, we will proudly say: "When we first met, I already don't like him!" Perhaps, this is just a way to protect ourselves.When we feel that the other party doesn't like us, we act first. The other party is not the type to speculate with me, and he seems to look down on me, so we will say the other way: "I look down on him at all, and even hate him!" We often don't understand why we like or hate someone for no reason.Perhaps, that is not without reason.We like or hate each other reflexively. What you see is what you are.Love and hate are also viewed in the same way.

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