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Chapter 39 the taste of memory

Thank you for leaving me 张小娴 469Words 2018-03-18
A girlfriend of mine recently broke up with her boyfriend.After the breakup, the first phone call she made to him only said two words: "Repay the money!" She said bitterly: "It's him who is sorry for me. Since he wants to be with someone else, he should also pay me back the money he owes me!" The money is hers, it's hard to say what's wrong with her doing this, the man who spends a woman's money really doesn't deserve sympathy.Money men and women, sometimes they just get entangled. When it’s good, you can ignore everything. What’s mine is yours. Everything can be shared together. I can waste money for you.When things go bad, it’s always worth every penny. What’s mine is returned to me, and what belongs to everyone should be clearly distinguished. It’s best not to owe each other.

When breaking up, wanting to get back your money from the other party is not because money is cute, but the other party is hateful. Sometimes, it's just a breath, but this breath is unavoidably a little sour, not the sourness of jealousy, but the sourness of food spoilage, and the smell is not good for myself. However, even if he is uncomfortable, he will still do this, just to make him feel as uncomfortable as me. I thought of another woman I knew, that man owed her a lot, and when they broke up, she wanted nothing.Maybe, if she is a fool, she will not have that sour smell on her body, only the salty smell of tears.This smell will gradually dissipate.

We may not be rich, but we can still be romantic in a relationship, right? Might we not allow ourselves to be a little more generous?Memories taste better when we are generous.
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