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Chapter 8 sequence

ten deadly sins 蜘蛛 539Words 2018-03-03
We've come so far that we forget why we started. —— Gibran A group of non-mainstream teenagers found a dead body on the water tower in Xiajie Park. They neither reported the crime nor told their family members. They went to see the dead body every day to observe the process of decay, and regarded it as a game for entertainment.The teenagers also sat around the corpse and took some group photos with their mobile phones. In their words: It's so exciting, this is a real corpse! There was a youngest boy named Three Hammer, who was timid and cowardly. He didn't want to watch it anymore, but he was ridiculed by everyone.The leader was a boy with a hedgehog hair style dyed in seven colors. He said something that aroused everyone's admiration:

MB, when this man's flesh is rotten, I'm going to kick his head like a ball. These five teenagers, three men and two women, are called by their online names in the game: Epilepsy Chicken, Boiling Water, Three Hammers, Smoker Girl, Gorgeous. One day, they played games all night in the Internet cafe, and in the middle of the night, they were bored. The Epilepsy Chicken said to Three Hammers: Bitch, if you dare to look at the dead man now, I will give you the clothes. Gorgeous said: Don't go to the park, coward. Boiling water said: I also give you the knife in the young master's warehouse.

The smoke woman said: Third husband, if you dare to go, remember to take a photo with the dead ghost and come back. The clothes and knife refer to the virtual equipment in the game. It seems that the temptation for Three Hammers is very strong. He agreed on the spot, saying that he would take a photo with the corpse and send it to the space when he came back. He also warned the two bettors with him. Individuals are not allowed to go back on their word. It was one o'clock in the middle of the night, it was raining outside, the street was empty, and Sanchui went to the park in the rain.

More than half an hour later, Sanchui sent a text message to Epilepsy: I saw that the dead man on the water tower stood up...
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