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Don't laugh, serious classical Chinese

Don't laugh, serious classical Chinese


  • Essays

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 246158

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Chapter 1 An unorthodox preface

Zi has long said: "Learn and learn from time to time, isn't it easy to say?" But unfortunately, many people have translated it wrong.The exact meaning of this sentence is: "Isn't it funny to learn (classical Chinese) and interpret it in fashionable language?" It can be seen that Confucius believes that: first, classical Chinese is interesting; second, learning classical Chinese must keep pace with the times and interpret it with modern tastes.But unfortunately, the descendants of Confucius——Kong Yiji became our teachers, put the fun aside, and wrote the four writing styles of "Zhihuzheye" and "Hui" on the blackboard.Learning classical Chinese has since become one of the tortures that students must go through.

There are many points to this torture.For example, if something is said backwards, it is euphemistically called an inverted sentence; for example, a series of typos is euphemistically called fake characters; Auxiliary words; for example, in order to save effort, the part of speech is not distinguished, and the euphemistic name is flexible use of the part of speech... Since then, classical Chinese has become a curse of Tang Seng-I don't understand what it means, but it will cause headaches.At the same time, we both hate and sympathize with the ancients.I hate them for writing so many classical Chinese essays, and I sympathize with them for having to suffer from boredom for a lifetime.

Until we read the classical Chinese in this book, we are convinced that the ancients definitely did not die of boredom, but may die of laughing.Let me tell you very seriously: this is a serious classical Chinese article, and what is said in it are all serious things that are not serious. So readers who get this book please pay attention!If you are a man whose lung capacity has not reached more than 3000, or a woman whose vital capacity has not reached more than 2000, be careful!Because this book may cause you to burst into laughter for a long time, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply, leading to coma, syncope, shock and other unexpected situations.

For this unserious book, we still have to say a few serious words.Buffett said: "If you are on the wrong path, it is useless to run hard." We just want to make it easier for everyone to understand classical Chinese and learn more about it through the modern deconstruction and interpretation of classical Chinese. Discover the cuteness of classical Chinese and forget its boring form.But after falling in love with classical Chinese, everyone will naturally find that behind what they thought was boring, classical Chinese has such an amazing beauty of words and rhythm. Of course, this book cannot directly change the scores on the test paper, nor can it allow you to instantly understand the inner world of Confucius, Laozi, and Zhuangzi; Chapters, we must pay attention to the reading behind the reading, that is, reading the background of classical Chinese. This background is not only the historical background and cultural background, but more importantly, the emotional background.Emotional communication is helpful for language communication.

There are bound to be experts who hate this book.Because it "blasphemes" the solemnity of classical Chinese and the sentiments of the ancients, and because it "misleads" some readers' understanding of ancient Chinese.But we really want them to understand that readers are far smarter than they think.As for misleading, if students can be like the author of the article in the book, transforming the ancient prose and the modern prose into perfection like playing with one hand, then we have nothing to worry about.
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