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Chapter 49 where is your youth

Whose youth is not confused 刘同 2880Words 2018-03-18
For the first time, I feel that a person's article can be so beautiful, so easy to read, so representative of a person's unrestrained bearing and mind, all because of Guo Qingnian. When I was a freshman, the entire Chinese Department conducted a writing test.Zhe's title is "On the Three Kingdoms", mine is "A Face Made of Floral Check Homespun", and Xiaodong's title is "The King of Chess". The first time I found out, everyone was writing desperately, some people showed off their writing skills, some people dropped their book bags, talking about the past and the present, bluntly and artificially.The freshman's first composition was graded by the whole school. Teacher Yan Zhen, who later won the Contemporary Literature Award for his book, was also one of the graders.Even though we wrote about how we cried bitterly, the results of our class in the end can still be described as broken halberds and heavy sands.Three or four model essays from other classes were selected. When it was our class's turn, only Guo Qingnian was selected, and he was the number one most respected by the professors in the school.In that year, Guo Qingnian's good articles became the halo that accompanied him for four years.

Back to Guo Qingnian. As a freshman, I just entered the school. When I was setting up my berth, I heard the male student opposite me talking on the phone with his family in a foreign language at a very fast speed. After finishing the matter, he smiled at me and went to bed for a lunch break.After I was done with work, I reported to my home on the dormitory phone.My mother asked my dormitory classmates, how are you?I made a point of emphasizing it: okay, there is another foreign classmate, but I don't know which country he is from, but there is no doubt that he is from an Asian country.Thailand or India?

Students like me who come from a small corner feel that they can earn a lot of money by being able to live in a dormitory with students from the provincial capital. Students who live in the capital can count on others. Meeting foreign students is simply a very grand event. In the following In several phone calls, they have been promoting this matter. After Su Zhe came back from the outside, I asked him mysteriously which country the boy opposite was from, and he glanced at me and said, "Cave entrance, Shaoyang, Hunan." "Isn't he speaking a foreign language?" "Yes, compared to our dialect, he speaks a foreign language. Don't mention his Mandarin, you will kill yourself if he speaks Mandarin."

It was the first song we learned to learn guitar when we were freshmen. "The flowers of youth bloom and wither, which makes me tired but I don't regret it. The four seasons of rain and snow make me fascinated but unbearably haggard. Gentle wind and gentle dreams, gentle morning and dusk, faint clouds and faint tears. Every year." In the performances in the department, Miao Miao was the lead singer, wearing a skirt waiting to be lifted. Even though she sang to the eighteenth bend of the mountain road, everyone was still immersed in the atmosphere. So much so that when I am writing this article, listening to this song, I can still think of people sitting on the bed practicing with a guitar, and inviting girls to dance together in the activity center. No one dares to strike up a conversation with girls , In the end, only boys and boys can hug each other and turn around.

"A child passed by the door whistling, and I lay on the bed with the monkey without saying a word. Listening to the whistling from far to near and far away, my heart surged..." Time has passed, is Guo Qingn like this? I can't remember exactly what I wrote, but the scene of "children whistling..." is always imprinted in my mind, so that these words often appear in the articles I wrote later.I still remember his mood, from the beginning to the end, without stopping for a second, it was done in one go, like a master with profound internal skills helping us to get through the two veins of Ren and Du.Frankly speaking, Guo Qingnian's article made me understand for the first time what a good article is.After reading it, Xiaodong kept saying: This is a good article, Guo Qingnian is so stupid.

Because everyone said he was too bad, Guo Qingnian didn't write much after that, and spent the rest of the years studying poetry, guitar, and other artistic methods that can release his nature.However, it is an indisputable fact that his articles are well written.In the following three years, the students in the Chinese Department, including me, were still unremittingly exploring their own styles in writing different articles, and occasionally asked Guo Qingnian for advice, and at most he would reply you with "hehe".Because even if he speaks too much, you may not understand his Mandarin, which proves that good things can always be understood but not conveyed.

graduated.The boys in the dormitory were scattered.Xiaodong went to Shanwei to be a policeman, Su Zhe joined the Guangzhou Armed Police, Jiang Hua went to Changsha Planning Bureau, Yu Hong went to Hunan Telecom, I joined Hunan TV, Lu Liang stayed in school, some people went to government departments, girls got married Marriage, those who have children, those who go abroad, logically speaking, at this moment in life, the brilliance of the past will be lost. Those young turbulences are over now, and no one expects each other to live out any earth-shaking events. tricks. Guo Qingnian chose to go to a university in Xinjiang to teach contemporary art.It's been three years since I left.Occasionally, I will log in to classmate records and upload a few photos of him in Xinjiang among the wedding photos and family portraits of my classmates, as well as his latest works, which are abstract and casual, but what remains unchanged is his unrestrained temperament.

Every time he appeared, everyone would reply in a huh-hhhhh, because he was the one among us who walked the fastest, ran the farthest, and was in the freest state. He symbolized the freedom of the entire class.The message at the bottom is: Wait for us to see you in the past; I will take my wife there in the second half of this year, remember to welcome us; we have an appointment next spring, and we will go to Xinjiang to meet you together... His reply is always: yes yes yes yes yes. And then, as far as I know, no one ever went.It is not sad that no one can keep his promise of freedom in this tense society.

Due to well-known reasons, Guo Qingnian couldn't stay there any longer, so he camped there alone, and finally escaped alone. He said on the phone: "I almost died."His Mandarin is still so bad!It sounds like it makes me want to smile and my nose is sore. The students often say that they like to see me very much, because I seem to have not changed in so many years, and they see me as if they saw them in the past.Thank you for keeping the memories of the past. When talking on the phone with Guo Qingnian, I suddenly had a very strong awareness that his tone and way of speaking were just like the person I saw when I was a freshman, and they have never changed.

Now he is in Beijing, he has been in Beijing for more than a year, settled down, and finally found my contact information. I saw his message to me on the blog the day before yesterday: Monkey, how are you?My name is Guo Zhenming. I have been in Beijing for more than half a year. I live in a farmyard in Songzhuang Artist Village, living a rural life and doing contemporary art. If you have time to come and play, this is another world.good luck! Suddenly I want to cry... I can’t say why I’m crying, you know, to buy a house, to buy a car, to get more attention, I’m like everyone else, I’m busy chattering every day, I don’t want to even have Weibo Spend another hour writing a blog, have too many friends who don’t even want to write on Weibo, buy books and put them in the bedside bathroom and can’t read a page a day, and there are a lot of unread emails and I deliberately pretend not to see them.Suddenly I saw someone calling me by my nickname in college, with that frank tone and straightforward manner...

Went home with Sister Wei, her Feifei was sitting in the backseat.Feifei is 12 years old.I have followed Sister Wei since she had nothing, until now.If you compare it with human age, Feifei is already 80 years old among dogs.It sat there, very quietly, when Miss Wei called out its name, it stood up and leaned its head from the back seat.Rubbed and sat down again. Youth is such a thing.No matter how the years change, youth exists in a certain unchanging posture, which will remind you inadvertently that your youth is here.No matter how turbulent and changing the world is, keep the ignorance, simplicity, and kindness in your heart, because that is the real us. After leaving a message last time, I still haven't seen Guo Qingnian.I don't even know if his cell phone number has changed, or if he's still alone in the painter's village in Songjiazhuang, or if his art exhibition was held successfully.Regarding memory, I do not know when it has become a tool for us to prove our innocence and purity.Sighing when sitting together, and returning to reality indifferent after we parted.You shed tears, and the appearance of imitating a treasure is only limited to talking about the past moments, so sitting around to pay homage to youth has long become an unshakable weekend pastime for older youths.We have never visited the teacher, contacted the classmates, never returned to our alma mater, and have no time and interest to call the number of the tablemate we have tried so hard to find.Everything is a form of sacrifice, and the dead youth can't bury the lonely single today.Therefore, it is particularly precious to talk about love and travel when you talk about it.That's the best way we can avoid freezing our souls. March 22, 2012 I went home to celebrate the National Day, and wrote a Weibo post: I met a lot of classmates and old friends, and drank a lot of wine.I used to think that I would see you again in one, three, and five years after graduation, but in fact, many people lost contact during the process.All the friends you can see now are one less time, and you don’t even know when you will see each other next time. All the promises made by teenagers are just comfort for the moment before the unknown fate.You will understand one day: Some people, some things, if you miss it for a while, it will be a lifetime. October 10, 2012
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