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Chapter 48 you don't seem to miss me

Thank you for leaving me 张小娴 423Words 2018-03-18
Missing is also a kind of torture most of the time. You really want to meet him, you really want him to hug you, you really want to touch his face and pat his shoulders, but all this can only be done in fantasy. There is no time at all, and even meeting has become a luxury, and you can only communicate with him by a telephone line. What can a telephone line do? His voice is so close, right next to you, but his body is so far away. You really want to tell him: "I miss you very much." But so what?Still can't meet. After hanging up the microphone, Missing came to torment you again.I always think of him in my mind, and when I calm down, I can't help but recall the previous episodes.Lying on the bed alone, his limbs don't know what to do, no matter what he does, he still can't stop thinking about him.

In order not to cause yourself too much pain, you have to work hard to suppress the thoughts again and again, suppressing them to the bottom of your heart, even he can't feel it. When you think you have successfully suppressed the longing, when you are not paying attention, it will attack you again. You used to think that missing is sweet, because there is a person in the world who is worth your missing.However, as time goes by, longing turns out to be bitter, and we were deceived. The most bitter thing is when you try hard to suppress your thoughts and not let him worry.He actually asked bitterly, "Why don't you seem to miss me at all?"

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