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Chapter 4 love is like fireworks

Thank you for leaving me 张小娴 557Words 2018-03-18
Love is not air, sunshine and water. It is not a necessity. Yet it is like gorgeous fireworks in the night sky. Fireworks are not a necessity, but everyone wants to watch them. One day, when a person has seen enough fireworks, he has already seen that the splendor of the fireworks is only for a moment, and then scattered, even illusory and deceptive, he turned around faintly, but the loneliness The sky is still behind him, and he no longer wants to watch fireworks so much, but the sky in his heart has been lit after all.He still encountered fireworks. Yes, one is fine too, but it takes two to make it sweet.

One person is also fine, but there must be at least four articles before you can kiss. One person is fine, but it takes two people, two hands and four legs to create many different hugs.You can fly hugs, bear hugs, waist hugs, kiss hugs, and hugs with all your strength. One person is also fine, but you need to have two heads and you can put your head on top of the other head and sleep for a while. One person is fine, but two people, two mouths and two egos are needed to make a quarrel.After the quarrel, you will know how much you love him, how much you miss him, how much you are afraid of losing him, how much you hate yourself for refusing to shrink yourself for him.

A person's love is also love, you can always love a person and never let him know, bury this secret in your heart. But you also know deeply that the love between two people is more complete, and the regrets between two people are more lingering. Strength is a matter of two or more people, but love is a matter of one person.No matter how many people you have loved, no matter how many times you have watched fireworks.After all, love is a long road of self-seeking, self-knowledge and self-completion. However, one person's business needs another person to complete it, just like fireworks need a night sky.

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