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Chapter 5 Failed to keep fresh (2)

words to die 童亮 1230Words 2018-03-18
1. Boss type: I leave gently, just as I came with an empty pocket, I waved my sleeves without taking a single copper coin, and the paper money burned to me will increase by 50% a year, and I will give you 10% rebate.I start a company below, labor costs should not be expensive, right? 2. Doctor type: I am very sorry that everyone here is my patient before and after, but I think we will not be sick in the future, so I am studying psychology by myself, and it should not be difficult to find a job again. 3. Teacher type: I am going to teach in the lower level, and I plan to teach Chinese. This subject is relatively difficult to learn, so I can teach for a longer time without losing my job.

4. Electrician type: I just go to install a solar lamp below to make the hall brighter, and then wire them well to ensure that they can eat, drink and have fun, save energy and environmental protection, and save time and electricity. 5. IT type: In order to connect to the other end of the Internet, I went down. I want to compile a program that can be connected to the above, and then make an operating system, which is the same as above. edited. 6. Student type: I finally don’t want to learn damn English, and finally I don’t need to memorize the exam. I’ll go down and let myself go for a few summer vacations before I come back.I hope that the following English is not common, and I will never take CET4 again.I hope the following citizens can speak Chinese!

7. Real estate business type: I knew that I would not build a house, but directly develop the cemetery.The shabby place with an area of ​​one square meter has no location, no supporting facilities, no subway or light rail leading to the world, and the house price is actually higher than that in the city center. 8. Writer type: My words are more alive than my body.I will not haunt you, but please remember my anthology, my poems, my name, and more importantly, you must resist pirated books. 9. Internet worm type: Please keep in touch at any time, QQ, MSN, and Yahoo Messenger are indispensable, remember to install the video, and give me all the things in your world. My contact information remains the same, that is, the mobile phone is changed to the Three Realms pass.If your other relatives are also down here, I will inform him to come and chat online together.

10. Advertiser type: I will do image planning for you first, and the following is actually very particular about branding, and the same is true for being a person.If you burn me more money every time, I will give you a verbal broadcast below, you are a good person.That way when you come down, you'll have a place to stay. 11. Salesman type: In fact, I entered the wrong industry. I should choose to sell cemeteries, so that everyone needs them, and no one will worry that they will die without a burial place. 12. Thief type: There is nothing in the world that I cannot steal, hum, knock on the gate of heaven anyway!Live brothers, burn me a few guys that I was handy before I was alive. From now on, the brothers will live together in heaven, and I will handle the keys.

13. Robber type: Even if I am not professional in stealing, I can still rob if I go down!Get me two batches of ammunition, one AK-47 for assault, one forty-six small pistol, in case you are caught, let me use it on the road, the gun is too long to match my forehead. 14. Scrooge type: To tell you the truth, it’s the easiest way to donate me directly. Isn’t the cemetery a waste of money?If you miss me, you can go and turn on two lights, and I will come out and beat you right away. 15. Self-boasting type: In fact, Hades said that there are no handsome guys below, and asked me to show off, so I came down.I heard that a leader is going to inspect the 18th floor of hell, so without further ado, I have to go!

16. Slimming type: It's easy, you don't need to lose weight, you have to eat all over the world, taste all over the universe, anyway, bones will not grow thick and fat.Tomb-sweeping day and winter solstice burn more money, remember that when offering sacrifices, roast whole lamb or something, give whatever is delicious, don't be vague. 17. Workaholic type: Finally, I can sleep well and not be afraid of the alarm clock. I want to sleep until I wake up naturally. I sleep at work and sleep after get off work.I want to turn off the sun, and the bird's beak is tied up. Don't bother me. I will talk about work in the next life!

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