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Chapter 4 Use the time when a flower blooms to listen

Whose youth is not confused 刘同 1416Words 2018-03-18
From the first time I picked up a pen and prepared to write something until now.Style mood has turned a thousand times.Every time I finish writing an article, whether it's a youthful and passionate teenager deliberately, or the faint emotion between people, or a long-winded debate between you and me, I inject a heart. It is inevitable to pay attention to the work.Just as I re-read what I once wrote, even if it has never been published, I will still be very happy, because I used to work as hard as I am now, enough to move myself. Because I met many people on the road, they either encouraged me, or supported me, or supported me, so I have today.Not good enough, but at least I feel at ease.

In doing this job, I met a lot of people who were similar to me.They work hard, but they are unknown.Listening to their songs at night, I am often moved. Not everyone can experience that kind of loneliness. "Meet Me" by Cao Fang.I searched the internet and couldn't find her new album "Meet Me". The cover is delicate and exquisite, and you can actually see the shadow of Bjork.They said she was Chen Qizhen from the Mainland. You can listen to "Meet Me" or "ICY Is a Lady", with a lazy and frivolous voice, dancing with a different kind of agility in a calm manner.She once appeared as a songwriter in the works of Jin Haixin and others, and the shadow left behind is the best work in the entire album.

The flat and straightforward narrative of "Meet Me" flows down the water, dripping freely. "On this side is the unreadable melancholy, on the other side is the painting hanging high in the sun", singing melodiously and swaying.This is my favorite mainland singer's album I've heard over the years.There was a surprise when I heard Hackberry in 1998. Grass and woods, outlined sketch.The girl who grew up in Xishuangbanna has a unique temperament.At first when I saw the photos on the inside page, I thought she was a singer from Taiwan or Singapore, but she was actually more like a British girl who came back from studying abroad.The beautiful voice and status can only be described as maverick.

Li Yanliang asked her what she did every day, and she replied: draw a blank picture, buy a single sofa, make a phone call when no one is there, and open a bottle of tasteless wine. "Yun Le" by Liu Yunle.Listening to Liu Yunle is very accidental.When I got back to the office, I found that there was a record company handed me a record on the table. In a pile of new records, Liu Yunle, who I didn't know, was buried under the big names. 5 sheets neatly placed.Simple packaging, simple design, not a pretty face. "Last Prayer" is a simple track.The similarity of the back and forth melody coupled with Liu Yunle's thick voice is powerful and powerful, leaving no room for thinking. "This is my last prayer, trying my best to save the lost beauty."

Later, I deliberately checked his information, and he said that his favorite song is the song above, which is so simple that it does not require any skills.Regardless of "Yun Le" or "Deserve It", they are all songs that can break the heart. The 5 CDs were divided up, and now I can't remember who took his albums.I once asked my friends in Taiwan about his recent situation, but the answers were not satisfactory.The implication is that it is not good. I am very grateful to his record company for sending me his CD. Although I still don't know which company sent it, I still want to thank him.

"I am a Martian" by Lin Guanyin.I thought she would become popular, so I didn't write it down a few months ago.Looking back, it seems that such hope is getting smaller and smaller. "Riding a bicycle that is not fast is full of your melancholy", the swaying scenery carries memories that are not grown up, and the sound is true to the name, and you can sing with the effect of hundreds of turns and thousands of times by singing softly.Then whether it is "Qin Maid", the listener can always get into the emotion quickly. It's a pity that the 8848 she signed with has closed down, and I don't know where her next company will be signed.

These songs are still saved in the mobile phone, and I listen to them from time to time.If the calendar is the mark of time, then the song is the content of time.All emotions and words are shallowly buried in these songs, and the CDs that have been played repeatedly are still neatly stacked in the bookcase in the living room.At that time, I felt that sharing was a kind of joy, but later I didn’t want them to be recognized by everyone. Maybe there was only one reason—I am not a person who follows others, so the things I like don’t need the recognition of the public.People are often contradictory. If you love someone, you hope that everyone will admit that they are in love with this person.But you love a singer, a song, but you don't want them to be a representative of the chorus of thousands of people.

No matter how lonely and lost, those figures will never be forgotten. October 29, 2012
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