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Chapter 5 Bodhi blossoms fall and bloom again

It is said that the world is a theater, and those sentient beings who travel through the mortal world are busy arranging a play called life every day.Walking through many bridges, seeing countless flowing clouds, and going through thousands of gatherings and dispersals, one day, do you need to take off the props of life and become a pure and clean self.Practice calmly under the Bodhi tree, watching the green mountains cover the sun and the green water without waves. The four seasons flow, and those rocks and plants that have experienced tens of millions of years can't resist the cycle of time.In fact, all the roads are chosen by ourselves, and we are willing to stay at every ferry. Karma has never owed you or me, and we have no reason to complain.Cultivation is a kind of medicine, which can make the foolish become wise, make the drunk sober, and make the fool wake up early.Therefore, all living beings should let go of their karma, settle their karmic debts, travel lightly, and look for the bodhi blossoms they have seen in their dreams.

Everything yesterday is the past. Green plum, remove the decorations related to fleeting years, and walk out of the floating world calmly, with a mind as pure as water.Afterwards, the fishing flute was sung late, the moon was released and the boat was released, and the reed flowers were like snow, and the smoke and clouds gathered.Under the Bodhi tree, the cattail grass is as usual. This is a compassionate temple, where all living beings in the world can practice, regardless of each other.The world that was once blurred has become clear; the emotions that were once blurred have been let go.

Cultivation is a kind of free and unrestrained renunciation.The so-called walking to the poor water, sitting and watching the clouds rise, is the state of Zen practice.Let the original undulating journey of life find the simple beauty in the natural landscape.True enlightenment is not only to gain peace from impetuousness, but also to get relief from loneliness.Not only is the enthusiasm released, but also the coldness can be calmed down.What we have to do is not to let ourselves practice diligently and learn to be profound, but to delete the complicated and keep the simple, and treat each other calmly.

At that time, the Sixth Patriarch Huineng had a verse: "There is no tree for Bodhi, and the bright mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, where can the dust be aroused." The Sixth Patriarch is enlightening all living beings, and all objects in the world are illusory.Some people say that how to practice can completely forget the past and live in the present moment.It is neither a passive escape nor a difficult choice, so the past can be written off cleanly. Let's drink a bowl of Meng Po soup, so that all memories can really be deleted, including love, hate, sorrow and joy.Perhaps the original intention of Meng Po Tang is not to let a person break the past so decisively, but to hope that everyone can wash away the lead.From then on, he bid farewell to the floating flowers and waves of the world of mortals, and was reborn under the bodhi tree.Just like that, ferry away, leave the small bridge of Shoushui, the green clouds and smoked willows, and look for that pure Bodhi flower on the other side of the river and sky.

Those who once promised to live and die together in the world, in the end, they just smiled and said goodbye, forgetting each other.Maybe one day we will meet again on the way to pray for Buddha, but we have already forgotten the vows we made yesterday, and we are all safe.Under the bodhi tree, many stubborn beings can gain enlightenment.They began to respect every kind of creature, and began to believe that everything in the world is natural, without the slightest artificiality. Carrying the bag of Zen on your back, walk out from the deepest mortal world, with the green hills as the curtain and the flowing water as the platform.I am the one fishing alone by Jiang Xue, I am the one who cuts down the Nanshan Mountain, I am the one who travels among the clouds, and I am the one who rests her head on stones.Only by walking with nature, can we ignore the light years, let the white horse pass by, and there is no wave in the ancient well.If you get lost in the wilderness and get drunk in the maple forest, as long as you find a Bodhi plant, you will find your destination.Guarding a pure sky, perceiving nature, watching the sunset, the wind is clear, and the mountains and rivers are silent.

To cross, water is the road and lotus is the boat.Those who are on the same boat as you, no one can accompany you to the end.Some people said goodbye halfway, some people passed by, and some people's whereabouts were unknown.But we should believe that no matter how far away they are, they can find their own shore.Therefore, never question a person's kindness, because in the face of desperation, all beings have already learned to forgive and forgive. All fate in the world was originally ordinary and plain.It is because some stories have been circulated for thousands of years, and some have been waiting for several lives, which makes people feel how difficult it is to meet in this life.The happiness and disasters we see are floating in the same river, and in the end we can't tell the meaning of each other.Time is silent, and the people and things that have been with each other in the past are gradually distant and vague.Only the bodhi flower will not grow old, and the years cannot wear it down.Still cultivating in the world of mortals, still bright and clear, clear and bright, safe and happy, peaceful and peaceful.

The Buddha said: "Living in this world is like being among thorns. If you don't move your heart, you don't move rashly. If you don't move, you won't be hurt. If your heart moves, you will move rashly, hurting your body and hurting your bones, so you can experience all kinds of pain in the world." Always be a simple self, treat life with tolerance, and cherish yourself and everyone around you.Only in this way can we have a clean glass heart.Even if it is inadvertently covered with the dust of time, there is a clear distinction.In the three thousand worlds, the shadows are floating in the light, and what we see is just a speck of dust, a scoop of autumn water, and a clear moon.

Have a dream that is as clean as water, and the bodhi blossoms are already blooming in the dream.In the leisurely Zen realm of Ten Thousand Buddhas, a thousand years is but a moment, and a moment is eternity.I always think that there is no unresolvable grievance in this world, and there is no untouchable heart. Those romantic past events and previous karmic debts can all be released in the clear time. It is said that life is a play that never fades, so it is only a natural law to let the country change masters and the sea change.Fallen leaves, empty mountains, mossy trails, no matter how you say goodbye, you will always meet unexpectedly.When the dust of the years has been filtered, treat every day as an auspicious day, every person as the first meeting in life, and every flower as colorful.

Later, I learned that there is such a song called "Bodhi Flower".The clear voice tactfully sang about the millennium love story, making people forget about their practice and involuntarily moved their minds.But it is only a short period of concentration. After the moving melody is over, we all have to let go.Any nostalgia will fall into the cycle of time, and years of practice will waste all previous efforts.The realm of Zen practice is not that of still water and deep flow, but of being at peace with the situation. I am the bodhi flower on the bodhi tree, looking coldly at the thousand-year-old dust and sand in the world, you linger under the tree, the moment you look back, only your picturesque eyebrows and eyes are left in the world.

How many red and green men and women with such deep love have become strangers in the world.How many oaths made in the past have become catkins in the wind.It's not important anymore, before the compassionate Buddha, these mundane trifles are already insignificant.The future will be long, if there is a destiny, I hope you and I in the world can gather under the Bodhi tree.Drink a few bowls of Zen tea, read a few chapters of scriptures, and watch a bodhi flower fall and bloom again.
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