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Chapter 5 Wukong's advanced sex education in adolescence

Tang Seng was afraid that Wukong's wild thoughts would delay the trip, so he decided to give Wukong an education on the advanced nature of puberty. Tang Seng: Wukong, let's talk about the physical problems of puberty. Wukong: ... Tang Seng: There are always a few days every month, I... Wukong: ... Tang Seng: I... am either worried about you or Bajie. Wukong: Master, in fact, I am not thinking of my younger brother and sister, Miss Gao, but my first love, Zixia.I don't do anything when I look at Zixia. Tang Seng: ... Wukong: Zixia and I have a long-standing marriage. Every book with me as the main character will mention this matter. You see, Zixia is so beautiful.

Tang's monk: Didn't you say that you don't do anything when you look at Zixia? I didn't ask you anything. Why do you talk so much like an old lady? Wukong: This... Tang Seng: Your taste is too bad. Zixia is just an old lady. It is Zhaoxia who becomes Zixia when she gets old. Wukong (blushed by the words, bit his lower lip): Some things become more beautiful the more time goes by, even if she is an old lady, I will not dislike her, she is one of mine Dream, the dream is so realistic. Tang Seng: Seeing how promising you are, I don't like to look at Zixia. I like to look at the waves. Look at the sparkles on the river, how charming and gentle.

Wukong: Your taste is even worse. Wave light is the reflection of sunlight on the water surface. To put it bluntly, it is just a second-hand product. Tang Seng (who was also blushed and scratched his scalp): Some things show their charm the more they have experienced the wind and dust. Have you ever seen such pure second-hand goods? Wukong: ...
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