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Chapter 40 when love is absent

Thank you for leaving me 张小娴 479Words 2018-03-18
I remember I wrote this: No matter how good you are, there will always be people who don't love you in the world. Is it possible for everyone to find love?Some people have never been in love in their whole life, and the destined person has never appeared in his life.There is no luck or misfortune in this matter, it is all luck.Some people have a lot of love, but they may not be happy in the end. People without love can also live well. When love is absent, you have to love yourself and learn to be smart.A fool will never understand that being smart is a blessing. When love is absent, learn to accept yourself. Only when you accept everything about yourself will you be happy and learn to be alone.

When love is absent, learn to live your own life.To live your own life is to fall in love with yourself, treat yourself as your lover, and pamper yourself well. When love is absent, learn to be nicer to friends, and it is human nature to value sex and despise friends.It's normal to be out of love, to value friends and despise sex. With bosom friends, single life will be easier. When love is absent, you have to work harder, work hard, and try to improve yourself.When a man has a career, there is a woman.A woman has a career, even if she has no love, at least she still has money. When love is absent, you have to learn to be unrestrained, and you have to understand that money will slip away and everything will be lost. There is nothing in our hands that we can have forever.

When love is absent, it doesn't mean you are bad. Maybe you were a great lover in your previous life, and your quota has been exhausted, so you have to sit on the bench of love in this life.
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