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Chapter 8 This life is only the last life

Leaning against a small window, looking at a few ordinary old things, idle in the courtyard.On the table, Qingfeng turned the pages of the book, but couldn't identify which dynasty's ink it was.Time passed like this, passed.It is only now that I understand that the external situation is only temporary, and those simple and clear things have changed through the years, and they are always quiet and undisturbed. All sentient beings have Buddha-nature.It can be seen that those insignificant little things in the daily life are practicing in corners that no one cares about.Just because there is less sharpening of secular swords and shadows, and less cooking oil in red dust, so there is not much sharpness, but more compassion.These spiritual things in the next life, transformed into lotus flowers, must be the best.But you and I, who live in the mundane world, have to practice for a few more lives before we can complete our merits and virtues.

I came across this sentence by chance: "This life must be the last life. When I come again, I will step on the lotus flower." It is unknown who said this sentence, but it can be seen that he has a firm heart and vowed to sever himself from the world. contacts.In the narrow passage of time, all beings are afraid of experiencing impermanent reincarnation, and do not want to repeat the same mistakes.All living beings will disappear into the vast sea of ​​people one day. Can they really choose their destination as they wish? The older the time, the weaker the heart.People who once promised to live and die together, in the end they have nothing to do with each other until they grow old and die.Time is a thief, always inadvertently stealing many beautiful faces, true emotions, and happy lives.Maybe we can't turn a blind eye, but we don't have to fight each other.After all, everyone has had a good time, and at that time, they must be prepared to be ransacked one day.

There are several calamities in everyone's life. Only after going through the dust calamities can we stay away from the world and avoid the suffering of sinking.Life is an unpredictable journey, no matter how out of hand you and I are, we must be calm and calm.Every unsatisfactory, every unsatisfactory, in fact, there will be an unexpected ending.The wind turns with the clouds, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, that's it. Red sleeves add fragrance, love is deep and lifeless.Knowing this, there will still be people rushing to the sea of ​​love one after another without asking where they are.Is it because we want too much, or there is one or several such necessary journeys in everyone's life.I am used to seeing the autumn moon and spring breeze, so how can I care about the frequent replacement of nature.Having tasted all the joys and sorrows, how can you be easily disturbed by some kind of emotion.

Life is full of flavors, and the world is insightful.The Buddhist scriptures say: "Be aware that more desires are suffering. Life and death fatigue, start from greed; less desires and inaction, the body and mind are at ease." Living in the bustling world, too many colorful temptations are hard to resist.How many people can give up silk and brocade, and wear coarse cloth and plain clothes;Walking together in the world, some people will not give up until they have tasted the fireworks in the market, and some people's hearts have already returned to the mountains and forests, and they are willing to share the joy with the mountains and rivers.

The ancients said: "When people have no pursuits, they are self-exalted." Without desires, there is no desire. If a person can have no desires, his character will naturally be noble, and his troubles will also dissipate.But those who can do nothing without desires and desires are not idle people.Practicing in the world full of wind and dust, some people are obsessed with the stunning and gorgeous scenery, and some are only in love with familiar old things.A heart as vast as the sea, what should be used to fill it up, ordinary matter or spirit, is it enough? The Buddha said that affliction is Bodhi, and life and death are Nirvana.Everyone has their own Sansheng Stone, where they can clearly see their past and present lives.Those who used to run around in the world of mortals became enlightened because of this, and decided to listen to cause and effect, and no longer compete for fame and fortune.They are willing to turn into a plant and exist quietly in the mountains and rivers of the years, and have been silent since then.

From now on, practice together with all creatures.No matter how long the process will be, no matter whether the time is dull or not, you must practice firmly, look down on joys and sorrows, be kind to life, and be grateful to all beings.Buddhism has no depth, what is deep is the human heart.Buddha has no love or hate, it is ordinary people who love and hate.Duanran was born, elegant and free from dust.Any frivolity and greed are due to insufficient self-cultivation. What is the process?The process is to drink the water of thousands of rivers and enjoy the bright moon all over the ages.Read a flood of books, repeat a few old stories, and perform a few destined separations and separations.Going to plain shoes, walking in the world, seeing white birds frightening the branches, falling flowers all over the body, only Lingshan is the way back.A person's enlightenment is not because of a rich family property, profound thoughts, or outstanding talents, but a mysterious opportunity and a simple Zen mind.A person who perceives nature and respects life must first obtain enlightenment.

Chanting mountains and rivers, a dream for thousands of years.I have seen colorful flowers, warblers flying and swallows dancing, and bamboo winds passing through the courtyard, and green lotus is fragrant; I have seen the lone duck in the sunset, the long sky in autumn water, and the plain snow is flying, and the plum blossoms are proud of the branches.There are many cool and desolate scenes, as well as friendly and warm scenes.Time is so old, old.At that time, you and I, who had been washed away, only guarded a small window, looking at the old courtyard, where the rain was falling and the flowers were falling.In the distance, the sound of bells is ethereal, after many years.

The Buddha said: "If you want to obtain a pure land, you should purify your mind. Follow the purity of your mind, that is, the Buddha's land is pure. The sage seeks the mind but not the Buddha, the fool seeks the Buddha but not the mind; the wise man adjusts the mind but not the body, and the foolish man adjusts the body but not the mind." It can be seen that as long as you have a peaceful and tranquil Zen mind, you can stop all the mighty storms and ups and downs in the world.You will be able to see all spiritual things clearly, even if you are in the wilderness, you will not go astray or fall into confusion.When you have nothing, just guard your own heart, and you will be safe and sound.

Zen is nectar, which nourishes all living beings; it is a wonderful medicine, which saves all things.Everything in the world is common and impermanent. Only by walking through it can you be at ease and appreciate the emptiness of dreams and bubbles.The time is like dew, the shadow of the sun is like flying, and you can see the stone paths in the distant mountains, and the fireflies are flickering.When we meet again, it's already an empty mountain with fallen leaves. After returning home, the hope is broken, and life is approaching twilight. A cup of tea, drink until it cools down.A play, see the end.The homework to be done in a lifetime will also have an ending at a certain moment when the paper is closed.Buddha said: Do not say.Clouds and waters are boundless, the floating world is pure and joyful, this precious world, you come, here, you go, still here.Then simply exist, all things turn into dust, and praise with joy.

It's just this life, no matter whether there is yellow dust flying in front of us, or still water without waves, just go on like this.In the next life, we will meet again on the lotus platform.You are colorful and gilded, compassionate and peaceful; I am pure and white, and I am quiet and peaceful.
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