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Chapter 28 worldly relativity

Thank you for leaving me 张小娴 467Words 2018-03-18
Many things in the world are relative: beginning and end, time and eternity, complexity and simplicity, pleasure and pain, life and death. However, we often only understand the opposite half when we understand one of them. No one wants happy things to end, however, do you recall how this happiness started?When happiness comes, isn't it an accident?It's something you never expected, not even dreamed about.You didn't think you'd be that happy, and your only fault was thinking that happiness would never end.When you know the beginning, you also know the end.The result is like the beginning, coming and going suddenly.

When you understand the emptiness of eternity, you also understand time.We feel good about the past because we have become a distant looker back.This kind of distance will beautify the memory, and the time will become strange, as if it was yesterday.It is also an eternity. People pursue a simple life and simple feelings, but those who live a simple life yearn for some extraordinary experiences.Most women dream of having an earth-shattering love.People who have experienced this kind of love yearn for simplicity. Love and hate are not relative.Love and hate are born and destroyed. When you suppress hatred and hope to maintain your demeanor, you will find that you are also suppressing love at the same time.

In contrast, like and dislike.When you like someone, everything is good about him.When you don't like a person, everything about him is not pleasing to you. Because you once liked someone that much, you can't accept someone you don't like a little bit.
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