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Chapter 6 sensibility, emotion, feeling

Thank you for leaving me 张小娴 487Words 2018-03-18
At the Yichang lecture, some audience members asked me, if you could only choose one of the following three types of men, which one would you choose? Feel. move. emotional. I would not choose a man who is emotional. It is good for a man to be emotional, but it is too much to be 100% emotional.Men should be more rational, rational men feel more secure. I will choose the man who moves me. Because he loved me, he did many things that moved me. I ask myself that there are a lot of things that can be done to impress a man, but you know how exhausting that is? Seeing that he was not happy for a while, you spent several days trying to buy a small gift and choose a gift, and you also had to worry that he would not like that gift.

There is something in his family, his father or mother is sick, he has no time to take care of them, you have to take this responsibility to touch him, you are not so kind to your own parents. He is too busy with work, no time to write checks, no time to find a house, no time to move, no time to go to the bank, no time to buy daily necessities, you do it for him, just like his secretary and Filipino maid, he is very moved, but you Tired to death. How about, from now on, let him move me, I am happy to be your woman with a hard heart. As for the man you ask, what about the man who makes you feel?

It used to be like hugging a person and thanking him for everything he did for me. At that moment, maybe everyone felt it. However, as long as you calm down, the feeling is fleeting.Feelings are unreliable and difficult to last forever. So what if I really fell in love with you?I can fall in love with more than one person in my life, but I can only die with one of them.
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