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Chapter 64 stupidest love

Thank you for leaving me 张小娴 433Words 2018-03-18
Certain stories you thought would only appear in movies, it turns out that such people also exist in reality. Received a letter from a woman.She has wealth and a career, but since she divorced more than ten years ago, she has always hated men.Her husband wanted to be different, so she thought all men were different.She is jealous of women with happy families, and she also hates so-called loving couples.Over the years, as long as she knew a man with a happy family, she would take the opportunity to meet him and seduce him.After the relationship, she needs neither his responsibility nor his money.She just wants to prove that all men can't stand the temptation.

When these men fell in love with her and abandoned their wives for her, she would kick them away and let them know what it was like to be abandoned by someone they liked.She will find the wives of these men, tell them about her and their husbands, and let them know that men are heartless.She said that she wanted to give a sigh of relief to those women in the world who were abandoned by their husbands. She asked me if she was perverted. I don't think she's abnormal, I just think she's pathetic.Poor, because she never really loved anyone.She herself admits to being empty and lonely.Poor, because she knows nothing but revenge.

The man played by her may be forgiven by his wife, but she herself will only die alone.Revenge is not smart, it is almost the stupidest kind of love.
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