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Chapter 3 Do you love me?

Thank you for leaving me 张小娴 349Words 2018-03-18
These four words are the most difficult to say. We have thought about it a thousand times in our hearts, but we still feel shy when we are about to say it. "Do you love me?" You can't say this sentence too early, and you can't say it too late. If you say it too early, it will affect the overall situation. If you say it too late, it is useless. When you are in love, ask the other person: "Do you love me?" He will know that you have loved him, and from then on, your relationship will be that you love him more. He doesn't love you anymore, and you ask him tearfully: "Do you love me?" Then, you may be a timid woman, at this time, which man would be so stupid to answer that he doesn't love you?

It's too late to ask: "Do you love me?" It's too late. What's the use of Brunei at this time? It is a bit selfish to ask him, "Do you love me?" when I encounter a big setback or accident and need his care for the rest of my life. With his good child, he asked: "Do you love me?" Do you think you are still a child?It's too late for you to ask. When should I ask?After all, there are not too many questions when you can ask, maybe you should ask him when he loves you the most: "Do you love me?" When you are not sure, why ask?
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